Sunday, January 21, 2018

Louisiana's Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy: The Ditto Head Republicans Stick It To Louisiana Again

U.S. Senators Cassidy and Kennedy did it to Louisiana again Friday when they voted with their republican colleges to kick the can down the road by voting for the CR that failed and shut down the government.  The first CR (continuing resolution) they voted for ended Friday and was supposed to give them enough time to come up with a long term spending bill but it failed under the republican leadership.  Friday's vote was to continue the CR for another 3 weeks so they could accomplish what they failed to accomplish during the first CR.

The democratic party and five republicans voted against the CR because the solution to the budget spending bill is long term and they wanted a bill that would run through the end of the government's fiscal year which ends September 30, 2018.  That way all federal agencies would have certainty for the rest of the fiscal year.  Government should not be run with CR's that last short periods of time and don't solve the problem and then create government shutdowns.  This is the third time the republicans in congress have shut down the government since 1995 because of their extreme agenda which began with the Newt Gingrich era.  GOP administrations and GOP led congress are terrible at governing and makes it easy to understand why no republican administration has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower.  Since then its been all deficit spending under republican administrations.

Louisiana's republican representatives in congress are the worst this writer has ever seen.  They are Trump ditto heads who are with him no matter what.  They all voted for Trump's health care scam bill, his tax bill scheme passed off as tax reform and supported his regressive executive orders and his divisive rhetoric.  Their immigration talk is a mirror image of their health care talk.  Louisiana and its people deserve better representation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio