Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff Debacle: What Everyone Should Have Known

Does any one remember the republican party's vow not to work with President Obama after he was elected President four years ago?  Does any one remember the republicans refusal to act on the debt ceiling even though they rubber stamped Bush's many debt ceiling increases while he and the republican party who controlled both houses of congress turned Clinton's balanced budgets and surpluses into record deficit spending and debt for 8 straight years.

No one seems to understand the republican party;s real political goal, it has two faces.  Bankrupt the federal government so programs such as social security and medicare will be no more and sabotage democratic administrations so they will fail.You see, for the record, republican administrations can not compete with democratic administrations in creating a sound economy, job creation, low unemployment, good wages for the middle class and progress for the people and the country.  That is why they impeached President Clinton and vowed not to lift a finger to work with Obama.

Republicans knew Obama would bring the nation and its people back from Bush's second great republican depression and reverse the record job losses and a failed economy.  The leaders who control the republican party today not only have no character or courage they have no shame and practice a conservative ideology that is unAmerican in nature.  They are traitors to their own country and the people who elect them.

And if anyone thinks the republicans will work with Obama during the next 4 years they need to get a life.

Note:  This commentary was written by John Lucia