Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden Was SUPER On Super Tuesday.

The pundits who were writing Joe Biden's obit before the South Carolina primary and the super Tuesday primaries demonstrated how the news media is so out of touch with the real political world.  But the former V.P. put them to shame after the results of the South Carolina and super Tuesday primaries.  Fourteen states voted Tuesday and the pundits gave Sanders a big lead in most of those states before the vote was cast or counted.

The voters finally had their say on super Tuesday and gave Mr. Biden a SUPER day.  Biden won 10 states compared to Sander's four states.   And Biden's margin of victory was double digits in several states and won Texas, who along with California, which Sanders won, offered the most delegates.  Because of Biden's performance the only Presidential candidates standing are Biden, Sanders and Warren.  Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg suspended their campaigns and endorsed Joe Biden.  Warren is expected to drop out as she has no avenue to the nomination.

So now the nomination is between Biden and Sanders with several more primaries this month and later.  Biden will continue to run as the moderate democratic candidate that he is and will continue to tell the story of the democratic party and how he and the party will over come the disaster of the Trump administration if elected.  This writer thinks Sanders would be smart if he alluded to the fact that he is a registered independent who seeks the democratic nomination instead   of embracing the role of a democratic socialist.  You can't have it both ways because the democratic party is not a socialist party.

The democratic party will not embrace medicare for all, free college tuition for all or pay off all current college student debt.  Biden and the party's plan to make the ACA better with changes will be less costly and the proper thing to do.  It is already in the system and we know it works.  The economy always does better on the democratic watch and that is better for the middle class and those at the lowest level of income.  That is what keeps the economy growing.

The issue will become much sharper now with only Biden and Sanders in the running.  The final debates and primaries will give the voters a chance to decide which candidate they think will be the best nominee.  This writer still believes there should be no more debates because the moderators will continue to treat it like show business and are going to ask questions that will provoke personal attacks instead of talking about what a future under Biden or Sanders would look like.

In the meantime the pundits should try and learn something from their failure at being good journalists.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio