Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Trumpet Man Is Not So Presidential

Those who followed the 2016 Presidential campaign should remember every time a police officer in America was shot and killed by gun violence, Trump would blame it on President Obama as being weak and then would tell the people that all that would stop when he became President.  Well, now comes a report from The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund that reports the following:

More law enforcement officers were shot and killed in 2018, 52, than in 2017 when 46 were killed by gun violence.  The gun statistics reverses what had been a steady trend in recent decades, when police officers were more likely to die from car crashes than gunfire.  In 2018, 50 officers died from traffic related incidents, according to the report.  But the President is silent on the issue because his own record of embracing violent acts and his support for extremist.

And lately there are other breaking stories that relate to the President's failure to govern and be Presidential.  The President keeps losing most of his cases taken to the federal courts seeking relief and most of the rulings came from republican appointed judges who many gave the same reasons for ruling against the administration.  The judges ruled that Trump's lawyers never defined a reason behind their filings and offered no real evidence to support their case.  It appears to this writer that Trump is arrogant enough to think he can just go to a court and try to flex his authority as President.  But judges, no matter who appoints them have more character and integrity than Trump and will not allow Trump to define who they are.

We are also being informed that in Trumps latest summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Trump gave to Kim a letter before they met that demanded North Korea give up all their missiles, their nuclear capabilities including nuclear fuel and send it to the United States and completely dismantle their military infrastructure.  Of course N. Korea would not do so.  That means Trump did not walk away like he said so.   It was N. Korea that walked away from a bad deal because President Trump thought he could force Kim to negotiate with a threat.  The two summits with N.Korea failed because of President Trump's ignorance and belief that he holds all the cards without preparation.  The summits have been a disaster.

Trump's decision to go to the Supreme Court to dismantle the ACA completely demonstrates once again the President's unAmerian and unPresidential action on a subject matter he and his party have no creditability on.  It is another of so many examples of Trump's autocratic ego and disdain for legislation in a democracy.  It is also his way of trying over and over again to obtain favor from a conservative court.  The trumpet man tries his best to spread his malignancy.

America has lived through 24 months of a not so Presidential President who cares only for himself and conducts the business of the U.S. with lies.  The democrats in congress need to continue to stand tall against this autocrat and traitor of American values.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio