Saturday, February 25, 2017

It Has Become Evident That Democrats Do A Better Job At Governing.

Precedent, performance and the record of history since WWII tells us that is so.  And since 1980 to the present, it is especially true.  Opinions count and matter but facts decide and define history.  During that time period, true conservatism of the republican party has been taken over by the right wing, extremist, the tea party and the Trumpsters although Trump is not a conservative.  The democratic party has had its ups and downs but has remained a steady party of policy for the country and its people.

And now the new republican administration in Washington is a reminder just how bad the party acts at governing.  The President's party is a party without leadership, both in the White House and in the congress.  Trump's extreme actions are reversing the progress made under the Obama administration and is void of policy.  The party's position on the ACA and immigration reform are defined by ideology and therefore can not be addressed in the proper policy manner.  Past republican Presidents and congress that was controlled by republicans failed on the issues of health care and immigration and at this writing are farther from a solution than ever before.

President Clinton's administration had to lift the country out of the 12 years of economic mess by the Reagan-Bush administration and it was President Obama who had to lift the country out of the eight year mess of President George W. Bush.  Both Presidents did it with policy and a respect for America and its institutions.  All President Trump has to do is establish policy that would keep the progress going and offer policies that would improve the country's position where necessary.

But President Trump went negative and divisive and his administration is floundering with no real progress.  It is a far cry away from President Obama's steady hand when the country needed it the most.  Past Presidents have a record.  President Trump's record is a short one at this time and is unproductive.  Will it change for the better for the country and its people?  Only Trump and history can answer the question.  In the mean time not much confidence is even coming out of the administration.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio