Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Republican Party Continues Its Assault On America's Health As The Delta Variant Soars.

Trump and the GOP were not satisfied with their irresponsible, mis-information and dis-information during the height of the COVID pandemic of 2020.  So  now the GOP is taking it to a more destructive level in the surge of the delta variant in the summer of 2021.

A number of GOP governors have mandated that schools make it optional if students want to wear masks or not.   And several school boards are fighting back and plan to make masks wearing in school mandatory with some exceptions.  And in fact in Florida, a judge ruled that Florida's governor could not stop schools from mandating masks.  

Then there are those GOP members in congress who continue to fight the recommendations of the CDC and are still giving out mis-information about the vaccine.  And they are still making excuses for those who refuse to be vaccinated or wear a mask to stop the spread of the virus.  The GOP's anti-health position, especially for those in school doing their best to receive an education is so out of step with American values and moral responsibility.  The current death toll from the virus of over 600,000 Americans tell the real story of a GOP out of control and out of touch with their sworn duty to serve the people during a health crisis. 

This is the same GOP who made fun of democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden during the 2020 election when he wore a mask while campaigning and limited his public  rallies to avoid the possible spread of the virus.  Well, the country did well when they elected Joe Biden and rejected Trump  and his party.  And its a good thing that America now has a President who understands the health issue and the nature of the problem and willing to take a stand and fight back against the GOP's destructive attitude and mis-information.

President Biden wants to "build back better."  The GOP wants to continue to destroy.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 


President Biden's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Passes The U.S. Senate.

 The U.S. Senate by a vote of 69 - 30 approved President Biden and the democratic proposal in a bipartisan vote.  Nineteen republicans joined all 50 democrats in voting yes.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator John Kennedy voted against the bill and followed the advise of his idol Donald Trump.  The bill will  now go to the U.S. House along with the democratic parallel bill being considered by the Senate when that bill is completed.  

The legislation is a good bill that will benefit every state, add more volume to the economic recovery and create new good paying jobs.  It is another step for the President and his party's plan and policies to move the country forward for the long term.  It is also another example how to govern and address the issues with real plans and policy and not with failed ideology.  Those 19 republicans who supported the bill came to realize their own party's failure to address Infrastructure the past four years and accepted the President's desire for bipartisan support.

So now the attention will turn to the democratic parallel bill in the Senate and the action by the U.S. House on both bills before they become law.  It is a great time for America and its people to see a President who governs by plans and policies and not by hateful divisive rhetoric and ideology.  Will those 19 republicans continue their participation with the democratic party or will they revert to the same old do nothing party.  Time will give us the answer.

In the mean time, President Biden has a good start on "building back a better America."