Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another Foreign Policy Achievement Of The Obama Administration And Its Allies

The United States, its allies, along with the United Nations has achieved its goal of destroying Syria's chemical weapons stockpile.  That is one WMD threat removed in an unstable middle east.  Pressure from the President and its allies after Syria used some of its chemical weapons on the rebel fighters took hold.  International inspectors entered Syria and inventoried their stockpile.

The Associated Press in a report released on July 3 reported the U.S. Cargo Ship MV Cape Ray loaded with hundreds of tons of Syria's chemical weapons left an Italian port Wednesday to destroy the weapons at sea.  The ship is equipped with special machinery in its cargo hold that will neutralize the chemicals.  U.S. officials say no vapor or water run off will be released into the atmosphere or the sea.

Diplomacy at the right time can accomplish much to advance the cause of keeping people safe from the use of WMD.  It should be the first step to address problems that confront the U.S. and its allies.  The U.S. tried the opposite approach in 2003 against Iraq with threats and then an invasion and occupation of that country over WMD that did not exist.  That resulted in the deaths of over 4400 Americans plus the wounding of over 30,000.  Too high of a price to pay for an unnecessary war and a failed foreign policy decision. 

The diplomatic effort of the Obama administration with Iran concerning their weapons program is the right avenue.  We do not yet know how that effort will turn out but it is a major step in determining where we will go if diplomacy fails.  Iran is not the only country in that part of the world that could cause problems.  Israel, Pakistan and India all have established nuclear programs and nuclear weapons who's sites have not been inspected by outside sources and they are not a party to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty like the United States and the major nuclear powers.  Iran is also a party to that treaty.  I wrote a commentary years ago that said if nuclear war ever comes to that part of the world do not be surprised if on of those three nations start it.

American Presidents need to have wisdom and understanding when dealing with the problems that confront our country.  A lack of wisdom and knowledge cost lives, a terrible price to pay for bad decisions, especially those inspired by ideology.  Syria is just one of the many perils the world faces, there are more to come and President Obama and future Presidents need to be equipped to face the challenge.

This commentry written by John Lucia.