Friday, December 22, 2017

Trump and The GOP Controlled Congress Ending the Year With No Major Accomplishments

Although all three control the action, our nation ends the year shortly with no major accomplishments.  And their tax bill is no exception because it is a scheme, fraud and a scam.  The latest poll by Monmouth University show only 26% approve of the tax bill while 47% disapprove.  Republican senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell said the GOP's greatest achievement this year is the appointment of conservative justices to the court.  So there you have it, like all republicans and Trump, they know the fake news of the tax bill but have a built in character for lies and deceit.

The three ditto heads even had to pass two temporary spending bills to avoid shutting down the government.  They kicked the can down the road again until mid January when they have most of the big spending to take care of.  They had 11 months to govern and failed big time even though they are in control.

They will now go home for the holidays and tell everyone about their great accomplishments.  But this writer knows that silently, Trump and the GOP are aware that the accomplishments left to them by the Obama administration saved their ass and their sad year of doing nothing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The United Nations General Assembly Ignores Trump's Threat.

United States Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley took Trump's threat to the General Assembly to cut off U.S. aid to any country that went against him in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.  The U.N. members ignored the threat and voted 128-9 to renounce Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capitol.  Trump's arrogance made it clear before the vote that the vote would have no affect on its plan to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem.

Haley also said the vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the U.N. and how we look at countries who disrespect us in the U.N.  Haley's words carry no meaning since the trumpet man respects no one, not even his own countrymen.  And yes, people in all walks of life know that truth.  Trump's threat is another one of his corrupt attitude from the business world he has often tried in the political world but Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu took Trump to task when he said it is unethical to think that the votes and dignity of member states are for sale.  That from a country who is an ally of the United States.

Trump's autocratic rule is not working well for America's interest because it is just the opposite of leadership.  Leadership is not about getting back, division, or taking sides with Russia over our intelligence community.  President George W. Bush lost the mantle of moral authority when he started a war and occupation in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Donald Trump entered office lacking any moral authority and respect for humankind.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio