Saturday, March 3, 2018

Conservative Journalists: Still Playing The Ditto Head Role Of The Republican Party

Andrew Taylor and Martin Crutsinger wrote a commentary for the Associated Press in a Times Picayune article dated 2/14/18 titled, "Trump's High-Spending Budget Reverses Longtime GOP Dogma.  Crutsinger, according to information on the web site of the AP says his expertise is the economy but one would never know that from the above article.  The article is about Trump's latest budget which is a $4.4 trillion piece if debt and deficit spending.

The co-authors wrote that the open embrace of red ink is a remarkable public reversal for Trump and his party and the title of the article uses the words "longtime GOP dogma.  But those who follow politics know that over spending and deficits by republican administrations goes back to 1960, which was the last time a republication administration balanced the federal budget under President Eisenhower.  And no republican President since that time has left office with a smaller deficit than when he took office.  In other words, the longtime GOP dogma was reversed a long time ago in 1960.
Both Taylor and Crutsinger like many other conservative journalists still try to pass the republican party off as fiscal conservative, but the record proves they do not exist and is pure myth.  And the greatest myth is that the Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump tax cuts would pay for themselves and of course, journalists wrote commentary about those tax cuts in support of the rhetoric.

Understanding the failed past is still the key to a better future but ditto head conservative journalists will continue to slant their commentary concerning the republican party and conservatism.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio