Thursday, August 27, 2020

Another Huge First For PolitiDose

Now comes Froma Harrop in a New Orleans Advocate commentary dated 8/27/20 titled, "Face it, MAGA-land, you did better under Obama."  In her commentary, Froma used facts against Trump's usual BS about the stock market and job creation are at record levels on his watch by showing how the stock market and job creation did much better on President Obama and President Clinton's watch before the COVID19 era and all through Obama's and Clinton's terms in office.

The commentary is a reminder how democratic administrations do a better job at governing and producing for the country and its people.  Frome also comments about the total economy, how President Obama did not push a deficit spending tax cut even though his administration inherited a severe recession and that the country did not have to suffer this level of sickness and death do to the coronavirus.

Froma's commentary contains information that PolitiDose has been talking about for years in putting to bed the republicans claim of superiority on every phase of governing, the stock market, the economy and fiscal matters.  And PolitiDose has laid out and explained the reasons why it has been predictable before it takes place.  Trump's fate was sealed the first day he took office because the republican party has a 100 year history of failures on the major issues that affect the country and its people.

This writer recommends its readers log onto the New Orleans Advocate and read Froma's commentary.  It will strike a cord to what you have been reading in PolitiDose.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio