Wednesday, December 9, 2015

America was Not Built On Fear, America Was Built On Courage, On Imagination And An Unbeatable Determination To Do The Job At Hand.

Those words were spoken by President Harry Truman and was one of the many sayings by him that defined what his Presidency was all about.  President Truman's wisdom and courage stands in stark contrast to the leaders of today's republican party, especially those seeking the republican Presidential nomination.  They use fear as a political tactic to frighten the American people to gain votes and damage President Obama.

Fear, republican style, is part of their conservative ideology that is ugly and unAmerican which this writer commented on in "PolitiDose" early on.  Trump who is no conservative, is the worst out of the bunch because he follows the republican line on scare tactics and would say anything to gain attention.  His rhetoric on terrorists is just that, talk, and cheap talk at that.

Both John McCain and Mitt Romney tried to play the fear card in 2008 and 2012 when they ran against Obama and both failed.  Trump and his republican opponents have displayed their lack of understanding the basic value of American character and courage.

Real leaders in America have always possessed those qualities.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio