Monday, August 29, 2016

Another First For PolitiDose

The Times Picayune in a article dated 8/28 by Richard Rainey confirmed what was published here first in "PolitiDose" on 8/25 under the title, 2016:  The year of Louisiana's great flood.  Rainey's article pointed out how much FEMA has improved its service and role in disasters since its Katrina moment.  He also commented on what he called a seamless federal response to Louisiana's recent flood.  The only information absent from the article was the fact that FEMA also did a good job during the BP Oil explosion and spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Craig Fugate, FEMA's administrator praised President Obama's transformation of FEMA and his ability to produce the needed increase in funding so FEMA could meet its obligations and responsibility.  He also said the President made it very clear that he'd rather err on getting there and not being needed than not being there at all, the article also reported.

So now we have a major newspaper informing the people and recognizing that an important federal agency is working like it should for the benefit of the state and its people in time of need.  And yes, understanding the mistakes of the past is still the key to a better future.  And despite those voices that try to divide the country, government, under the right leadership does indeed work.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Part II: The 2016 Presidential Election: The Economy, Why A Democratic Administration Should Be Elected To Govern The Country.

The U.S. economy, if built on a solid policy foundation can accomplish much; if built on a foundation of ideology it accomplishes very little. And the record is clear that democratic administrations are best at handling the economy.  A working economy creates jobs, reduces unemployment, reduces deficit spending and debt and also is the avenue to a balanced budget.  It is the engine that drives the need for business expansion because of consumer demands.

The economy, if working properly is a key for fiscal stability; federal revenues will increase and the government will be allowed to take care of its responsibility to the people.  The economy is also important for our national security and the ability to keep our country safe because that takes revenue to provide the means to keep the country safe at home and abroad.  A good working economy is the part that starts every thing off that we do.  The year 2008 is proof of what happens when the economy is not working.

This writer posted a 4 part commentary here in "PolitiDose" titled, The U.S. Economy, Which Party Performs Best dated 1/27/08 that ended with Part IV dated 3/2/08 (Recap and Conclusion)  President George W. Bush was still in office at the time of the commentary so his full eight years could not be included but every one knows what happened to the economy and etc., on his watch.

Under President Obama the U.S. economy has performed better; so has the unemployment rate; deficit spending is lower;  more jobs have been created by far;  America and its people are safer at home and abroad; federal spending has increased at a lower rate than under Bush;  the stock market index is up almost 100% and the national debt will see a smaller percentage increase than under Bush.  There have been no bank failures of the scope of 2008.  And the economy is the best on the world market.

Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because it will show he paid very little tax or no tax at all and would reveal his dealings with foreign countries.  The economy would be tuned to his investments and would end up not working for the people or the country.  On the other hand Hillary Clinton has nothing to hide as she has released her tax returns.  She has not only paid her share of taxes but there is nothing there to hide.

President Obama's time in office so far has confirmed the 4 Part commentary's conclusion that democratic administrations do perform better for the country and its people than republican administrations.

Note:  The below numbers for President George W. Bush's last two fiscal years was not available when the 4 part commentary was written.  Below is what happened to the deficit his last two fiscal years.

Fiscal year 2008   ending 9/30/08                $454.8 billion deficit

Fiscal year 2009 ending 9/30/09                  $l.42 Trillion deficit   The largest single year fiscal deficit that still stands.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Part I The 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton, The Steady Presidential Candidate.

Hillary Clinton has been the steady Presidential candidate and nominee through out the process since the race began.  There were distractions along the way, some continue at the present time and some will continue simply because she is Hillary Clinton.  But she has never strayed from her message of public service or her policy plans if she is elected.

There are those who complain that she does not expose herself to the media very much and there fore afraid to answer questions.  Trump even complained about that but he said nothing about the media's love affair with their constant coverage of the Donald.  Clinton is doing the right thing by taking her campaign to the people and speaking to the issues.  She has been steady as she goes and not prone to the flip-flops of Trump.

The people are the winners because they know where Hillary stands on the issues and that she has the political understanding to be President and Commander in Chief.  The latest distraction is the Clinton's Foundation where Trump has tried to make the case that Clinton was playing favorite with some who gave contributions to the Foundation while she was Secretary of State.  The State Department shot back that there was no such evidence.  It will surely come up in the debates but in the end the people will find that Hillary has more credibility than Trump on every issue.

This week is a good example.  Trump has stumbled all week on his immigration plans and his changes have already been changed.  Its so bad his supporters are making up excuses trying to show there is no change at all.  Yes Hillary Clinton is still the most steady Presidential nominee on the issues and her campaign to the American people and the country and should continue because it is the right thing to do.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 25, 2016

2016: The Year of Louisiana's Great Flood

The weather channels reported 24" of rain in a 48 hour period around the Denham Springs-Baton Rouge area and heavy rains around other areas west of New Orleans.  Rivers and drainage canals topped their banks and flooding of vast areas caused heavy damage, destruction and even death.  The areas affected have been declared a disaster by the President and federal aid and help is already taking place along with the state's emergency departments.

The disaster should remind everyone of the positive things we learned from previous disasters and our failure to correct those things that were left with out action.  We learned how FEMA did not respond well to the great flood in New Orleans at the time of Katrina.  It is still the subject of many Kartina stories.  However, FEMA's response to the BP explosion in the Gulf was a marked improvement under the Obama administration.  FEMA's response was also positive and timely to the great flood in Louisiana of 2016.  They were on the ground since day one doing what they do best.  Claims are already being filed and accepted by FEMA.

Governor Edwards and his administration responded well through out the entire period of the storm and Louisiana's people, those who lost much and those who just wanted to help in time of need stood tall.  The Red Cross did its part along with folks who saw that food would be destributed in a timely manner.  The federal government and state government has worked well together for the common good.

What Louisiana has failed to learn over the years is the need to take care of our states infrastructure.  Many of our drainage canals and rivers need updating to handle such disasters.  We build in wetlands without the proper plans to take care of environmental problems, including flooding.  Maintenance is mostly non existing and financing is not there.  Governor Edwards did take the first step in the budget when he canceled some projects that had been previously approved but not started.  He did this to prioritize what was more important so the funds could be used there.

Disasters are a great reminder of how important state and the federal government are in making things whole again and not the bad guy like so many politicians claim.  Blame does not get the job done and neither does photo opts.  President Obama was right when he said 4, 5 or 6 months from now and there after we still have to be engaged to finish the job of rebuilding the communities affected by the great storm.

This writer has reminded its readers many times that understanding the mistakes of the past is still the key to a better future.  I think it is safe to say that Louisiana governor Edwards and President Obama have learned from the mistakes of some of our past leaders and are leading the way for a better future.  Now it is up to members of congress and the Louisiana state legislature to provide the funds necessary to complete the recovery from the great Louisiana flood of 2016.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Donald Trump Has Already Built The Wall

However, the wall is not on the southern border of the United States.  The wall Trump has built stands around his own personal life to shield his federal tax return from the public and the news media, and includes his own personal business dealings and debt.  Transparency is some thing Trump does  not believe in even when he runs for the highest office in the land.  But like a good hypocrite, he believes other candidates should be transparent.

The New York Times seems to think China and Mexico hold millions of dollars in Trump debt, countries that trade with American business and where Trump has manufacturing plants where he out sources American jobs.  Trump himself also said on national TV he has business dealings with Russia.  Since Trump likes to speculate about his opponent, maybe the voters should speculate about Trump's motives of running for President if he should win.  Would he use the power of his office against those countries holding his debt and countries he does business with such as Russia.  Would he look for a deal to cancel his personal debt?   After all, as a business man Trump is known to have some shady dealings.

On the other hand, his opponent Hillary Clinton has been transparent in her federal tax returns for over 30 years, has with stood several investigations by congressional committees controlled by republicans that found no wrong doing and by the FBI investigation that found no wrong doing concerning her private email server.  Her testifying before congress for many hours was as transparent as one can get.

Clinton has passed the character test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has passed the transparent test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has passed the leadership test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has paid her fair share in taxes, Trump is on record as saying only stupid people pay taxes.  Clinton has proved her leadership in elected office, as Secretary of State and as first Lady bringing health care services to young children, Trump's leadership is about himself.  Clinton has proved she is qualified to be President, Trump has not.  Clinton has a record of bringing people together, Trump has no such record.  Clinton, if elected President will represent all of America as the democratic national convention did, Trump, if elected President will not by his own words.

The wall that Trump already build to hide his business dealings and tax returns is typical of many business people who believe they are above the law.  The people can break down that wall in November with a vote for Hillary Clinton.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Conservative Journalists Are Stepping All Over Themselves.

Their newspaper columns, radio and television shows have always been about bashing the democratic party and telling the people how the republican party and its elected officials are best for America for accomplishing any and everything.  There were no facts to back the position up but that was not a problem for their fairy tale narrative.  They and their party created the conditions for Donald Trump to emerge as the party's Presidential nominee and now those journalists are in a tizzy.

They are now blaming the republican party for not taking care of the public's business, not following through on their policies, not listening to the people's needs or changes to the make up of the electorate, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on.  They are now openly opposed to a number of republicans who have been in congress for many years who failed to lead the party.

Erick Erickson, the conservative journalist in a Times Picayune article of 8/21/16 writes the following:  THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT IS MUCH CLOSER TO WALL STREET THAN MAIN STREET.  IT IS CYNICAL ABOUT THE STATE OF THE NATION, WHILE GIVING LIP SERVICE TO THE GREATNESS OF THE COUNTRY.  THEY LONG AGO STOPPED BEING DRIVEN BY PASSION FOR THE NATION AND INSTEAD ARE DRIVEN BY PASSION FOR POWER.  That is an astounding statement considering Erickson should have acknowledged that long ago about his party.  The democrats have been saying that for years and so have the voters.

Those conservative journalists are actually more at fault than their party because they control more air and newspaper time than republican officials and have greatly expanded the republican lies and misinformation given to the people and they do it willingly.  Like the republican party, they can not acknowledge the good things that have taken place on the democratic watch.  Instead, their constant negative reporting on issues, especially the most important ones have left many Americans looking for a savior and this year it is Donald Trump.

They and their party supported Donald Trump and the birther claim against President Obama and were silent the whole time Trump was using extreme language against the President and others.  After all, they and their party did the same thing to President Clinton, Hillary Clinton and other democrats over a long period of time.  They now find themselves between a rock and a hard place made of their own doing and are lashing out at the republican party and Donald Trump, their partners in every thing negative.  Their reports have become self serving and are pitiful in nature because they still can not admit the role they played in helping the party to create the Donald.

And like Donald Trump, the party conservative journalists will continue their extreme personal attacks against the President and Clinton because like Trump, the big lie is who they are and what they stand for.  The negative reporting will also continue because that is also who they are and their true feelings as conservatives.  They can not see the America every one else knows exist.  And that really is a sad thing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 20, 2016

More Good News On The War Against ISIS

The Associated Press reported Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, the top U.S. commander for the fight against ISIS told Pentagon reporters in a video conference last week that:  (1) The military campaigns in Iraq and Syria have taken 45,000 enemy combatants off the battlefield and reduced the total number of ISIS fighters to as few as 15,000.  (2)  That both the quality and number of ISIS fighters is declining, and he warned that it is difficult to determine accurate numbers.  (3)  that the enemy is in retreat on all fronts and that U.S. backed local forces in both Iraq and Syria have been gaining ground.  The flow of foreign fighters into Iraq and Syria has decreased and that many people pressed into fighting for ISIS are unwilling or untrained.

MacFarland said that Iraqi forces are in a position to begin to retake the northern city of Mosul.  But he added that the U.S. still has quite a bit of work to do at the Qayyarah Air Base in northern Iraq before it can be used as a hub for that battle.  The General also said the military success in Iraq and Syria will not necessarily mean the end of ISIS.

In a Presidential election year where ISIS has been injected into the political dialog the news media as usual failed to give the General's report much coverage and of course those who disagree with the President's policy in the middle east were silent also.  A piece of good news in an election year is always over looked by negative minds.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton's 2015 Federal Tax Returns

Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made her federal income tax return public this week in line with her and her husbands respect for public service and the people's right to know.  The Clintons have made their tax returns public every year since 1977.  That is longer than any other elected official or would be candidate.

The 2015 tax returns show Clinton paid an effected federal tax rate of 34.2% and an overall tax rate including state and local taxes of 43.2%  A much greater percentage than any of this years Presidential candidates and past ones.  The people do not know what Trump paid because he has not made his tax returns public as of this writing.  Trump's wealth according to his own words dwarfs Clintons but this writer would bet his tax burden was a lot smaller than Clintons.

It is obvious Clinton feels paying taxes is a necessary responsibility for government to be able to function and take care of its obligations to the people.  On the other hand Trump said if elected President he will reduce the corporate income tax dramatically and also taxes for the wealthy.  That of course would explode the federal deficits once again like it did under the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush and those two Presidents are the ones who put the country's fiscal house in jeopardy.

Hillary Clinton may be wealthy and able to just retire comfortably but still believes public service is a noble profession and that she is still able to contribute to the good of the country and its people.  America needs more public servants who are willing to do the same.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Another First For "PolitiDose"

In previous commentary this writer pointed out that no matter what the outcome of the congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and Clinton's personal email server and regardless of the FBI's investigation, Trump and the republicans would never let go because it is an election year.  And sure enough the republicans in congress now want the FBI's transcripts of Clinton's statements.  The FBI complied and in a letter questioned their motives.

The republicans in congress controlled the Clinton's investigations and their final reports found no wrong doing by President Obama or Secretary of State Clinton.  But now with Trump down in the polls, especially in the battleground states and the republicans feeling they might lose their majority in congress are going to their M.O. in rehashing those investigations in order to damage Clinton's chances of becoming President.

The personal attacks will continue along with their lies and it will be a steady barrage.  The same crowd will lead the way, Trump, the republican party, Fox News, conservative journalists and Roger Ailes who has joined Trump's campaign just recently according to news reports.  The attacks will fly all the way until election day and even beyond.  Their game plan has been exposed, tell as many lies over and over and soon people will believe the lie.

In the mean time Hillary Clinton will continue to bring her message to the people and speak to their concerns.  Her vision is for America, Trump and the republican's vision is for themselves.  Clinton can hold her head up high.  Trump and the republicans can not do that from the gutter.  That says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Congressional Republicans and Donald Trump.

Republicans in congress are openly saying they may lose their majority in the November general election because of Donald Trump, his low polling numbers, his extreme remarks and lies.  But the issue goes much deeper than that.  The electorate can see a do nothing republican controlled congress and their lack of taking on the issues that affect the country and its people.

Trump could not lead the republican party in congress to act positive and pass positive legislation since he became their leader.  So in other words the republicans in congress will be responsible for their own loss if it happens due to their own failure to act responsible and pass needed legislation.  It points out the weakness of the republicans in congress and Donald Trump also because Trump did nothing to urge his party to act responsible and pass needed legislation during the campaign.

Another problem many congressional republicans have stems from the fact that they say they will not endorse
Trump but will vote for him.  A statement made to try and distance themselves from Trump but a vote for Trump is an endorsement any way you look at it.  The lack of credibility between both are astounding but those who follow politics should have known long ago.

Cable news has joined the fun by repeating that this Presidential campaign is like no other, yet they continue their love affair with Donald Trump and are silent on the do nothing republican controlled congress.  Yes, cable news has been a contributing factor to the republic circus this Presidential campaign season.  They can not admit that because their goal is to fill up air time no matter how petty the subject matter they choose to air.

Trump and his party are not serious public servants and in fact are a disgrace to America's political system.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 13, 2016

More Evidence That The Republican Party and Donald Trump Are A Mirror Image Of Each Other.

Former U.S. Senator, John Kerry who is presently the Secretary of State ran against President George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential election.  It was Bush's bid for reelection and he and his financial supporters set out to discredit Kerry's war record.  John Kerry was a decorated Viet Nam war veteran who received three purple hearts.  Bush sat out the war in the Texas Air National Guard and was well aware of the contrast to Kerry's war record.

The Bush people and their financial supporters took to the media the idea that Kerry did not earn his third purple heart, attacked his anti-war stand after his return from Viet Nam and actually questioned his military service.  The ads placed against Kerry by Bush's supporters came to be known as the "swift boar ads."  Many of the millionaires who paid for those ads cut and ran during their generations war.  The personal attacks against Kerry took a toll on his campaign.

 Now comes Donald Trump in an effort to discredit the President and Hillary Clinton has personally attacked both by declaring that the President was the founder of ISIS and that Hillary was the co-founder.  Trump, like many of those in the Bush administration also cut and ran during the Viet Nam war.  Trump's embrace of the republican party's personal attacks puts him squarely in their camp and once again shows how small of a person he really is in trying to link the President and Clinton to ISIS.  Trump's copy cat mentality from the republican party's play book can be documented through out the campaign.

The President and Clinton have contributed so much more positive positions to the political process and every day life while Trump's selfish ego wallows in his own adulation.  Oh, and by the way, Trump did not oppose the war in Iraq when the war started.  Another one of his lies that is documented.  When free will, a person's ability to choose is used in a negative way to hurt people, that person is weak, not strong.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, August 12, 2016

The LSU Tigers and The New Orleans Saints: What Will The New Season Bring?

Last season saw the pre-season coaches poll picking LSU to finish out of the top 10.  Some sports writers in Louisiana thought they were wrong and that LSU would be in the top 10 and qualify for a playoff birth.  It never happened and LSU finished out of the top 10 as predicted.  At the time this writer wrote a commentary pointing out 3 possible reasons why the coaches poll may be on target.  Those three reasons are still valid for this years LSU team and time will tell.  The reasons are:

(1)  LSU is starting off the season once again with an unproven quarterback.  (2)  A new defensive coordinator with a good history but no record of success at LSU yet or week to week experience in a conference as tough as the SEC.  (3)  The greatest challenge of all is head coach Les Miles eleven years at LSU and still runs the same old out dated offense and offensive play calling.  Run right, run left even if the ball carrier gets stuffed.

This write4r will be surprised if LSU finishes the season in the top 10

Like LSU, the Saints will kick off the regular season with the same problems they had last year.  It was the Saints third losing seasons in the last four years.  Brees, Payton and the Saints players did not earn their salary.  Payton lost control of the ball club and Brees is not the same Brees regardless what the New Orleans sports writers say.

The Saints are not a consistent winning team and do not show professionalism through out the season.  Some times they do not even look like they belong.  The New Orleans sports writers seem to think new defensive coordinator Dennis Allen will turn the defense around.  This writer is not so sure since Payton failed the hiring test with his last two coordinators.  This year could well end up being another experiment on defense.

Payton and Brees are over rated at their positions and have failed to be the weapon that carry the team.  They are not the pieces that fit the puzzle together and the last four seasons have proven that.  Another big question has to do with the closeness of the team and the coaching staff.  There was obvious friction between some players and also between some players and coaches the last two seasons.  It showed on their faces on the sideline.  That is a serious problem.

There are too many unknowns to see a winning season and only time will tell.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Transition From The Previous Republican Administration To The Present Democratic Administration Has Been A Remarkable One

You won't hear the republicans, conservatives or the news media talking about it but once again it has been a democratic administration that has guided America's ship back on course in a positive way.  The turnaround has been remarkable when one thinks about the deepness of the economic recession, the record job losses,
 record deficit spending, two wars with many thousands of U.S. troops and thousands of U.S. deaths.  A failed banking system not seen since the great depression and a unnecessary war started by a President over WMD that did not exist against a country who was no threat to the U.S.

President Obama with the help of the democratic controlled congress in his first two years took the challenge head on and passed legislation that put the nation back on course.  A growing economy that has created over 15 million jobs and put America back to work.  Deficit spending has been reduced, the unemployment rate has been lowered to 4.9%.  Our troop level has been reduced in Iraq and Afghanistan and those countries are taking on most of their own fighting, a combination that has reduced the U.S. death toll.  Much progress has been made against ISIS despite the negative tone of the noise machine.  The ACA which has insured over 15 million people.

The banking industry  is now better regulated with tough requirements.  Our people at home and abroad have been safer from foreign terror attacks.  Our military is the best in the world and serve the nation with honor, commitment, pride and never complain.  The administration has a priority that continues to bring terrorists leaders around the world to justice.  And America has a President who believes in inclusion not division, hope and not fear, civility and not extremism.

The accomplishments of the past seven and half years describe what America is all about.  A nation that over comes, that deals with hardships and faces reality with determination to do better.  The negative voices from the dark side are incapable of competing with the truth and that is why the country needs to elect a President in November that will build on and improve on the accomplished of the past seven and half years.  We dare not let the future be like the failed policies of the past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Republican Controlled Congress Continues To Do Nothing.

The republican party has been in control of both houses of congress for almost two years and has no record of accomplishments for the country and its people.  They are still drawing top pay and are out raising funds for their next campaign but have no respect  for their office and feel no responsibility toward the people who elect them.  They have even refused to hold hearings on the President's nominee to the Supreme Court as of this writing.

They have yet to approve the President's request for funds to fight ISIS.  The highway bill to rebuild and repair the nations infrastructure, immigration reform, the minimum wage and many other issues raised by the President to keep the economy working.  And to top if off the people of Louisiana were told by those republicans who represent Louisiana in congress they had a robust agenda on issues vital to the nation and the state.  Of course it never happened and they are just marking time.  They do not want to see anything positive to happen before the elections.

The combination of the republican party and Donald Trump are a disgrace to America's political system and a direct threat to the foundation of government.  And worst of all, they seem to enjoy it.  Those republicans who are now walking away from Trump can not separate themselves from him or his unAmerican rhetoric this late in the campaign after pledging their support because Trump is acting out their party's ideology of divide and conquer no matter what.  That is what the leaders of the party in congress did when they refused to work with President Obama when he was first elected.

The democratic party is still the best hope for America, its people, our form of government and society.  Trump and the republican party are proving that every day.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Knight of Columbus Leader Tries To Divide The Country Over Religion.

According to a New Orleans Advocate story dated 8/6/16 by David Gibson of the Religion News Service, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Order and one of the most influential lay Catholics in the church said that abortion out weighs all other issues in the Presidential campaign and Catholics can not vote for a candidate who supports abortion rights.  Anderson also said It is time to stop creating excuses for voting for pro abortion politicians.  Mr. Anderson is a conservative republican who at one time worked for U.S. Senator Jesse Helms and served in various positions in the Reagan administration.  He made his remarks at the Knights International Convention in Toronto last week.

Anderson seems to have forgotten he does not speak for or make policy for the Catholic Church, the Pope does.  His attempt to divide Catholics using abortion is a signature of the extreme position of the republicans and goes against what Pope Francis said about abortion soon after becoming Pope.  That was revealed in a previous commentary in PolitiDose at the time dated 9/25/13.  Pope Francis said in his wisdom that the Roman Catholic Church had grown obsessed with preaching about abortion, gay marriage and contraception and that he has chosen not to speak of those issues.  The Pope also put his remarks in the context that the Church is a big tent with many more important issues that have an impact on all phases of the Catholic Church.

Those elected officials who support a woman's right to choose does not mean they are for abortion.  It means they understand the law and that it is legal for a woman to choose.  Anderson and the republican party are trying to play the religious card and make it a religious issue.  The leaders of the anti abortion crowd know a constitutional amendment is needed to change the courts decision but no republican President who has claimed to be against abortion has ever had the character or courage to push for such an amendment.  In other words talk is cheap for those who say they are anti abortion.  The only thing they are looking for is votes and to divide the country.

The Knights of Columbus are a respected organization but Mr. Anderson gave it a black eye with his divisive speech and ignored the Pope's speech and direction concerning the subject matter.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Louisiana and The Times Picayune's Columnist Tim Morris

Tim Morris in a Times Picayune article of 8/7/16 does his best to document that Louisiana is a republican state and says most Louisiana voters believe that the republican party best represents their views on the role of government, moral values, religion, abortion, taxes, guns and national security.  He also said it would take an asteroid event to stop Trump from winning Louisiana in November.  Morris also uses comments by a UNO and LSU representatives to prove Louisiana is a ruby red state that leans toward the right.

The people of Louisiana have a free will to vote for the candidate of their choice but their opinions about who best represents the views of the people do not pass the fact checking test.  And if Morris thinks Trump has a positive record on those views he needs to seek other employment.  The people of Louisiana helped to elect George W. Bush twice and did elect Jobby Jindal twice but neither one has a positive record of accomplishments and both left office with a very low job approval rating, much lower than 50%.

Louisiana is still at the bottom or near the bottom in health care, the economy, jobs, balancing the budget and so many other areas compared to the other states so being a red state is not very persuasive.  In fact democratic administrations are actually the best at representing the voters views but the voters can not bring themselves to admit it.

Louisiana may vote red in November but will still have a democratic governor who will out perform Jindal in accomplishing good things for the state and its people.  And that is really what counts most for the state because it is Louisiana's actions on the issues that affect the people more than the federal government's actions.  So in the end democratic blue will triumph over the republican ruby red big time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Job Growth Continues Its Progress Under The Obama Administration.

The U.S. Labor Department announced 255,000 new jobs were created in July and the unemployment rate remained steady at 4.9%.  It was the 77th straight month of positive job growth.  The Department also announced hourly wages were up in July and 2.7% higher than a year ago.  A good percentage of people looking for work are being hired and new workers continue to enter the job market.

The good news concerning the economy and jobs will only continue if a democrat is elected President in November.  Precedent has backed that up time and again.  Trump and his party continue to support the failed ideology of trickle down economics, that of massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.  And on the campaign trail Trump continues to attack the President's record on the economy and jobs.  I guess he would like to take the country and its people back to the years of the George W. Bush administration.  After all, Trump's tax proposals are a mirror image of what Bush pushed through congress.

Hillary Clinton is running on a plan and policy that would build on and enhance the positive direction of the economy, job creation, reducing deficit spending and better wages for the middle class that began under the Obama administration.  On the other hand Trump is running against an economic recovery and job creation made possible by President Obama's policies and the democrats in congress who backed the President up when they controlled both houses of congress.

The truth of the matter tells us the issues that affect the country and its people the most are better off in the hands of a democratic administration with out a doubt.  And the actions of Donald Trump and the republicans in congress give proof every day to that truth.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 4, 2016

President Obama Has Some Timely Words For The GOP

This week the President said that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as President and that he was woefully unprepared to do this job.  The President also asked the GOP, "why are you still endorsing him if you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable?"  He also told the GOP, because of that their criticisms of Trump "rings hollow."

During the week there were two republicans that did say they could not support Trump and would vote for Hillary Clinton.  The leaders of the republican party in congress and the majority of the republicans in congress still say they will support their nominee.  Nothing has really changed concerning the republican party in general, their leaders and most conservative journalists.  They are trying to play both ends but the truth is the republican party and Trump are one and the same.  That has been the conclusion of this writer from the very beginning.  New York Times journalist Paul Krugman reported the same conclusion in a Times Picayune editorial of 7/31/16.  He pointed out that the only difference is that the substance is less disguised than usual under Trump.

Also, this week the latest poll showed President Obama's job approval rating is at 54%.  That is much higher than the 20-30% range of President George W. Bush during the same time period of his administration.  And when President Obama leaves office in January his administration will have out performed the Bush administration in every positive category.

So why is Trump pushing the same failed policies of the Bush administration?  Lower tax rates for Corporate America and the wealthy and a go it alone policy in world affairs.  Ideology is still not a plan even if the republican leaders name is Donald Trump.  Our country has been there and done that and we dare not go there again.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

One Of America's Wealthiest Says It Best About Donald Trump

Warren Buffett spoke at a Hillary Clinton rally on Monday in Omaha, Nebraska, hometown to Buffett's business empire and was clear in his endorsement of Clinton.  In fact he said on election day in November he would personally drive 10 people to the polls that needed a ride to cast their votes.  Also that he would make transportation available all day to take the people to the voting places in Omaha's congressional districts and that he himself would be on the bus all day.  What an endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Buffett also challenged Donald Trump to make his tax returns public and said Trump was afraid to do so.  Then he challenged Trump by saying, HE WOULD MEET TRUMP ANY TIME AND ANY PLACE IN PUBLIC AND BOTH COULD BRING THEIR TAX RETURNS AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT THE PUBLIC HAS ON ANY LINE ITEM ON THEIR TAX RETURNS.  Buffett has character and courage and one can bet Trump will not take Buffett up on his offer.


Despite his wealth Buffett said long ago corporate America and the wealthy should pay more in taxes and that paying taxes is no excuse for a business not to be profitable.  Buffett is also a critic of companies who claim to lose money but still pay their CEO's and executives huge bonuses while laying off employees and eliminating health insurance for the average worker.

Buffett's support for Clinton and his rejection of Trump come at a critical time in the campaign.  The conventions are over and it is now one on one and less than 100 days to the November election.  More people are starting to make up their minds and can see a clearer picture of the two candidates.  This writer feels Buffett's comments and support will have a positive affect on Hillary Clinton's chances to win in November.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, August 1, 2016

An Independent Voice At The Democratic National Convention

A very important endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President and a strong rebuke of Donald Trump's candidacy took place at the Democratic convention by speaker Michael Bloomberg.  The former Mayor of New York City, an independent for some time and one time republican and democrat laid out his reasons why .  He urged independents and others to support Clinton in the genera election and noted the importance of doing so.

The reasons for Bloomberg's position are powerful:  He is a business man and a very wealthy one and is out of politics; He knows Trump and his nasty business dealings well: He is an independent and owes allegiance to no political party; He believes business and political leaders need to work together to solve problems and promote economic well being; His speech and thoughts were from his own free independent mind;  He is well aware how Clinton worked with New York officials after the tragic results of 9/11 when she was a U.S. Senator and help from the federal government was greatly needed.

As a former elected official and active business man Bloomberg is well qualified for his strong support for Clinton as the next President and his rebuke of Donald Trump.  It could turn out to be one of the most important endorsements of the 2016 Presidential campaign.

The people who know Donald Trump the best continue to reject him.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio