Thursday, June 12, 2014

Republican U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Defeated In Reelection Bid

The number two Republican in the U.S. House was defeated in Tuesday's congressional primary in Virginia.  Tea party candidate David Brat, an economic professor received 55% of the vote to Cantor's 44%.  The cable news networks interrupted their programs to broadcast the news which was described by their hosts and guests as "an earthquake;  An apocalyptic moment for the GOP; Devastating loss" and other terms.

This writer does not believe any of those descriptions describe the outcome of the election.  Politics always takes on the dramatic side because of the news media.  We see that on the Sunday talk shows and in political debates.  The defeat of Cantor does not change the balance of power in the republican controlled house because the tea party and the establishment republicans will still be of the mind set to obstruct President Obama's agenda.  That was Cantor's role as majority leader and who ever takes over that position will continue that obstruction because John Boehner is still speaker of the house.

It was Cantor who has prevented bills that were passed in the U.S. Senate to be taken up in the House.  The immigration bill is a good example.  Some house democrats say they need only about 25 republican yes votes in the House and immigration would pass because the democrats would supply the majority yes votes and put the bill over the top.  Democrats also say they have over 15 republican yes votes now and are working on obtaining more.  That is one reason why Cantor will not bring up the immigration bill.

What would be an earthquake is if Cantor or his successor would bring up the immigration bill and enough republicans would vote with the democrats to pass it.  That is not likely to happen because republicans, tea party or other wise are so far to the right and so ingrained in their unAmerican ideology they have disregarded the fundamentals of being an American first.

 The news media said nothing that I can find about Cantor's speech to his supporters in acknowledging defeat when he said.  Its disappointing, sure.  But I believe in this country.  I believe there's opportunity around the next corner for all of us.   That is a positive statement about the country that is happening on President Obama's watch.  Too bad Eric Cantor passed up so many oportunities to work with the President and make the country an even better place to live.  He was in the right position to do so and failed the President, the country and its people.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia.