Friday, September 14, 2012

The U.S. Economy Continues To Create Jobs

The U.S. economy created over 90,000 jobs in August and unemployment fell to 8.1% from 8.3% the previous month.  August was the 30th straight month of positive job creation compared to 14 straight months of job losses that went as high as 700,000 a month during the previous Bush administration.  The wall street banks predicted in 2010 that unemployment would stay above 9% for all of 2011 and 2012 and they have been proven wrong.

The positive job growth has been accomplished with out any help from republicans in congress and their   attitude of doing nothing to help the President move the country forward.  It is a reminder how the democratic controlled congress in 1993 passed President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan and every republican in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate voted against it and predicted doom and gloom.  The republicans were wrong big time then and nothing has changed for the republicans in congress in 2012.  Their conservative ideology is still unAmerican.

History is repeating itself.  It was Clinton's policies that created the greatest economy and job creation and now it is President Obama's policies that is laying the ground work for another lasting economy and job creation for the country and its people.  The GOP is a non participant in those things that have made America and its people great.  They are attracted to the wedge issues that divide America because of their unAmerican conservative ideology.

The second great republican depression is coming to an end.  The middle class has suffered much and it is time the wealthy start paying their fare share and pull their own weight.  President Obama has outlined his plan to see that it happens.  He asked the American people for their vote at the democratic convention so he could complete the job.  I believe the voters should give him that chance.  The alternative is unacceptable.

The New Orleans Saints Bounty Gate and The BP Oil Spill

If you are asking yourself what in the world do those two events have in common that would be a reasonable question.  And strange as it may seem, what they have in common is that the news media, printed, radio and television have never told the real story concerning both events and as a result the people have been exposed to what the news media does best today, that is, take up time and space.

The real story of the Saints bounty gate is that the Saints head coach, Sean Payton, let bounty gate happen and as a result was suspended from the team for the 2012 football season and left his players and team with out a leader.  Sean Payton let his team down, let the fans down and gave a bad example to thousands of youngsters.  Payton's actions were irresponsible for a head coach and jeopardized all the Saints have accomplished.  Payton's arrogance displayed the worse in professional sports by believing he was above it all.  The news media, especially printed news focused on everything else instead of the real story. 

In the case of the BP oil spill the real story that was never told was the oil industry in general lied for the past 40 years by telling the people they had the technology and equipment available to plug any blow out TIMELY and remove any spilled oil from the waters of the gulf before that oil reached shore.  The BP event proved they did not have the technology or equipment available to do the job TIMELY.  To add insult to injury, the oil industry announced 3 months after the blow out that they were forming a company to do what they said they could do in the first place.

The news media during bounty gate tried to blame the NFL and even went to bat for Payton and the Saints players.  They choose to ignore the real story of Payton's arrogance and his irresponsible actions that harmed his own team and left them without a head coach.  Mr. Benson should have disciplined Payton for his actions long ago.

The news media during the BP spill and some elected officials from Louisiana tried to use the BP spill to blame President Obama for the moratorium instead of telling the real story.  They became a tool of the oil industry and instead of telling the real story, they participated in a fairy tale much like the Warren Report.  Football fans, football in general and the American people have been betrayed by a news media who is more interested in hype and filling up news time.  Elected officials in the case of the B:P spill could care less because they live and work in con games and do the bidding of the oil industry because of their campaign contributions. 

The late Paul Harvey had a part of his news cast called "the rest of the story".  Today's media can't even tell the "real story".