Friday, November 25, 2016

The Popular Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election Does Indeed Matter.

The latest report in the Huffington Post of 11/23 by senior editor Nick Wing points out that Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead over Donald Trump is now more than 2 million votes and still growing with approximately 2 million votes left to count.  He reported Clinton with 64,225,863 million votes and Trump with 62,210,612 votes.

The vote is a good indication that the last three Presidential elections contradicts the republican claim that the country is conservative.  Hillary's popular vote win also puts the democrats in congress in good position to block any extreme legislation that Trump and the republicans try to pass. It also shoots down what the news media is trying to sell as the democratic party in retreat.  The democrats picked up two seats in the U.S. Senate and 6 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives while Trump's election could not save those seats for his own party.

Clinton's popular vote win has already had an affect on Trump and his party.  They are making up excuses why he lost that vote.  They also understand, even though they will not admit it, the country will not support any over reach by Trump and his party because of the popular vote.  Trump and his party have to deal with the fact the majority of America's voters prefer Hillary Clinton's plans, policy and means of dealing with problems facing the country and not Trumps.  And the popular vote gives legitimacy to the democratic position.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio