Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Two Latest Supreme Court Decisions: And Its Another First For PolitiDose.

The U.S. Supreme Court this week ruled against President Trump in its final two cases Trump brought before the Court.  The Court ruled that Trump's tax records had to be turned over to New York in the states investigation of Trump's  business.  The second ruling upheld Pennsylvania's state Supreme Court ruling that allowed mail in voting that Trump wanted to overturn during the Presidential election of 2020 where Joe Biden was declared the winner.  The second ruling ended all of President Trump's attempt to have the Court hear his charges of election fraud.

The Supreme Court's decision along with other ones Trump lost claiming voter fraud in the 2020 election concerning other states turned the table on Trump and his party who believed a conservative Supreme Court, with 3 justices appointed by Trump would toe the republican line and vote like Trump and his party wanted.  Trump and his party miscalculated.  They believed their appointments would corrupt the highest court in the land to do their bidding and they were wrong.  Trump took his corruption even farther by saying in public the election would be decided by the Supreme Court and his appointments would make a difference.

Trump and his party also failed to understand that a conservative Court is much different than a so called conservative republican party.  The GOP are conservative in rhetoric only and have no record of conservatism in actual policy or facts.  Their conservatism is fueled by ideology.  The Courts conservatism is fueled by understanding the constitution.

The Courts rulings against Trump was another big first for PolitiDose.  In commentary dated 10/17/18 this writer commented that there had to be at least enough true conservatives on the Supreme Court that would put the constitution first above party and politics.  The Supreme Court did just that in their decisions.

The Courts decisions against Trump also highlights the corruption of the GOP when they denied a hearing to Merrick Garland, President Obama's appointee to the Supreme Court.  So now, the country has a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court thanks to the stacking by Trump and his party.  And the sting of the Court's rejections was a major rebuke to those who would  like to use the Courts as a tool to farther their political agenda.

And yes, PolitiDose had it right from the very beginning.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio