Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Lying and Corruption of President Trump Concerning Russia-Gate.

President Trump's attorney in a report to special counsel Robert Mueller is reported to tell the special counsel that Trump himself dictated the memo Donald Trump Jr., was supposed to have written about his meeting in Trump tower with a Russian representative.  At the time the story broke, President Trump denied he dictated the memo and so did his attorney and Trump Jr., said he wrote it.

Trump's press secretary Sanders also said at the time the President did not dictate the memo.  After the new story broke this week, the press corps asked Sanders about the new revelation and misinformation by President Trump himself and she would not answer the question.

Both President Trump and Trump Jr. gave different stories about the meeting in Trump towers and what the meeting was about.  This writer believes their lies indicate collusion with Russia was involved and Trump's original lie about not writing the memo and the fact he did so amounts to his intention to obstruct the investigation and is an impeachable offense.

The President's latest rhetoric about the President's power to pardon himself, that he can not obstruct, that the investigation is unconstitutional, a President can not be indicted, etc, etc, tells of Trump's awareness the special counsel is closing in on him and his un-American actions.

The malignancy of this President runs deep and through the republican party in congress who have enabled Trump's corrupted rhetoric and actions at every turn.  For sixteen months, President Trump and his party has stabbed America in the back, violated the norms of government and its institutions with autocratic rule and has shown disrespect for others as policy.

America has a sick and unstable President the likes never seen before by any living human being.  And as such, deserves to be impeached PDQ for the sake of America and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio