Sunday, October 11, 2015

Another Reason Why John Bel Edwards Should Be Louisiana's Next Governor

Edwards is a graduate of West Point Academy and served his country on active duty.  His commands included several areas including combat forces.  Those command positions require discipline, leadership, knowledge and a commitment to get the job done. Those are qualities required and needed in political life and governing in order to meet the challenges of the time.

Louisiana 's next governor needs a person with those qualities to reverse the conservative ideology that has played havoc with the fiscal affairs and the economic well being of the state.  What happened to Louisiana on Jindal's conservative watch also happened to the nation on the conservative watch of President George W. Bush.  It is not just a coincident.  The three conservatives in the race for Louisiana governor, Vitter, Angelle and Dardenne represent the status quo and even more so because each of the three are saying he is the most conservative.

Louisiana is a state with out leadership and John Bel Edwards will lead with policies that reflect the needs to change and move the state and its people forward.  His back ground will not allow him to see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision.  His position to accept medicaid expansion under the ACA places him well above his republican opponents who have been vague at best.

Every ones life experience is uplifting and an asset but conservatives undermine that asset because they have to alter the facts to satisfy their ideology.  John Bel Edwards does not have that problem and knows where he wants to take the state and its people.  He is well aware of the past and will work for a future that will lift the state beyond the rhetoric of division, blame and personal attacks.

Louisiana voters have an opportunity on October 24 to return the state to democratic management.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio