Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Checks and Balance Of The U.S. Court System Will Take Down The Donald Trump Presidency.

The republican controlled U.S. Senate has rushed through and confirmed hundreds of so called conservative judges appointed by President Trump since he took office in January 2017 (even some without qualifications) for the purpose of over loading the federal bench with judges who will uphold Trump and the republican's extreme agenda.  But in the end the extreme has its limits.

And Trump's extreme obstructing justice, obstructing congress, his traitorous acts with the Russians and his assault on the constitution and institutions, his personal attacks against everyone, including judges and his love of autocratic authority has led him to make a decision to take all the legal challenges against him to court and all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.  But Trump's behavior has not gone unnoticed by the courts who have ruled against him on a number of important issues.

There are three important issues before the courts at this time:  Trump's Income Tax, his banking records and special counsel Robert Mueller's report in its original state with its supporting documents.  Trump believes the conservative tilt of the Supreme Court would rule in his favor if those challenges reach the high court.  This writer believes Trump is over playing his hand in that regard.

In a PolitiDose commentary dated 10/7/18 titled, "The U.S. Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh For The U.S. Supreme Court, this writer pointed out that there has to be at least one so called conservative judge on the Supreme Court with the courage and character that will not allow Trump to pollute our court system of checks and balances.  And this writer believes there are enough conservative judges who are not going to allow President Trump to destroy the independence of the court system in favor of a political agenda and thereby corrupt their time on the bench and write the failed history of the courts on their watch.

If the courts rule against Trump in those three cases, the ball game is over and the President will be gone.  The only thing left would be a decision to prosecute him once he leaves office.  And if it is the so called conservative courts that turn the table on Trump, remember, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, May 24, 2019

U.S. Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi: A Deserving "Profiles In Courage Award.

President John F. Kennedy believed the virtue of Courage, especially in politics defined true leadership and even wrote a book about the subject titled, "Profiles in Courage."  After his death an award was issued each year to honor a person who met the criteria and democratic Nancy Pelosi of the U.S. House was chosen for the award this past week  The award was presented by President Kennedy's daughter Caroline.

It was a fitting tribute to a political leader with true "courage" who has passed the test.  JFK would be proud of the selection.  By contrast, this same week President Trump displayed his inability to lead and govern with his cry baby out bursts against the democrats in congress and vowed not to work with them because of their investigations into his administration.  Trump's out bursts and tantrums started first when he threatened to blow up the infrastructure plan the democrats are working on in the House if they did not approve the trade deal with Mexico and Canada first.  Behind the scene Trump was mad because Mexico and Canada said they would not approve the new trade deal with the U.S. until Trump lifted his tariffs on Mexico and Canada steel and aluminum.  So Trump was forced to retreat and cancel those tariffs just recently.

Then when Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer was scheduled to meet with Trump this week to talk about their infrastructure plan, that is when Trump blew a gasket, acted childish with a tantrum and ended the meeting after 3 minutes.  That is when Trump made his traitorous statement he would not work with the democratic party.  And once again, the cry baby has failed to lead and govern.  It is all about Trump, the autocrat.

President Trump will never win the "Profile in Courage" award.  He does not even have the courage to release his tax returns like other Presidents do so easily.  Its a real simple thing to do.  This writer believes it is easy to understand why Trump uses personal attacks against Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton so often.  He feels he has to damage them because they are better women than Trump is a man.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Immigration Albatross Begins To Strangle President Trump Despite His Rhetoric

After 28 months in office President Trump finally introduced a splintered immigration plan.  With illegal immigration at record levels on his watch, a failure to reunite families that were separated because of his policies and under a court order to do so, the situation at the border has never been worse.  And all the American people have heard the last 28 months was Trump's hollow rhetoric and his blame game.

Trump's plan that he introduced this week was splintered and did not address the most serious issues concerning the problem.  As a result some in his own party said it was a non starter.  Trump tried to put the responsibility on the democrats in congress if his plan failed and said if the people return the U.S. House to republican control in the 2020 elections, reelect him and keep the senate in republican hands, then he and the republican controlled congress would pass immigration reform after the 2020 elections.  (like as if they did not have that option for the first 24 months)

The only reason Trump introduced his plan now is because 2020 is on his mind and he and the republican controlled congress did nothing on immigration up to this point in time.  And Trump himself said immigration was his top priority next to his tax cuts.  Now, illegal immigration is at a breaking point on Trump's watch and he has nothing to talk about in the way of accomplishments and his reelection campaign is in full swing.

A good example of how Trump and his party operate on immigration can be found in a ruling handed down this week by a federal circuit court of 3 judges that upheld a previous court ruling that Trump had no authority to cancel DACA, an immigration program that began during the Obama administration.  Trump issued his order to cancel DACA when the republicans controlled both houses of congress and neither Trump or the republicans had any plan or policy to replace DACA which was working.  And Trump's plan that he introduced this week still does not address DACA.  Trump and his party are so hypocritical on immigration and health care there is no denying their do nothing attitude.

True immigration reform that address the total problem will only take place when Trump and his party respect the democrat's plan and suggestions and incorporate that with their own.  The republicans health care plans failed because they rejected democratic ideas.  That same rejection on immigration will also fail.  What is needed on immigration is an American plan, not a republican or democratic plan.

Trump's self serving statement about democrats being for open borders and etc., are contrary to the facts.  He knows that and it is his only answer because he himself has failed to act on the immigration issue for the past 28 months.  And there lies the story.

This commentary written by Joe orio

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Louisiana's Republicans Want To Turn Back The Clock On Fiscal Responsibility

According to a report in the Times Picayune of 5/15/19 the republican controlled House Ways and Means Committee advanced a proposal to phase out the centerpiece 0.45% sales tax enacted last year to stabilize the budget process.  House republican leader Lance Harris wants to phase out the tax by mid 2023 according to the report which would cost the state a loss of over $400 million in state revenue.  The tax, when passed last year was mandated to expire in mid 2025.

Governor Edwards opposes rolling back the tax earlier saying it would upend a compromise that ended a decade of budget gaps.  Kimberly Robinson, State Revenue Secretary testified before the committee against the proposal and pointed out the state surpluses was due to better than expected corporate and personal income tax collections and not the sales tax.  It was noted that the 0.45% sales tax replaced the 1% sales tax that expired.  Lance Harris voted against the 0.45% sales tax.

Mr. Harris also said it might be time to give tax payers a little relief as justification.  Well, Mr. Harris and the republican controlled legislature could give the tax payers a lot more relief if they cut back the $8 billion in tax breaks to the business community they dole out each year  They actually had a chance to do that but they gave in to the business lobby.  Note:  That $8 billion represents over 20% of the state's budget.

The state has now had two straight years of balanced budgets under the leadership of governor Edwards.  Putting the states fiscal house in order will go a long way in moving Louisiana out of last place in almost everything and progress has already being made.  The republicans in congress have no record of baancing the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960 and the republican leadership in the state legislature now want the state to return to the days of former governor Bobby Jindal.  For some, things never change.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

An American President In Name Only: A Tragic American Story

Donald Trump is President of the United States and a self proclaimed billionaire, so what is it about his need to lie to the American people about anything and everything?  The latest lie about China paying billions of dollars for Trump's tariffs when the American people are the ones paying the cost is a reflection of his lack of mental capacity to understand the role an American President plays in everyday life.  Lies roll off his lips without any consideration of the position he holds.

And to make matters worse he than has to ask congress to pass legislation that would pay farmers $15 billion for their losses because of his China tariffs.  That does not include the $12 billion congress approved for Trump's previous tariffs on China trade.  America has a President who feels he has to lie about even the day to day happenings.  The way he deals with people is not even close to what a normal person's life is like.  He respects no one because he is incapable of recognizing character and the truth.

And if one stops to think about the fact that President Trump still believes Putin when he says Russia did not interfere with the 2016 Presidential election after our own intelligence people and Robert Mueller's report detailed they did, every American should be frightened of what could come next.  Let there be no doubt, America has a President who is a serious threat to the nation's security, our way of life and our democracy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Another Black Eye For The Trump-GOP Tax Cuts

Now comes a report from the Commercial Real Estate Firm, "CoStar Group" the staggering retail store closures the past two years that is expected to continue in 2019.  According to the report retailers closed a record breaking 102 million square feet of store space in 2017, then smashed that record in 2018 by closing another 155 million square feet store space.

More of the same is predicted for this year and an analysis by Business Insider reports retailers have already announced more than 6,200 store closures so far this year.  Did the Trump-GOP tax cuts help those stores stay alive, turn things around for another day or stop the bleeding?  It's always been obvious for those who follow politics that trickle down economics practiced by republicans never achieve its goal of being an economic stimulus of any long range value.

The $800 billion stimulus plan passed by the Obama administration after the 2008 great recession had a greater positive long term impact on the economy, job creation and the federal government's fiscal house than the $1.5 trillion Trump-GOP tax cuts because the stimulus was targeted to the needs of the economy.  In other words, there was a plan behind the stimulus, where as trickle down economics is simply a product of ideology.

There are some economic truths that never change and some that are still around supported by lies.  And yes my fellow Americans, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.

Louisiana's Budget Process and Fiscal Responsibility Is On The Right Track.

Thanks to democratic governor John B. Edwards, Louisiana's fiscal house and budget process has more than just turned the corner away from republican Bobby Jindal's fiscal carnage.  The billion dollar budget deficits and the fake balanced budgets that Edwards inherited are no more thanks to Edwards policy on fiscal matters and the determination to bring order to the states fiscal house.

The Louisiana state legislature is now in session and once again did not have to face the task of dealing with a budget deficit and some members of the legislature (republicans) said, "this is the easiest budget process that we have gone through."  One said,  "In comparison to past budget debates, this is a snoozer."  The republican controlled state house backed a $30 billion state operating budget that included spending increases for teachers pay raises and other priorities of Governor Edwards.  There are some differences that will have to be addressed in the state senate.

The most important thing now for Louisiana and its people is that governor Edwards continue his priorities that move the state and its people forward with fiscal policies that will allow the state to continue to balance the budget and provide the revenue to get the job done  The state is still far back from past years of neglect but progress is now being made with leadership, policy and plans that relate to the problems and not the ideology of the failed past.  This writer believes governor Edwards understands that the key to a better future is to understand the mistakes of the failed past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Chaotic Foreign Policy Of President Donald Trump

One of the constant in Trump's Presidency is to blame others when things go wrong and it takes place domestically and in foreign affairs and policy.  The latest flare up concerns Venezuela and Trump's foreign policy towards that country.  He approved a plan against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro that backed opposition leader Juan Guaido's fizzled power play to topple Maduro.  There were supposed to be defections from some of Maduro's key government allies but that also fizzled out.  Maduro let it be known he was not going any where and rejected Trump's order to leave his own country.

It was Trump's national security advisor John Bolton who recommended the attempt to oust Maduro and after it failed Trump said he was misled by Bolton how easy it would be to replace Maduro.  Of course every one should recognize it was John Bolton who led the push for the war and invasion of Iraq and said it would be a cake walk.  Bolton is also leading Trump's foreign policy on Iran.  That's the kind of people Trump hires in positions that are important, follows their advise and when things goes wrong Trump passes the buck and plays the blame game.  John Bolton does not belong any where near government and Trump should have known the guy is poison.  But that is the type of people Trump associates himself with.

Trump's foreign policy has also legitimized the role of Russia in Syria and Russia and China now have their people in Venezuela.  That is a part of the world Trump has ignored and Russia and China are ready to fill the vacuum in a New York second.  The President likes to link our southern border with national security but has no policy to deal with the immigration problem and has sent no plans to congress to act on.  And the President continues his cozy relationship with Putin and neglects our NATO allies.

The trumpet man's refusal to accept blame for his own decisions represents another sign of his unfitness to serve in the White House and when one takes into consideration his refusal to make public his tax returns (such a minor thing that past Presidents had no problem doing) one can see he lacks courage and character.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Democratic Presidential Candadites

The field is large, over 20 candidates but that number will not be sustained past the end of this year in this writer's opinion.  The candidates are a diverse group in every category and represents America.  The polls are ranking them already but don't pay much attention to them now because polls change like the wind at this point in a campaign.  Once the debates and the Presidential primaries start, the public will have to decide if they think the younger can have the experience to be President and lead the nation.  Or would it be wise at this point to choose an older candidate with more experience.

With so many candidates the debates will probably not do them justice, especially with all the silly questions they are asked by the moderators.  One thing this writer likes is the fact that democrats in congress are not rushing to indorse any one candidate yet.  That is a good sign because it is so early in the campaign and all of the candidates views are not known at this time.

Trump and the GOP ae already trying to brand all democratic candidates as socialist.  But it is the GOP and Trump who are the socialist party for corporate America and the wealthy and have no other record to run on or articulate even though they are in charge of government  They still have no plan or policy on immigration reform outside of Trump's rhetoric.  Their so called conservatism on balanced budgets and deficits has been one great big lie since Reagan became President.

The other talking point being pushed by some in the news media, Trump himself and the GOP is that the economy favors Trump in the Presidential election of 2020.  But don't be misled by that claim because the economy will turn in the opposite direction before the election.  The signs are already there and the Trump-GOP tax cuts have not really increased job creation and that happens to be the only economic plan that Trump and the GOP have articulated so far.  There is another issue that has not been picked up on yet and that is Trump's republican opponent, former Governor Weld.  If he stays in the race he could be big trouble for Trump and he has what it takes to answer any of Trump's attacks.

This writer will look for the democratic candidate that has the political understanding to run government and who has the knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the country and its people, especially those critical issues talked about in the past but never addressed.  Also a candidate who understands how important it is to balance the federal budget and reform the tax code with real reform where everyone pays his or her fair share and there are no special interest given special treatment.  After Trump, the nation will need a President who knows how to lead.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Special Counsel's Report About Trump Becomes Stronger and Stronger

As more details emerge from Robert Mueller's investigation report President Trump's obstruction of justice becomes clear and the President's willingness along with his Presidential campaign to do business with Russia in order to seek information on his opponent and his subsequent relationship with Putin should make every American very concerned about Trump's unfitness to be President and the damage he has already done to the constitution, the country's institutions and the rule of law.  And if the redactions in the report ever become public, Trump's actions will be shocking.

And now, several weeks after the report was made public, over 400 fair minded people who read the report including lawyers, prosecutors, former prosecutors, judges, former judges and those who have served in past democratic and republican administrations signed a letter and said Mueller's obstruction case against Trump was significant and that if it were any one but the President, he would be charged with a felony and indicted.  But Mueller laid out the case for congress to deal with because the Justice Department guide lines say a sitting President can not be indicted.  But congress has the lawful and legal power and responsibility to deal with Trump's serious violations of the law.  Those republican and democrats who signed the letter stood tall and put country before party and politics.  And they are people who know the law.

The democratic controlled U.S. House has to remain positive and do what ever it takes to over come Trump's lies, his every day stone walling tactics and his obstruction of congress.  They have the tools to do so and should challenge the President's contempt for the rule of law at every turn.  America has answered the call many times during our political history when our values as a nation were attacked and always had those who were willing to take a stand, right the ship and over come the malignancy of the moment.

And at this very moment in our political history, our values are under attack once again, this time by the malignancy of President Donald Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Job Creation For April 2019

The U.S. Labor Department reported that the economy created 263,000 new jobs in April and that the unemployment rate came in at 3.6%.  It was the 104th straight month of positive job growth.  The report also adjusted March's job creation as 9,000 less jobs than previously reported for that month.  The news media in general followed Trump and the republican's script with praise for the April job numbers even though those same numbers produced during the Obama administration was met with any lack of expression.

In Trump's first 27 months in office a total of 5,132,000 new jobs have been created for a monthly average of 190,074 new jobs.  In Obama's last 27 months in office 5,761,000 new jobs were created for a monthly average of 213,370 new jobs.  So the Trump-GOP tax cuts for corporate America and the wealthy did not create any additional new jobs in the last 27 months compared to the previous 27 months and is a stalk reminder of the Trump-GOP's reported lies about tax cuts.  The economic recovery plan that President Obama and the democratic controlled congress passed in Obama's first two years in office, including the $700 billion stimulus proved to be a solid base for economic recovery.

The only question remaining concerns Trump's ability to keep the economy and job creation at a sustained level through out his administration.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio