Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Trumpet Man Is Not So Presidential

Those who followed the 2016 Presidential campaign should remember every time a police officer in America was shot and killed by gun violence, Trump would blame it on President Obama as being weak and then would tell the people that all that would stop when he became President.  Well, now comes a report from The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund that reports the following:

More law enforcement officers were shot and killed in 2018, 52, than in 2017 when 46 were killed by gun violence.  The gun statistics reverses what had been a steady trend in recent decades, when police officers were more likely to die from car crashes than gunfire.  In 2018, 50 officers died from traffic related incidents, according to the report.  But the President is silent on the issue because his own record of embracing violent acts and his support for extremist.

And lately there are other breaking stories that relate to the President's failure to govern and be Presidential.  The President keeps losing most of his cases taken to the federal courts seeking relief and most of the rulings came from republican appointed judges who many gave the same reasons for ruling against the administration.  The judges ruled that Trump's lawyers never defined a reason behind their filings and offered no real evidence to support their case.  It appears to this writer that Trump is arrogant enough to think he can just go to a court and try to flex his authority as President.  But judges, no matter who appoints them have more character and integrity than Trump and will not allow Trump to define who they are.

We are also being informed that in Trumps latest summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Trump gave to Kim a letter before they met that demanded North Korea give up all their missiles, their nuclear capabilities including nuclear fuel and send it to the United States and completely dismantle their military infrastructure.  Of course N. Korea would not do so.  That means Trump did not walk away like he said so.   It was N. Korea that walked away from a bad deal because President Trump thought he could force Kim to negotiate with a threat.  The two summits with N.Korea failed because of President Trump's ignorance and belief that he holds all the cards without preparation.  The summits have been a disaster.

Trump's decision to go to the Supreme Court to dismantle the ACA completely demonstrates once again the President's unAmerian and unPresidential action on a subject matter he and his party have no creditability on.  It is another of so many examples of Trump's autocratic ego and disdain for legislation in a democracy.  It is also his way of trying over and over again to obtain favor from a conservative court.  The trumpet man tries his best to spread his malignancy.

America has lived through 24 months of a not so Presidential President who cares only for himself and conducts the business of the U.S. with lies.  The democrats in congress need to continue to stand tall against this autocrat and traitor of American values.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Delivers His Report To U.S. Attorney General William Barr

Robert Mueller handed over his report to the Attorney General last Friday and it was reported that Mr. Barr gave members of congress a summary of Mueller's report on Sunday.  Almost immediately President Trump and the republicans in congress were taking a victory lap but all should remember as of this very moment congress and the public has not seen and does not know what is in the report or its details.  The Attorney General's summary is just that, a summary and is not the special counsel's report.

The summary by the Attorney General without releasing the full report is reason to be skeptical and should cause everyone to pause and think about how this is unfolding  When there exist a legal and lawful investigation the facts should come out at one time in one report and not piece meal as Mr. Barr has suggested.  President Trump's constant attempt to discredit the investigation by calling it fake news, a fraud, a witch hunt and other derogatory comments about the previous Attorney General, the Justice Department, the Director of the FBI and Robert Mueller are reason to make the report public immediately.  It is also a reason for the U.S. House to keep up its own investigation concerning the subject matter and Mr. Trump.

There is also the thought that should concern everyone.  A few months ago when Trump once again attacked and tried to intimidate a federal judge appointed by President Obama who ruled against one of Mr. Trump's executive order, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts shot back and defended the judicial system by telling Trump there are no Obama judges, No Bush Judges and No Reagan judges.  There are judges who make legal decisions based on the law and not politics.  Judge Roberts did the right thing by not allowing the President to pollute the justice system.  It begs the question, why did the Justice Department not fire back at Trump and defend Mueller's investigation against his ongoing attacks to undermine Mr. Mueller and his investigation?  They were silent and allowed the President to have the bully pulpit.

Congress and the people need to see the complete report to understand the details, especially about the meeting the President and Trump Jr. acknowledged that took place with Russia to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton.  No other Presidential candidate, republican or democrat has ever stooped so low and was willing to do business with a foreign country to seek dirt on a Presidential opponent.  That was a serious threat to our political system and those involved should have to pay the price.

This writer thinks there is a legitimate reason to question how the Attorney General is handling the Mueller report, the summary and his  refusal to be up front and release the whole report.  Barr's past statements about the investigation was reason to recuse himself from the investigation but he was a Trump appointee and the President knew his views.  Trump took an oath to protect and defend our constitutional process but he was at the head of a campaign to obstruct the process.

If and when the special counsel's report is released in total and the details can be read clearly, the U.S. House may have enough information to cancel Trump's premature victory lap.  As Yogi Berra said, it ain't over until its over.

Food for thought:  If the special counsel's investigation was fake news, a fraud and a witch hunt as Trump says, does that mean the same thing can be said of the Attorney General's summary?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Latest Report On The Federal Budget Deficit: Only The Ignorant Should Be Surprised

The Treasury Department announced last week that the federal budget deficit hit an all time high in February coming in at $234 billion and that for the first five months of this fiscal year that began October 1, 2018 the federal budget deficit was $544.2 billion, up a whopping 39% from the same period last year.  The National Debt passed the $22 trillion mark for the first time ever, up $2 trillion higher than when Trump took office.

Other findings were:  (1)  Corporations have so far this fiscal year paid $59.2 billion in taxes, compared to $87.4 billion at this point in 2017.   (2)  Total spending in February was $401 billion while the government only took in just $167 billion.   (3)  Tax receipts usually rise when the economy grows, but the 2017 tax cut law has held tax revenues down as federal spending increased.

This sad report on the country's fiscal health is a repeat of what took place after the Reagan and Bush 43 tax cuts that favored the wealthy and corporate America the most.  And now for the third time under Trump, the fiscal disaster concerning budget deficits and debt repeats itself once again.  Anyone who lived through the Reagan and Bush years and claimed not to understand what took place allowed themselves to be ignorant of the facts.

And once again PolitiDose has been on target with the facts about the republican party's tax cut scheme and its appetite for out of control federal spending, budget deficits and debt.  The general media has closed its eyes to the facts concerning so called republican conservatism on the subject matter and allowed republications to set the agenda  The readers of PolitiDose are way ahead of their sound bites and understand the republican party and Trump's extreme ideology.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Trump's First Two Years in Office: A Failed Leadership By the President and The Republican Controlled Congress

President  Trump and the republican controlled congress passed only two pieces of legislation in the first two years of their administration.  The Tax cut of 2017 and The First Step Act (criminal justice reform).  Other accomplishments Trump brags about were executive orders that overturned many of the rules and regulations the Obama administration put into effect.  Health care reform, immigration reform and rebuilding the country's infrastructure were 3 of the Presidents top priority along with Mexico paying for a border wall.  It was the least productive congress for a President and his party who controlled everything.

Trump and his party's health care scheme failed so they decided to just dismantle the ACA .  Neither Trump or his party introduced any immigration reform legislation to debate, adopt and or vote on.  The people had to listen to Trump's so called tough talk instead.  Trump gave his party an outline of a $1.5 trillion infrastructure rebuilding plan financed by $200 billion from the federal government and the balance financed by the private sector but no indication how it would work or any details.  His own party's leadership just laughed at it and let it die without any debate or input.  Trump did nothing about his WALL until  December 2018 when he used the issue in a funding bill to shut down the government nor did the republicans in congress do anything about the WALL.

The Trump-GOP tax cuts also increased the federal deficit at the end of Trump's first fiscal year over the federal budget deficit in Obama's last fiscal year by 17%.  Trump and his GOP leaders in congress never made a serious attempt at legislation concerning Infrastructure even though it was one of the best investments to increase economic activity, job creation and wages.  They saw an economy that was doing well thanks to Obama's policies and instead, did the usual and reduced the taxes of those who needed it the least.  The economy would not receive their attention.  They also made no serious attempt to legislate immigration reform.

President Obama's administration in his first two years in office with a democratic controlled congress accomplished more in governing and results and passed the following legislation:  (1)  The American Recovery and Investment Act (Economic Stimulus included)  (2)  The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.  (3)  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (cut nuclear weapons in Russia and the United States.  (4)  Repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act.  (5)  Lilly Ledbetter Act (ability to sue employers for wage discriminations)  (6)  Hate Crimes Prevention Act.  (7)  The Affordable Care Act.

Also during Obama's first two years in office the federal budget deficit decreased from President George W. Bush's last fiscal year budget deficit and economic expansion and positive job creation started moving the country out of the great economic recession and record job losses the Obama administration inherited.  Policy, plans and political understanding are necessary for governing effectively, and that is why democratic administration do a much better job for the country and its people.  The republican ideology fails the test of governing and Trump is the latest republican to fail the test.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

President of The United States Donald Trump: Mentally Unfit For Office, A Continuing Story

President Trump was at it again with his personal attacks against a dead man, former U.S. Senator John McCain.  Mentally unfit with traitorous talk, the trumpet man demonstrates once again his inability to compete in the political world on substance and attacks a man who wore the uniform of his country during his generations war while the trumpet man cut and ran during his generations war.

Trump can't compete because of his own cowardly actions so he uses personal attacks against others to try and destroy them and their reputation.  Trump's mentally unfitness for office became worse when Senator McCain joined two other republicans in the republican controlled Senate who along with the democrats voted against the republican's health care scheme and defeated the bill.  The failure of that bill exposed Trump's lie when he stated in March of 2017 that if the republicans failed to pass health care he would introduce his own health care bill.  Well, Trump never did because he never had one and McCain and the democrats exposed Trump's lies once again.

The republicans in congress supported and accepted Newt Gingrich's negative and unAmerican political ideology and now they are supporting Trump's mental unfitness to a level never seen before in the White House.  Trump's malignancy has taken over the party and now the party embraces Trump's mental unfitness to serve the country.

The Mueller investigation and the democratic control of the U.S. House represents the best chance for the removal of Trump's malignancy to lead the nation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, March 16, 2019

America's Household Net Worth: Anothr Reason Why A Balanced Economy Is Needed

The federal Reserve released its report last week and reported that total household net worth in the fourth quarter of 2018 dropped by the largest amount since the fourth quarter of 2008 when the country was in a steep economic recession.  Total household net worth is a measure of the assets - such as homes, stocks and bank accounts owned by American families and nonprofits minus their debts.  The drop was $3.7 trillion, a 3.5% quarterly decline.

Accordingly to the report, which was carried by the Huffington Post, the change was driven buy the poor performance of the stock market in the fourth quarter of 2018.  Other findings were:  (1)  Most of the net household worth and wealth in America, 79% is owned by the richest 10%.  (2)  Only 21% of America's net household worth and wealth is owned by 90% of American families.  (3)  Half of American families do not own stocks.  (4)  The top 10% of families control 84% of the stock market.  (5)  Stocks have recovered most of their 2018 fourth quarter losses.

Note 1:  Taken together, the numbers are a reminder that the stock market is not the economy and that big national level data sets may not necessarily reflect financial reality for typical American families, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to meet even small unexpected expenses.  (Also reported in the report.)

This writer believes the report is another window we can see through that exposes an American economy that is fragmented by a lack of real economic policy.  We know that over the past several decades productivity has increased dramatically while median family income has increased very little in relation.  We also know during that same period, CEO's and executive pay and bonuses have increased dramatically.

The 10% of American families that continue to own 84% of the stock market have the resources to continue to buy in the market even when it collapses, hold onto those stocks until the marked comes back and make even more money.   That is what they did when the marked collapsed in 2008 and other years.  What is needed is an economy that produces good paying jobs so other families can have the purchasing power to invest in the stock market or other options available that can improve their net worth which would allow them to be more independent and diversified in their financial well being.

The Federal Reserve comment shown in Note 1 above is right on target and should be an eye opener to those that believe trickle down economics is an economic policy.

Note 2:  According to the Economic Policy Institute, Americans are working more productively but the fruits of their work have primarily gone to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.  From 1948 - 1973 productivity was up 95.7% and hourly wages followed and were up 90.9%.  Workers shared the fruits of that productivity as they should.  But all  of that changed.

From 1973 - 2017 net productivity increased 77% while hourly wages increased only 12.4% for the typical worker.  The gap between increased productivity and increased wages became essentially stagnated.  And the greatest part of the increase in wages during that 44 year period occurred between 1995 - 2002 during the Clinton economy.

Of course any one who follows PolitiDose knows that it was the Clinton administration that formulated a sound all around economic policy that not only created a record number of jobs and a record economy that balanced the federal budget.  The poverty rate dropped by the largest percentage in the past 40 years, billions on the national debt was paid and corporate America invested a higher percentage of its resources in new plant and equipment than at any time in the past 40 years.  And President Clinton did not cut taxes for corporate America or the wealthy.

And yes my fellow Americans, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  The worlds very first civilization, the Sumerians knew that and taught that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, March 11, 2019

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and Unemployment For February 2019

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 20,000 new jobs in February and the unemployment rate came in at 3.8%  It was the 101st straight month of positive job growth and the lowest since September 2017 when only 18,000 new jobs were created.  Economist said they were concerned but would have to see what comes next.

In Trumps first 25 months in office 4,673,000 new jobs have been created for an average monthly total of 186,920 new jobs.  In President Obama's last 25 months in office 5,188,000 new jobs have been created for a monthly average of 207,520 new jobs.  The weak jobs report comes at a time Trump has announced his budget plans for the governments next fiscal year that begins October 1, 2019.

And his budget is a whopper with a record federal spending budget of $4.75 trillion.  It includes a large increase in military spending and his WALL, cuts to domestic programs and single year federal deficits in the trillion dollar range for several years.  The budget also reneges on Trump's earlier budget which he said would lead to a balanced budget in 10 years.  His latest record budget now says it will be 15 years before the budget is balanced.

This latest Trump budget is a fairy tale budget in the image of Presidents Reagan and Bush 43 budgets with the same outcomes:  record federal deficits, federal spending and debt.  The failure of the republican party's extreme ideology is confirmed over and over by their own numbers and unAmerican attitude.  Trump and the republicans talk about being conservative on the federal budget, the national debt and fiscal matters should be disavowed by the national news media and the local news media in general.

President Clinton did not need 10 years to balance the budget.  He did so in his years 5,6,7 and 8.  And in his years 1,2,3 and 4 his administration reduced deficit spending every year.  No republican President can claim to even reduce the deficit 4 years in a row in the last 50 years.  In fact those republican Presidents left office with a larger deficit than when they took office.  The American people have been sold a bill of goods that republicans are really conservatives.  The numbers of Reagan, Bush 43, Trumps first two years and his proposed record spending budget have burned those journalists who project the republicans as keepers of the government's pocket book.  They have simply disregarded the fact that the last republican President to balance the federal budget was Eisenhower in 1960.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, March 10, 2019

DEFICITS, DEFICITS, DEFICITS: Its Really Nothing New With a Republican Administration

This weeks article in the Huffington Post informs the reader that America's trade deficit in goods hit $891 billion in 2018, up more than $80 billion in 2017 and the largest deficit ever according to the U.S. Commerce Department.  And it took place despite Trump's increase in tariffs and his promise to eliminate the trade deficits he railed against during the campaign of 2016.

It was also announced that the federal budget deficit for the first three months of this budget year was $310 billion, a whopping 77% increase over the same period in the previous budget year.  White House officials would not comment on the numbers but outside economists said they were not at all surprised , given the Trump backed massive tax cuts that became law in late 2017 and the tariffs he has imposed.

But this deficit information was nothing new to the readers of PolitiDose who for years informed its readers how and why the republican party represents the party of deficit spending and how their party's massive tax cuts that favor the wealthy and corporate America are a huge reason why.  They propose tax cuts with rosy predictions that never become facts even though they know precedent have proved them wrong.

The worst part of Trump's deficits is the fact that he entered the White House with an expanding economy, job creation, low inflation, low unemployment, falling deficits from the previous Bush administration  and Trump's unfunded tax cuts were unnecessary.  And as of this writing the country is seeing a repeat of what happened under the Reagan and Bush 43 administration after their tax cuts.

The bottom line is after two years in office of controlling everything, Trump and his party are living up to the party's record of unbalanced budgets, uncontrolled spending and a fraud tax policy.  And those that need tax relief the least are still laughing all the way  to the bank.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, March 8, 2019

IMMIGRATION: The Albatross Around President Trump and the Republican Party's Neck

Now comes a report this week by Trump's Department of Homeland Security that illegal immigration across the southern border is at the highest level since 2007 and it is taking place on Trump and the republican watch while they are trying to talk tough.  But talk is not a policy and Trump and his party has failed to act with immigration legislation while in control of government.  They have had the opportunity to do so but prefer to demagogue the issue.

Donald Trump and the rest of the republican Presidential candidates in 2016 said during their debates immigration reform should be put on hold until after the 2016 election and there was more than one republican Presidential candidate that was serving in congress at the time.  They just kicked the immigration can down the road which made President Obama issue an executive order on immigration.  Well, two years have passed since the 2016 election and Trump and the republican controlled congress still kicked the can down the road.  They have introduced zero legislation on the issue and this past December shut the federal government down over Trump's wall that laid dormant during the last two years.

The democratic party that took control of the U.S. House in January actually passed one phase of immigration reform in February and then the republican controlled senate passed the bill.  And one can bet it will be the democratic party that will introduce true immigration reform in the future because they understand the problem has to be addressed in total.  Rhetoric of tough talk is for show, legislation is the vehicle that gets the job done.

No matter how you cut it, President Obama and the democrat's policy on immigration has been more effective than Trump's and the republican party's so called tough talk.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, March 3, 2019

President Trump and Kim Jong Un Fail At The Summit

President Donald Trump and North Korea Chairman Kim Jong both failed at summit #2 in Hanoi, Viet Nam.  It failed because both leaders were not prepared which had its origin in summit #1 that produced nothing in the way of how to proceed in summit #2.  Trump's inner circle has said many times the President dislikes to read reports or be involved in details and makes snap decisions.

Kim Jong, younger than Trump and a ruling dictator, supported by China and Russia will not give up his country's nuclear weapons or abandon his military objectives unless he receives something concrete in return.  Summit #1 and 2 never produced any real dialog concerning the issues so there was no area of positive compromise to work with.  The failure was no great surprise to those who follow politics and past meetings of our past Presidents and adversaries whose preparations were more detailed and constructive.

This writer was struck by the pictures of Trump and Kim Jong shown on TV as they arrived in Viet Nam.  Neither had the look of confidence on their face, lacked any smile and had the look of a sullen person getting ready for a funeral.  It was not the look  of two leaders who would be meeting shortly to forge an agreement concerning a very serious matter.

And after the summit failed Trump was still using words like he and Kim parted ways on positive terms; the walk away was very friendly; there's a warmth that we have, etc, etc, etc.  And added, we're positioned to do something very special.  N. Korea gave a different version of why the summit failed and a report attributed to our own state department said N. Korea's version was more accurate than Trumps.  There was no talk or commitment of a summit #3.

The bottom line is both leaders were not prepared for summit #2 and it showed.  The President had a tough week of his own making with the summit and the public hearing in the U.S. House and Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen's testimony.  He then attended the conservative convention of CPAC and his speech was laced with personal attacks and lies which has become the norm of this President.
The malignancy in the White House still grows and consumes this President and every thing he touches.  Mueller's report and the democratic investigations need to end this President's term sooner rather than later and restore the democratic process.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another Huge First For PolitiDose, Your Daily Dose Of Political commentary

PolitiDose, in several past commentaries took the position that Louisiana's republican representatives in the U.S. Congress have failed to represent the state and the nation on the most critical issues and care nothing about Louisiana.  Now comes a Times Picayune article by Tim Morris dated 3/1 titled, Louisiana's republican representatives should be ashamed.  Morris wrote the following regarding the Louisiana republicans no vote in the U.S. House on a resolution to end Trump's so called "national emergency."  ALL FIVE LOUISIANA REPUBLICANS IN THE U.S. HOUSE VOTED TUESDAY TO ABDICATE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND SURRENDER THEIR INDEPENDENCE TO THE WHIMS OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.

The resolution p assed the House in a 245 - 182 vote with 13 republicans joining the democratic majority.  Louisiana's democratic rep Cedric Richmond voted with the majority.  Morris, a self proclaimed conservative has been a supporter of President Trump in this writers judgement based on past Morris commentary that had been the subject of previous PolitiDose commentary.  But give Morris credit for his column of recognizing the shameful republican vote to support Trump's fairy tale "national emergency."  Morris also rejected the republicans stated reason for supporting Trump's order and gave the same reasons the democratic party asserted to oppose Trump's order.

The real story on the immigration issue is what PolitiDose has reported long ago.  The republican party controlled the U.S. House for 8 straight years prior to the democratic take over in January and in all that time refused to take up and debate the issue.  Ditto the republican controlled U.S. Senate for the past 4 years and ditto for the last 2 years when the republicans controlled the White House and both houses of congress.  But conservative journalist and or opinion writers never wrote about that.  They were glad to talk only about the republican rhetoric on the matter.

And of course, think of this.  If there really was a "national emergency" at the southern border, it took place on Trump and the republicans watch while their so called tough talk was taking place.  Did any conservative writer report that?  The republican party's failure to act on the two most important issues(health care and immigration reform) while in the majority and control is a lesson in non-governing and a party trapped in ideology.  Facts play no role in their ideology and that is why they still support Trump no matter what.  It is also why they have failed to govern.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio