Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Self Serving "Point of View" Commentary

Jindal's commentary published in the Times Picayune of 8/11/13 titled, "New Orleans is America's Comeback City" was a blow your own horn piece of republican fairy tale.  Jindal credits his policies for the progress New Orleans has made in just about every area.

The governor shows how small a person he really is by not mentioning Mayor Mitch Landrieu in his commentary and is typical of conservatives.  The facts are very obvious that the election of Mitch Landrieu as Mayor of New Orleans was the catalist that started New Orleans on the move and in the right direction.  The policies that Jindal brags about and says are responsible for the city's comeback were in place when Ray Nagin was Mayor but New Orleans stood still during Nagin's term in office.

Mayor Landrieu is a people person who had plans and a policy that would lift the city and its people up and his administration has been active in carrying the Mayors plan and policy.  Landrieu has actually accomplished more for New Orleans and its people in the short time he has been mayor than Jindal has accomplished for the state and people during his time in office.  The Mayor is a more responsible elected official who knows government and his leadership has been outstanding.  New Orleans is the comeback city because of Landrieu's hard work and understanding of government and the many problems that go along with governing.  Jindal has yet to understand that.

Landrieu does not govern by ideology and that is a big reason why he has been successful in moving New Orleans forward.  It is this writers opinion that Mitch Landrieu is one of the brightest and attractive young leader in the democratic party who will be successful if he seeks higher office.  I believe he should also seek national office at some point in time because he has leadership, character and courage.  If that happens, remember you read it first here in PolitiDose.

This commentary written by John Lucia