Saturday, May 25, 2024

Nikki Haley Says She Will Vote For Donald Trump In The 2024 Presidential Election.

 Former GOP Governor and Presidential hopeful Nikkie Haley, now says she will vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential election.  It did not come as a surprise to this writer who predicted long ago that is what she would do.  She now joins the GOP party's endorsement and support for Trump, a sexual abuser, who was also guilty of defaming the same person and fraud for allowing his company to commit fraud, facing multiple federal indictments, a state indictment in Georgia and a present trial in the state of New York that will go to the jury next week concerning the Stormy Daniel matter.

When the conservative media and the MAGA teams are added to the GOP's support it paints a picture of a sad group saying they support a corrupt candidate for President that will corrupt government, the Presidency and the White House.  It also tells the story of a group that cares nothing about honesty, character, moral values or government free from corruption.  Their support is a direct attack on the highest political office in the United States.

Trump's daily rants of personal attacks against everyone and everything represents a sickness never before seen in American politics and a former President.  He is a danger to American democracy and the world because of his sickness and corruption.  The upcoming debate will be no debate because you can not debate a liar and such a debate would constitute a slap in the face to a real Presidential debate where substance and civility count.  A debate with a corrupted person like Trump is a disgrace to the process.  

Donald Trump's failed Presidency is already recorded in the records of the federal government for all to see.  Since he left office, his personal life of corruption has been exposed by the legal process of the court system.  He is unfit for the nomination and unfit to be President of The United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio