Thanks to democratic governor John B. Edwards, Louisiana's fiscal house and budget process has more than just turned the corner away from republican Bobby Jindal's fiscal carnage. The billion dollar budget deficits and the fake balanced budgets that Edwards inherited are no more thanks to Edwards policy on fiscal matters and the determination to bring order to the states fiscal house.
The Louisiana state legislature is now in session and once again did not have to face the task of dealing with a budget deficit and some members of the legislature (republicans) said, "this is the easiest budget process that we have gone through." One said, "In comparison to past budget debates, this is a snoozer." The republican controlled state house backed a $30 billion state operating budget that included spending increases for teachers pay raises and other priorities of Governor Edwards. There are some differences that will have to be addressed in the state senate.
The most important thing now for Louisiana and its people is that governor Edwards continue his priorities that move the state and its people forward with fiscal policies that will allow the state to continue to balance the budget and provide the revenue to get the job done The state is still far back from past years of neglect but progress is now being made with leadership, policy and plans that relate to the problems and not the ideology of the failed past. This writer believes governor Edwards understands that the key to a better future is to understand the mistakes of the failed past.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
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