Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conservatives, Religion And The Bible Lands

The republican Presidential candidates have taken it upon themselves to declare and judge just who is a religious person or a christian. They and the right wing T.V. evangelists who do the same thing like to play God which show's they themselves are not very good at being religious or christian like. If they had their way they would have the United States in perpetual conflict over religion and desercrate our constitution.

The lands of the Bible we are told was where God spoke to Abraham, Moses and Noah and where Jesus walked. It is also where God handed down the ten commandments to his people. Yet four thousand years later the lands of the Bible are still one of the most unstable parts of the world and religion is one of the major causes of the strife. It is where people kill other people in the name of God and their religion.

Our forebearers who founded our country was right when they separated religion and church from state. Their wisdom in doing so has made our country the greatest place on earth for a people to practice and live freedom of religion. But now comes the right wing concervative republicans who use religion to promote their ideology of religious wars and turn America against itself. The republican base who vote republican no matter what are just as bad. People in the news media who go along with the conservative anti American and anti religious behavior are a disgrace to their profession.

The people of America have the voting power to stop the election of those republican leaders who would like to destroy the separation of church and state for their own anti American and anti religious ideology. Their ideology questioned President Kennedy's catholic faith over 40 years ago but Kennedy was a man who knew how to handle the liars. America needs a leader who can stand up to the conservatives assualt on our country, its religion and its people. President Obama needs to continue to speak out against this outrage.

Is War With Iran Inevitable For The United States?

Only if President Obama heeds the advise of those who promoted and took the country to war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist and are now doing the same thing concerning Iran. The drum beat to go to war in Iran is sounded every day and leading the way is Israel's leader who care nothing about the United States and its constitution. Israel believes in preemption and is the greatest threat to peace in the middle east and the secutiry of the United States. U.S. senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain are two of the leading proponets of war with Iran and seem to toss aside their responsibility for the security of America by supporting Israel's position of preemption.

The President needs to stand tall, not let Israel draw the United States into an unnecessary war and let Israel know he will not approve of any Israel preemptive strike on Iran. The President needs to protect the interest of the United States. Our treaty with Israel does not require us to join Israel in any strike on Iran when Israel is not threatened. Iran is no threat to Israel and its leaders know that. The greatest nuclear threat in that part of the world comes from Israel, India and Pakistan who have nuclear weapons and who's programs have been kept secret from the United States and the international community.

President Kennedy would know how to handle this problem. He faced the same situation during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when the same voices of war wanted nothing less than an invasion of Cuba and a preemptive strike. President Kennedy, the commander in chief, was not about to duck his responsibility to the country and let those unelected war voices prevail. Instead he had the wisdom to end the threat and protect the security of the United States. He mobilized our armed forces in case he had to use the war option but Kennedy was a President who knew war was not inevitable. Kennedy knew the faces of war because he served his country in war time. Too many of those war voices then and today have never served their country in uniform. They just like to talk and act tough and let other people's children fight their wars.

President Obama, as the commander in chief, needs the widsom of President Kennedy in exercising control over war making decisions and not let this thing get out of control.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Dysfunctional Republican Candidates, Gingrich, Romney and Santorum.

All three cndidates are showing how dysfunctional they really are during this campaign season. They are a disgrace to religion in general and society in particular. Their victims are what the country really stands for and the republican voters who support their rhetoric. They won't mention the George W. Bush administration this election year because it would remind the people of the second great depression his administration left the people.

So their campaign is one of attack against President Obama and the wedge issues such as religion, gay marriage and etc. They dare not talk about policy issues because they and their party have no record of accomplishments that compare to democratic administrations in any catagory, especially the economy, job creation balancing the federal budget and paying down debt.

Those three stooges represent the worst of what is wrong with America's political system. The candidates ideology as practiced today by the republican party is a polluting anti-American ideology in every respect. A number of years ago in Louisiana politics their was a candidate in a local election whose theme song was "Up With People". A very inspiring theme and song featuring a number of people who really put it across. It was very American even though it was a local election.

Now in this Presidential election season the three stooges theme is "Down With People" and facts and full steam ahead to divide the country. They are even willing to sell their soul to be their party's nominee and are not man enough to stand tall and talk about how to move America forward.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can Any One In The News Media Get It Right?

The wealthy or 1% has been in the news media for some time and which is now part of the Presidential campaign as an issue and lacks the most important aspect of the subject matter.

Presidential candidate Romney, the 1% and the wealthy try to justify the fact that they pay less tax percentage wise than the middle class by stating they pay what ever the tax code requires them to pay and use exemptions that the tax code allows. What they have failed to say and what the news media has failed to point out is the fact that those wealthy people lobby congress with millions of dollars to dole out tax favors for them and create special tax exemptions for them in the tax code. The middle class does not have the wealth to do the same thing.

The wealthy, which includes corporate America are really worse than the elected oficials who receive those millions to do their bidding. The wealthy who dole out the millions of dollars could care less if they corrupt the system. Their interest is wealth and power because the more corrupt the system becomes, the more powerful and wealthy they become. One does not have to look any farther than this years Presidential race. The PAC's and Super PAC's are already spending millions at a record pace to elect the man they will expect favors from after the election.

The news media has done its part in helping to corrupt the system by not challenging the wealthy on their self serving statements. The wealthy are not getting special tax treatment because it is fair, on the contrary, that special tax treatment is bought by their political wealth using campaign contributions.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

President Obama's First Three Years In Office

President Obama has completed three full years in office and has accomplished much for the country and its people, especially when one considers the magnitude of the problems the previous administration left him and the people to deal with.

Our national security has been protected from foreign terror attacks, Bin Laden has been brought to justice, Al Queda is only a skeleton now compared to what it was and the war in Iraq has come to an end. A war that never should have been that cost our country 4400 plus lives and thousands wounded all over WMD that did not exist. Contrary to the previous eight years, the country now has a foreign policy based on real world threats to our security and it is working.

The nation's economy and job creation has been in positive territory now for over two years after the worst meltdown since the great depression. The economic mess and massive loss of jobs during the previous administration continued the legacy of past republican administrations. The turn around under President Obama has been nothing short of a miracle since the republicans in congress openly declared they would not lift a finger to help him or support his policies.

The President also inherited from the previous administration the worst deficit spending spree in the history of the country, a 105% increase in the national debt and the first ever yearly deficit that exceeded one trillion dollars. Federal spending was down 1.6% at the end of Obama's first fiscal year budget and the deficit was less than Bush's last fiscal year budget. As of this writing the CBO has not published the results of Obama's second fiscal year budget which ended September 30, 2011.

The federal deficit and national debt is still a major concern which never would have been if Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 had balanced the federal budget during their 20 years in office as President Clinton did. The American people should never forget what those 3 republican Presidents did to the country's fiscal health. They should also not forget that most of the tax breaks and reduction during that 20 year period went to help the wealthy and corporate America more than the average wage earner.

President Obama's policies will bring the deficit spending under control but it will take more time because of the severity of the situation and because of an economy that has not fully recovered yet, and yes because taxes (revenue for the government) is at its lowest level in over 40 years. But America and its people can be sure of one thing as previously reported here many times, it will be a democratic administration once again who moves the country forward.

The latest economic report for January continues the progress of economic recovery. Over 240,000 jobs were created in January and the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. This good news for America and its people was met by negative comments by the republicans in congress and several republican Presidential candidates. Those right wing conservatives hate to see America making progress on a democrat's watch. It goes hand in hand with their anti-American conservative ideology.

It is worthwhile repeating again. No republican administration that followed a democratic administration, created more jobs than the democratic administration it followed in the last 50 years. But every democratic administration that followed a republican administration did create more jobs than the republican administration it followed. That really tells the story of why republicans continue their personal attacks against democrats. They can not compete on the real issues. That is the real story that the news media has never told.