Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Democratic Party Once Again Leads The GOP Controlled House To A Solid Legislative Accomplishment.

 The GOP controlled U.S. House passed on Saturday President Biden's foreign aid package which included Ukraine aid that Speaker of the House Johnson had been playing politics with for the past several months.  The vote was 311-112.  One hundred and one republicans voted for the bill while one hundred twelve voted against the bill.  Two hundred ten democrats voted for the bill and provided the majority vote for the bill to pass even though they are the minority vote in the U.S. House.

Johnson's failure to do months ago what he did Saturday was a reversal and waisted several months for political purposes that delayed Ukraine the help they needed even after President Biden made the case for the aid to pass timely and put politics aside.  Johnson and his GOP members are still a divided party who have failed to work together for the good of the country and its people.  Their lack of governing and waste of time  is SOP for chaos they created and as a result are a disgrace to their oath of office.

The democratic party are still the sane party in Washington who believe in governing to accomplish what is needed to address the issues the country faces.  The party has not been afraid to govern in a non-partisan way and have demonstrated that.  On the other hand, the GOP works to tear down government, especially in the image of Trump.

What House speaker Johnson should do now, is revisit immigration reform legislation that the democratic controlled Senate was working on and bring the matter before the House for debate and a vote.  Johnson killed the proposal when Trump told him to do so a few months ago.  The immigration burden is congress responsibility to settle.  Most think if the House took it up it would pass and then the Senate would then follow and approve the legislation.  Legislation by congress is the answer because immigration covers a number of issues and the congress controls the purse strings to finance what ever they decide on.  

The democratic controlled Senate passed the House approved Ukraine package on a non-partisan vote of 79-18.  The total  package was $95 billion and included aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian relief to the citizens of Gaza.  President Biden said he would sign the bill as soon as it hits his desk.  Once again it is a democratic administration that is leading a non-partisan matter to address important issues that affect the country, the people and America's leadership around the world.  President Biden's determination to address at hand and keep the focus where it belongs in an election year, represents governing at its highest level.  

The President's first priority is to do the people's work and govern.  And that is what President Biden is doing.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio