Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Georgian-Russian Conflict

I'm no foreign policy expert, but here is how I access the current situation: If South Ossetia wanted independence from Georgia, for whatever reason, Georgia should have looked more seriously into the request instead of just dismissing it.  Secondly, if the Russian rebels in South Ossetia were attacking the mainland of Georgia, Georgia did have a right to defend itself and it's people. Thirdly, Russia had no reason whatsoever to interject themselves in this essentially civil dispute.  Russia should not have sent troops into Georgian territory.  This aggressive act by Russia really needs to be a turning point in regards to the U.S. foreign policy towards Russia and Putin.  Too long has George Bush appeased Putin.  Putin has one goal in mind: returning Russia to it's Cold War power status.  

I have long held the opinion that Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are not the most dangerous countries to the U.S. and the western world.  Pakistan and Russia are.  Pakistan because it has nuclear weapons that could unfortunately fall in to the hands of terrorists and Russia for its complete disregard for basic human rights and it's authoritarian nature.  

Let me be clear: I do not advocate the U.S. getting involved in this dispute between Russia and Georgia. We should mind our own business.  What I do advocate, however, is the U.S. getting tougher with Russia in regards to diplomacy and our foreign policy.  Russia is not our enemy, but they sure as hell aren't our friends.  We need to have some "straight talk" with Russia and let them know, in the strongest terms, that the U.S. does not, in any way, condone it's policies, either domestically or internationally.  In many ways, Putin has been testing to see how far he can push the envelope with the U.S. and western Europe.  It is about time we push back.  

"He Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi"

Spread the word, this is a must watch for every American voter:

Television Journalists and Their Big Push

We all remember how, during the primary season, T.V. journalists piled on Senator Clinton everyday and promoted Senator Obama non-stop.  On the Republican side, they treated Senator McCain and his flip flops with kid gloves.
I mentioned during that period of time that if Obama received the Democratic nomination, in time,  journalists would turn on him and promote McCain in the general election.  Well, it is already starting to happen.  They are now promoting a so called rift between Senator Clinton, her husband, and Obama.  They are even saying that Senator Clinton wants her name to be placed in nomination at the convention, although that is pure speculation.  Mike Barnicle, while guest hosting MSNBC's Hardball on 8/7, devoted some time on the subject with 3 guests.  Their tone was that Senator Clinton was going to make demands and split or hurt the party.  What they all failed to report and/or mention is that Senator Clinton herself said that she would work for party unity at the convention and, in fact, campaigned for Senator Obama this week.
Journalists will continue to plant the seed that their pronouncements are fact in an effort to create and distract from the actual news on the subject.  They are showing their ass again in trying to manipulate the general election vote in McCain's favor.   Anything to hurt Sen. Obama or portray the Democratic Party weak in any way will be what journalists continue to portray until November.  Hopefully the American people wise up and do their own research in order to inform themselves since journalists can no longer be trusted to do so.