Friday, March 21, 2008

"A Typical White Person"

Those were the words that Sen. Barack Obama used to describe his white grandmother.  Many in the media seem to be giving Barack Obama a free pass on this one, as are many in the liberal blogosphere.  Yet, in the interest of fairness, let's replace the word "white" with the word "black" and let's say that it was Hillary Clinton who said it.  

We all know what would happen.  There would be outrage.  She would be called a racist.  She would be thrown under the bus and criticized for days and days.  It's not that I'm necessarily saying that Barack Obama hates whites, I don't think he does, but many are not covering this the same way they would if the situation was as I described above.  I'm getting sick and tired of the double standard out there, where Obama gets a pass on controversial statements and Clinton gets bashed and buried.  People are ultra-sensitive when African Americans or Latinos are stereotyped (which is completely understandable), but when whites are stereotyped, the one making the comments gets a free pass.  It's just not right.  We need to start covering the candidates all equally.