Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Triumph of Reality over Myth (a special editorial by John Lucia)

MYTH: America is safer today because of the war in Iraq.

REALITY: Iraq is accomplishing something they could not do prior to our invasion. That is kill Americans. Almost 4 thousand and there is no end in sight.

MYTH: We have to stay in Iraq to deny Al Queda in Iraq a base of operation.

REALITY: The war in Iraq created Al Queda in Iraq and they have already established a base there to launch
their attack on our troops.

MYTH: Iraq's people will welcome us with open arms when we invade their country.

REALITY: The Iraqi's welcomed us with four and half years of war so far and no end in sight. Over 2 million
Iraqi's have fled their country under the U.S. occupation.

MYTH: Iraqi's Oil will pay for the war and occupation.

REALITY: The war has cost the U.S. tax payers over half a trillion dollars and counting.

MYTH: Iraq had stockpiles of WMD ready to use against the U.S. or transferred to terrorist.

REALITY: Iraq had no WMD at no time during Mr. Bush's administration.

MYTH: Overthrowing Saddam will stabilize Iraq and the middle east.

REALITY: The war has destabilized Iraq and the middle east and a civil war is now taking place in Iraq.

MYTH: Iraq has reconstituted its nuclear program.

REALITY: Iraq did no such thing and they could not produce the feared mushroom cloud.

MYTH: The War in Iraq would be a cake walk.

REALITY: Well into the 5th year of war, America has suffered over 30,000 casualties. A cake walk?

MYTH: Saddam was a threat to the whole region.

REALITY: The war proved Saddam was a threat only to his own people.

MYTH: Republicans can best protect our country and national security.

REALITY: The worst foreign terror attack on U.S. soil happened on President Bush's watch.

MYTH: Iraq had biological mobile trailers to manufacture WMD.

REALITY: They were used to manufacture hydrogen.

MYTH: Mission accomplished and major combat operations have ended.

REALITY: Mission has not been accomplished and major combat operations are still in progress.

MYTH: We know exactly where their WMD are located.

REALITY: There were no WMD to be found.

MYTH: Iraq tried to acquire uranium from Niger.

REALITY: Our own intelligence people said it never happened. The U.N. said it was bogus.

Can anyone remember another American President who has misled his country and people so often and over so long a period of time as Mr. Bush?

NOTE: President Clinton's administration went 7 years and 9 months without a foreign terror attack on U.S. soil. The Bush administration will never equal that record of keeping America safe.