Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Trumpet Man's Rhetoric on Health Care Flip-Flops Once Again

President Trump knows how to trash his own lies concerning health care.  He has ordered his Justice Department to go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court and seek an order to abolish the ACA.  And at the same time he tells the people his administration is working on a health care plan to be introduced this year.  Then the sky falls down when republican senator Mitch McConnell says the party has no appetite to fool around with health care with congressional elections coming up next year.

So the President flops again and now says the GOP's health care plan will not be introduced until after the 2020 Presidential and congressional elections.  Mean while the democratic controlled U.S. House is working on a plan that would make the ACA better with changes that are necessary and make the plan more affordable and less costly.  And the House will vote on those changes and plan in the near future.  That is the best solution to the health care issue instead of starting all over.

Republican Attorneys General from Ohio and Montana will join other states and groups that will ask the Supreme Court to dismiss Trump's demand that the ACA be abolished.  The American voters should remember and refresh their memories just how bad the republicans attitude toward health care is nothing but a scam and scheme supported by their own lies.  They should also remember what former republican speaker of the House John Boehner said, THAT THE GOP HAS NEVER SUPPORTED HEALTH CARE.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio