Sunday, January 31, 2010

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair

In a appearance before an official inquiry into Briton's role in the Iraq war, the former Prime Minister said he would do the same thing again and that Saddam Hussein's threat had assumed greater dimensions after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Like former President Bush, Blair has learned nothing from that unnecessary war.

Leaders who never learn and are incapable of admitting mistakes are truly sad people.
The country and its people suffer for their leaders bad decisions and mistakes and end up trying to paint those who did not support their decisions as unpatriotic. The fact that 8-1/2 years later Blair is still trying to make a connection between Saddam and 9-11 reveal just how sick a man he is.

The tragic mistake of Bush and Blair with the Iraq war over WMD that did not exist set the stage for the course of action that took place. The die was cast and not even the testimony of American Generals who appeared before congress and said Iraq was no threat to the security of the U.S. could not stop the war. Senator Kennedy was one of the few Senators who voted against the war resolution because he said the Generals testimony was persuasive. Kennedy and the Generals were right and ironically the war itself proved Bush and Blair were wrong.

President Obama and future Presidents should be aware of what really happened with this war and use that knowledge to never again repeat the same mistake. Most of all they have to be a President with courage and never stroke the flames of war like Bush and Blair did.

Watergate Tactics: The Preferred Method of Conservatives

The U.S. Marshall Service arrested James O'Keefe, Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan Monday January 25 and were charged with entering U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu"s New Orleans office under false pretenses for the purpose of commiting a felony. James O'Keefe was quoted as saying the sole intent was to see if Senator Landrieu was purposely trying to avoid constituents who were calling to register their views to her as their Senator.

That excuse wont wash and the operation fit the pattern of conservatives who can not compete in an open society and use tactics that have no regard for the law. It shows up in their ideology that believe only conservatives have a right to truth. The air waves are full of conservative talk about flooding elected officials offices with phone calls and faxes to protest their actions. In this case two of the accused posed as telephone repairmen and manipulated the telephone system in the office according to the report. They wanted to secretly try to catch Landrieu's office personnel not taking the phone calls.

This operation is just another bit of proof of the anti-American ideology of conservatism. Personal attacks, lies and what ever it takes to bring down the democratic process is a major element in their warped ideology. The conservative methods of trying to bring down the working of America reaches all levels of the republican party. We have seen during the health care debate how republicans in congress outright lied about health care reform in order to kill the legislation. There are no bounds to their capabilities. Those four people involved in this action against Senator Landrieu should be brought to trial swiftly.

President Obama needs to not give in to the conservatives and in fact should expose them for the anti-American ideology they stand for. The American people need to be vigilant.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The State of The Union Speech

The President gave a credible State of The Union Speech Wednesday night. The Republican response was not. Obama laid out his reasons for the action he has taken and rightly pointed out the future is what's at stake for the country and its people. It was not very hard to understand his budget proposals and that he indeed cares about deficit spending and is addressing the issue.

The President showed courage in his plan to let income tax cuts expire next year for families earning more than $250,000 a year. This was part of the $1.4 trillion tax cut of Mr. Bush that was supposed to spur a sustained economy and job creation and did neither and actually led to the worst deficit spending spree and increase in the national debt in our country's history. All on Mr. Bush's watch.

Little by little the President's plans and proposals are working and slow progress is being made. The republicans are not very bright but they do see things turning for the better and they want no part of that to happen on the democratic watch so they will continue to oppose everything and use personal attacks because they have nothing to offer. Their warped anti-American ideology will not allow them to do anything but obstruct. They had the opportunity for 8 years to really do something for the country and its people and failed.

Mr. Obama needs to keep the pressure on to change the status quo as he was elected to do. The economy should be getting better and better as the year moves on and jobs will be created. Prosperity will return again to the country and its people on the democratic watch. It always has because democrats put the country and its people first. That says it all.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Final Decision on Charity Hospital

A federal arbitration panel ruled in favor of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans and awarded Louisiana $475 million for hurricane related damage to Charity Hospital. This decision settled a dispute between Louisiana and FEMA who disagreed with the damage assesment by the state and has been in limbo for over 4 years.

U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu was said to be the one who was most responsible for creating the arbitration process that was part of the $787 economic stimulus bill. The process settled the question once and for all the difference between what the state was asking, $492 million and what FEMA offered, $150 million. The arbitration board took less than 10 days to make its decision and the state was expecting the decision to take up to two months. Once again, the federal government has shown it can get things done timely.

The plan is to build a teaching hospital whose role will be a safety net for uninsured, a teaching hospital and chief training ground for medical students and post graduate residents from Tulane and Louisiana States universities. It will be located in the Mid-city area of New Orleans. State officials cheered the decision. It is ironic that many of Louisiana's political leaders opposed President Obama's stimulus legislation, yet it was that same stimulus that allowed this process to happen and end a 4 year deadlock. In the future, state officials should mind their manners before making political statements.

It is now the responsibility of state and city officials to get the ball rolling and start the construction. There are no more excuses.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Right, Wrong, True, Fiction, Facts and Falsehoods

The American people seem to be in their own created state of malaise. The country is still trying to deal with the horrific economic mess, loss of jobs and financial uncertainty placed on its people by the failed policies of former President George Bush. President Obama is catching flax from all quarters, especially republicans who are on record as wanting to see his administration fail.

Voters who helped elect Mr. Obama are un-willing to give him more time to get the country moving again and some say they will return to vote republican. The public is fed all kinds of stories on the T.V. networks by those same people who during the Bush administration said every thing was going great guns for the economy and the people. They are still there every night and they still have the same wrong answers. Many go back to Clinton's time in office and were wrong back then also.

The most recent drum beat is that the stimulus is not working. The facts are the stimulus is working, not to the extent to put the country back to work at the needed level of economic activity, but it is working. Half of the stimulus has yet to be spent. Most governors are bitching not enough jobs have been created under the stimulus. Well lets do some comparisons.

Take the state of Louisiana for instance. Louisiana governor Jindal often talks about how well La. is doing, however Edward Ashworth, Director Louisiana Budget Projects, Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations pointed out, "that an array of Louisiana Tax Exemptions were projected in this years state budget at approximately $6.5 billion." Those exemptions are supposed to be a stimulus to put Louisiana people to work and create jobs. The latest unemployment figures in Louisiana prove otherwise. December 2009 unemployment was 7.2%, up from 6.4% in November and up from 5.6% in December of 2008. (Source: Louisiana Workforce Commission) All that Louisiana stimulus and unemployment in Louisiana is going up not down. Perhaps voters should hold their governors to live up to the same standard as their President especially when creating jobs.

President Roosevelt had to deal with the great depression and it took longer than a year to put the country back on track economically. It took many government projects and a world war and many sacrifices by the people and finally we emerged as a nation and people to see and live better days. Mr. Roosevelt had to put the country in debt to get back on track. But we survived and paid off that debt. President Obama was not as fortunate when it comes to debt as the last 3 previous republican Presidents added $9.5 trillion to the national debt plus trillions of dollars in interest paid on that debt. Mr. Obama is left to deal with that debt burden along with the other economic problems not of his making.

President Obama should be given a fair chance to turn things around and the people need to have the wisdom to see what is going on. Mr. Obama has 3 more years to create a record to be judged by. Until then his policies should be supported. The alternative would be worse. The people should also seek the truth for themselves and be better prepared when called on to vote.

The Latest U.S. Supreme Court Decision

The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows Corporate America and lobbyist to use their wealth for or against legislation or individual elected officials and or those running for public office is keeping the status quo alive and kicking for wealth to continue to control the political process.

We are already experiencing how the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy has ruined the economy that has resulted in record job losses for the American people. Now the court has legitimatize the wealthy's corrupting influence on our political system. So what is the next step and what can be done to negate the political influence of wealth. The answer is amazingly simple, the problem that makes it difficult is a lack of courage by elected officials.

Since it is the democratic party that control congress and the White House, the democrats should announce they will no longer accept any money from Corporate America or any lobby group for campaign contributions or any other reason and that if those people want to be heard they will have to go thru the same process as the average Joe. There is no law that can make a elected official take any money from any group of people. The republicans should do the same thing and remove the corrupting influence of wealth from our political system.

Courage, the virtue that is lacking in our political system can be re-discovered in order to make the hard decisions necessary to once again live up to our American heritage of ideals. Special interest groups have to go and there is no better way to achieve that goal than the above because it does not require any laws or debate to water down the results. It would send the most powerful and legal message around the world. The wealth used by those special interest groups is man made and there fore can be changed by man. There are no excuses.

It is past time for both parties to step up to the plate and remove special interest money from the political process and legislation decisions. It is so phony to see Journalists in the news media talk to elected officials about reform but never discuss the above way to truly reform the political system.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The New Massachusetts U.S. Senator

Scott Brown is the new GOP U.S. Senator from Massachusetts defeating democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The senate seat was formally held by Senator Ted Kennedy who passed away last year.

People in the news media are having a field day with the outcome and using such language as a stunning embarrassment for the White House and President Obama, a probable defeat of health-care legislature (Mr. Brown has already toed the republican line before the election and promised to vote against the health-care bill if elected), and the republican party's ability now to block other Obama legislation and etc. The news media would have the people believe the election had earth shattering implications. The bottom line is if Scott Brown is truly another republican ditto head it will be the people who elected him and the country who will pay the price. Brown will have an opportunity to show he is not just a follower and that he has some different idea's than those of his party who are responsible for the economic mess the country has been in for several years.

President Obama and the democratic leaders in congress have to continue to push their agenda of change and not be afraid to take on the republicans and hit them where it hurts. Democrats have to remind the people every day the republican party has no record of balancing the federal budget in over 40 years, have no record of creating a sustained economy or job creation. They are the party of debt, job losses, a phony war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist and an ideology of being anti American.

Mr. Obama and his party have nothing to fear in the 2010 elections. Mr. Brown and his party can not and will not change stripes because they are part of the political ideology that use fear and lies to divide the country. They showed their hand under 8 years of George W. Bush. The hand is the same, only Bush is gone. So what else is new America?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Presidents and Governors: Some Never Learn

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is a mirror image of former President George W. Bush when it comes to keeping the states house in good fiscal order. Both took office and inherited balanced budgets with hefty surpluses. Bush left office with 8 years of record deficits and increased the national debt by $6.1 trillion.

Jindal took office with a $1.08 billion surplus from the previous administration of democratic governor Blanco. As reported by Robert Mann in a Times Picayune article dated 1/14 the vast majority of that surplus was spent on pork and public works projects. The state now finds itself with a projected $1 billion deficit for this fiscal year and also the next fiscal year. Because the state mandates a balanced budget, Jindal has had two rounds of budget cuts to balance the budget and most cuts came from higher education and health care, two area's that serve the people.

Families U.S.A. said Louisiana had 823,000 people un-insured in the years 2007-2008. We do not yet know what that number was at the end of 2009. U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu said the health care bill passed by the U.S. Senate would insure 554,000 of those un-insured people. Health care and education would have been a better investment for the state and its people had the governor spent the $1.08 billion surplus wisely. After all, both are the responsibility of the state.

The conservative ideology of Jindal is a barrier to sound fiscal policy. The budget is tilted against the average worker and it shows up in so many area's where the state is ranked so poorly in the nation. The average family in Louisiana will continue to feel the effect of the budget cuts that gets into their pockets 100 different ways. Make no mistake about it, that is the conservative ideology. Jindal has no real plans for the budget outside of cutting spending and that will cause a hardship on the people in Louisiana who can least afford the cuts. A deep thinker, Mr. Jindal is not.

Mr. Jindal had an opportunity to do those things that really matter and make a difference for the state and its people and like Bush, he blew the opportunity big time. That says it all.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Governor Jindal, A Lot Of Show, But No Courage

Courage is a virtue that many political leaders lack. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal falls in that category. The governor just released another round of state budget cuts, mid year because the first rounds of cuts were not sufficient. Once again health-care, including the disabled and higher education are taking a big hit and will bear the burden in this round of cuts.

The states revenue shortfall is once again being blamed for the predicted deficits, originally pegged at over $1 billion for this and next years fiscal budgets. Revenue from oil and gas operations were over stated even though our estimators have the experience since Louisiana has been an oil producing state for many years. Tax revenues are also down including taxes business have to pay.

The governor, a so called conservative fits the mold of having no real plans to deal with the budgets problem outside of cutting spending. Mr. Edward Ashworth, Director, Louisiana Budget Project Louisiana Association of Nonprofit organizations, pointed out in an editorial dated 11/26 in the Times Picayune that an array of Louisiana tax exemptions projected in this years budget will cost the state approximately $6.5 billion in lost revenue. And this taking place at the same time the state needs revenue

Since the budget cuts had a negative affect on higher education, tuition has already been increased at many Louisiana colleges and now the heads of higher education want to be able to raise future tuition with out approval from the state. Jindal said that is fine with him. Most people with common sense realize that the middle class bear the burden of tuition increases. Jindal had an opportunity to do some thing positive during the budget process by opposing the Stelly plan legislation that took $300 million of revenue from Louisiana as was estimated by state officials. Instead of opposing that short sighted plan the governor supported it even though he knew what was happening to the budget and its loss revenue.

No courage, no real plans to move Louisiana forward, no real original thought to governing. Trickle down economics is alive in the Jindal administration and once again proven to be a fairy tale. All the while the people are the ones who pay the price for his warped ideology. Fairness in budget cuts and or taxation is no where to be found in the Jindal budget process.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Keeping America Safe

The American people have already witnessed the leading conservatives inside and outside of congress along with conservatives in the news media desire to see President Obama's policies fail. They have stated that over and over again and really want to see America fail. A successful America under a democratic President is unthinkable to them. Their ideology continues to be anti-American on the subject.

Now we see a darker side to those conservatives concerning the failed attempt to blow up a Northwest flight bound for Detroit on Christmas day. This dark side was exposed during Bush's term in office when he and members of his administration used scare tactics in promoting a war with Iraq over WMD that did not exist. The conservatives went out in full force accusing the Obama administration for failing to protect America and even suggested the President was soft on fighting terror and that he did not believe we were at war with the terrorists. The conservatives have for years used the talking point that they themselves can protect America better than democrats. The tragic events of 9-11 and the Iraq war proved them wrong but they believe repeating the same lie over and over will become the truth. That is known as the "Karl Rove tatic."

Those conservatives see and understand that the Obama administration has done a better job of protecting and keeping America safe in the first 11 months in office than George Bush did in his first 11 months in office. Conservatives would like nothing better than to see America attacked on the Presidents watch. They are drooling at the thought. In their warped mind it would prove Obama is weak on fighting the war on terror. It is another continuation of their anti American ideology.

Conservatives have also left the prosecution of most all the terrorists held in prison to the Obama administration. Mr. Bush and the conservative so called tough talk want nothing to do with that. They just passed the buck for seven years and will now oppose the Presidents plans to prosecute those people. Their ideology has cast aside the American ideals and what the country has stood for through-out history. That says it all.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010: The Second Decade Of The 21st. Century

President Obama's State of The Union address will start the ball rolling to kick off the start of the second decade of the 21st century. There has been a lot of speculation as to what the President will say and already the negative voices are trying to undermine his address to the nation.

The President will hopefully lay out a plan to put the federal government's house back in good fiscal order and to reduce the national debt. There is a precedent for doing that called the Clinton administration. The President also needs to develop and lay out a plan to reduce federal spending and reverse the trend of the last 3 republican Presidents. The precedent for doing that is also called the Clinton administration. When the federal government spends money it is important to spend it in the right places.

The U.S. withdrawal from Iraq should continue to move forward and at deliberate speed, the sooner the better. There should be no setbacks. The President also needs to find a better way to fight the threat of terror instead of occupying Afghanistan for the next several years like we are planning to do.

The administration should continue to do those progressive things that create a sustained economy and job creation for the people. The transfer of wealth from the middle class to corporate America has to be reversed and the workers who help create that wealth should share in the bounty.

President Obama and congress should show lobbyist and special interest groups the door and find other ways to reduce the obscene flow of money in Washington, D.C. All it takes is the courage and leadership of elected officials. No new laws are needed. The outrageous sums of money spent by the special interest groups should be used instead to create jobs and pay for their employees health insurance.

The democratic controlled congress will have to go it alone to move legislation as the republicans have already showed their hand in opposing every thing coming out of the administration. They want to see the administration fail so the people can forget about the failures of Bush, his republican party and the tragic results of their time in office. The republican mentality is anti American based on their ideology. They also see the country emerging from the economic and financial mess they created and the recovery will be on the democratic watch. That just chaps them.

The President needs to play out his campaign promise, bring about real change for the better, place the country in a sound fiscal, economic and job creating environment and see that the U.S. has policies in place that will deal with changing the attitude of corporate greed. Progress in Afghanistan should be monitored often so our men and women in uniform can leave sooner rather than later. There can be no doubt that the U.S. has the capacity to protect its people and home land without occupying other countries.

With leadership and courage the President can put the country and its people on the right path for this decade and do those things that really matter and make a difference.

2010: The Second Decade Of

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Past, Present And Future

The year 2009 is now history and many Americans were affected in a negative way economically and financially. The worst recession since the great depression was felt by millions of Americans who only read about the great depression and there were those that thought severe economic times was a thing of the past. What took place in 2009 had its roots in the administration of George W. Bush because of ideology.

The bottom line is our political and industry leaders who make the decisions failed to learn from the past and in fact only gave lip service to the federal debt the Bush administration was creating. Industry leaders continued to transfer wealth from the average workers who helped their companies create that wealth to the CEO's and executives who compensated themselves with billions of dollars in bonuses, stock options and other goodies at the same time their companies were losing money, laying off employees and cancelling employees health insurance. The transfer of wealth has been devastating to the middle class, the economy and the resulting record number of lost jobs has been a dagger in the heart for millions of Americans.

For the present, we have seen President Obama take action he thinks will return our country and its people back to prosperity. Many safeguards have been put in place to correct the mistakes of the past. More are in the offering and the President needs to be mindful not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The country has seen economic improvement and the job market is a little brighter. The President needs to stay active, show courage and leadership and put programs in place to ensure that the future leaves behind the Dark Age of our recent past.

The American people have often been told our best days are ahead. We Americans believe that and know it can be that way. If our leaders gain wisdom about the past our best days will truly be the future. The decisions that President Obama makes in 2010 will say loud and clear what path was chosen. A repeat of the past is not an option. The future has to reject the failed policies of the past.

The Sunday Television News Shows

Jay Rosen had a commentary carried in the Huffington Post titled, "Simple Fix For Messed Up Sunday Shows." His gripe and a well founded one was that guest on shows like Meet the Press were allowed to lie about certain facts and were never challenged by the moderator. Jay is correct about that and he proposed that on a Wednesday following the show, those programs would give the facts out about the falsehoods that were said on the Sunday shows. In other words, a rebuttal by the networks to show how their guest manipulated the facts.

This writer has many times over commented in politidose how those Sunday shows fail to give the American people the facts concerning the issues and there fore abandon their responsibility as journalists to bring the real story to the people. Those Sunday shows failed to seek and present the truth in the run up to war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist. Ditto the massive debt Mr. Bush laid on the country and now they are using republican talking points to try and discredit the Obama administration. To top it all off they are starting all over again pushing the republican talking points that democrats are not keeping America safe. Never mind that the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened on the republican watch.

The networks and their journalists know that T.V. has become an entertainment business by their own choosing and that facts no longer matter to them. Some networks even questioned if Walter Cronkite would have been his same trusted self if he were part of the industry today. They asked that question after his death because he would not be able to answer the question. The networks were not about to ask that question while Mr. Cronkite was alive. They knew what his answer would have been. That says it all.