Thursday, February 3, 2011

Health Care Repeal: The Republican's Achilles Heel

Republican leaders in the U.S. House and Senate really showed their true hypocrisy and lies concerning the Health Care issue. During the year and a half debate when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress and before they passed Health Care legislation, the republicans told the American people they had their own plan but never disclosed what it was.

After the U.S. House voted to repeal Health Care just a few weeks ago, their leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor said the republican party would reveal their own Health Care plan they are working on over the next several months. In other words they had no alternate plan to actually offer the people during that year and a half debate and once again flat out lied to the people.

Now comes Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell of the republican party who introduced the same Health Care repeal and the democratic majority who rightly rejected repeal on a 51-47 vote. The democrats stood their ground. After the defeat McConnell said the republicans kept their campaign promise. A sad excuse of a sad leader. In other words the hell with moving the country forward. Instead, do anything to block the democratic's agenda with the idea of making Obama a one term President.

The republican's anti-American ideology is still alive and are willing to continue to lie to turn the clock back. One should easily understand how their ideology along with the Bush 43 Presidency crippled the economy, brought about the record job losses and contributed to the financial meltdown. Republicans say they got the message of the November elections, but all the voters received so far is the same republican party of no and they should have known that from the start. After all the republicans do have a past record of failure and lies.

President Obama and the democrats in the Senate are the only hope of defeating the republican's agenda and a return to the Bush years. Dividing the country is still the standing procedure for republicans in congress. The President and democrats have to stand firm, have courage and continue to move the country forward. In the end, if they do that the country and its people will be the winner.