Friday, February 7, 2014

Mayor Mitch Landrieu: A Serious Public Servant

Congratulations to New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu on his recent reelection to that office.  The people of Orleans Parish for the second time gave Mitch over 60% of their vote and once again elected him in the first primary.  Mayor Landrieu earned his reelection because he kept his word to the people, executed his policies and made the crime issue his top priority and delivered and is still working on the issues.  His leadership and courage has moved the city and its people forward.

Unlike too many elected officials today the Mayor is a serious public servant who puts the city and its people first.  You won't hear him in personal attacks against others or try to ridicule the President and blame others.  He has handled running city government better than governor Jindal has handled running state government.  City government has served the people well under Mitch because he has the courage to change what may not be working well instead of blaming government.

The economy and job creation is doing well in the city and new companies have relocated here and some are expanding.  The tourist industry continues to grow and New Orlens is a prime destination in the United States.  Some of that is due to the national economy being on the upswing, but it could not all happen with out a chief executive who cares and who has the political skills to move it along.  The city has a population that is diverse and Mitch has been able to work with all for the benefit of all.  There are many elected officials who have yet to learn how to do likewise.

This writer believes Mitch Landrieu has a bright political future when he finishes his last term in office.  I would like to see him run for a national office at some point because that is where serious public servants is so lacking and he could make a difference.  The Mayor also performs his job in a professional way that is such a contrast to those leaders that are always complaining about something and placing blame on some one else. 

The theme of Landrieu's camaign when he was first elected Mayor was:  ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT, ONE VOICE AND ONE CITY.  The Mayor has been loyal to that theme and has focused on those things that is making it come true.  Mayor Mitch Landrieu is a true "serious public servant."

This commentary written by John Lucia.

See my previous commentary about Mr. Landrieu's election published here in politidose in May of 2010