Friday, July 28, 2023

MSNBC Continues To Saturate The Air With The Lies and Falsehoods of Donald Trump.

 Instead of reporting the positive news of President Biden's policies and the economy, MSNBC prefers to flood the air waves with Trump's ongoing lies and falsehoods which the people are well aware of.  They just can not get enough of the trumpet man and are now a negative news source of prime time reporting.

At a time when the legal system is dealing with Trump, the country is exposed to the daily headlines of Trump, the GOP and their anti-American agenda.  All the while the people are surrounded by a media that is bent on confusing the public instead of reporting the positives taking place in America every day.  The country no longer has a news media who can say they are in the business of informing the public on matters that really matter and make a difference.  

The media is still giving the disgraced and indicted former President all the air time he seeks for his next campaign.  Donald Trump, the GOP and today's brand of conservative ideology, along with their cultural wars at the state and federal levels, are the greatest threat to American democracy and the media continues to enable them by flooding the air waves with their unAmerican agenda.  

The bottom line is simple.  A traitorous former President who tried to overturn the last presidential election by force on January 6 and continues to lie about the election being stolen deserves no press coverage.  It is time to let the courts do their job and take care of Trump's traitorous acts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 10, 2023

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for June 2023.

 The U.S. Labor Department reported that the economy added 209,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate came in at 3.6%, down from May's 3.7%.  It was the 29th straight month of positive job growth and the unemployment rate stayed in the 3% range for the 17th straight month.  The numbers tell the story of an economy that has been solid since President Biden's policies took root even though one would think  not so if they listen to the negative voices in the media and the GOP whose recession predictions and doom and gloom projections for the economy have been wrong for the past year.

Thanks to PolidiDose commentary and commentary from journalist Froma Harrop. the positive news concerning the economy is being told.  There was a time in America when the media informed the people on the facts and the positive actions taking place to move the country and its people forward.  Now the main street media has joined the likes of the Fox News Network and the GOP with their negative attacks on everything good about the U.S. economy.  Ms. Harrop in her excellent commentary titled, "Biden's economy is Boffo" takes the GOP and the media to task for their negative voices on the economy and like previous PolitiDose commentary spells out the accomplishments of the Biden economy and its positive benefits.

The greatest threat to the U.S. economy comes from those negative voices because they ae the same ones who urged the Feds to raise interest rates high and fast originally and believe the only way to fight so called inflation is to weaken the economy, raise unemployment and see wages fall.  In other words, they have no answer, they just oppose the President's agenda.

In the mean time the economy continues to move forward, create jobs, lower the unemployment, reduce inflation and the consumers are still spending and wages are still rising.  And all the while, the GOP is still the "do nothing party."  PolitiDose, in its commentary will continue to inform the public of those positive issues that are taking place in America so the people can judge against the negative voices of doom and gloom.  And this writer believes Ms. Harrop will continue to do the same.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio