Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Steve Scalise and The Biggert-Waters Act.

Scalise in a opinion column in the Times Picayune of Feb. 23 shows just how big a hypocrite he really is concerning the above act.  FEMA's implementation of the Biggert-Waters Act's flood insurance rate hikes is front and center stage now because we are told those rate hikes would bankrupt home owners and do more harm to the real estate market and home building industry. 

The Act was passed in 2012 and was supposed to be a long term solution to the National Flood Insurance Program.  Scalise makes note that the flood insurance program has lapsed or nearly expired 18 separate times over the past five years, and led to the Biggert-Waters Act.  It should be noted that Scalise served in congress during that five year span he talks about that led to the Act.  And it should especially be noted that Scalise and all of Louisiana's delegation that serves in congress voted for the Act, a vote they have been silent about.  And now all of them are telling the people that Act will lead to sky high increases in flood insurance rates. 

In other words they voted for the Act with out knowing what the outcome would be concerning flood insurance rates and now they are crying "uncle." Was Scalise and Louisiana's delegation in congress just ignorant about the law they voted for?  Did they take it as a routine vote and ho hum, another day at the office?  It is obvious they did not pay attention to what they voted for since the subject of flood insurance should ring a bell for any one living in Louisiana. 

Scalise writes the political showmanship should be abandoned concerning the matter.  Thats laughable because he and Louisiana's delegation are the ones engaging in political showmanship.  They were caught napping when they voted for the Biggert-Walters Act and are in part responsible for the fall out.  So now they are telling the voters they are the ones working hard to correct the forecast of horrible increases to the flood insurance program. 

How many people remember that Scalise also voted to shut down the government a few months ago because he could not get his way and defund the Affordable Care Act.  The people of Louisiana deserve better.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Fox News: Pretty Faces Among The Men, But Still No Substance At The Network.

There are a lot of attractive ladies among the male commentators at the Fox News Network, but like the men, no substance in their reports.  That is to be expected because the network's primary function and mission is negative reporting on anything concerning democrats, the Obama administration and of course any issue they can find that would divide the country and its people.

Disregarding the facts and truths seems to be a requirement to work for the network it happens so often.  One thing you can take to the bank, that is, any time a network feels it has to tell its audience over and over it is "fair and balanced" you can believe it certainly is not.  You can also tell who is the greatest of "spin television."  It comes from the "no spin zone" of the big 0 who has the number 1 rated show and who passes over facts so often he believes the fairy tale himself.

I often wonder how so many people at one network can let themselves be used as pawns to promote an ideology that would have never been supported or tolerated by the Greatest Generation.  The lack of character, courage and facts is sadly missing at the Fox News Network. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

James Varney: You Can Tell The Chip On His Shoulder Grows Larger and Larger

Varney in his article in the Times Picayune of 2/23/14 titled "UAW Can't Accept Bug In The Ointment" is just another ditto head conservative commentary by the little boy who is so immature he feels like he has to bash liberals because his so called republican party of conservatives have no accomplishment to speak of.

The article would be accurate if you substitute "conservative" where Varney uses the word "liberal."  In the 2000 election it was Bush's attorney, James Baker that went to the Supreme Court to stop the count ordered by the Florida Supreme Court.  It was also Varney's conservative republicans who tried to change the rules on the Affordable Care Act after it passed congress by going to the Supreme Court.  After they lost in the Supreme court they even shut down the government trying to defund the Act.

What really chaps Varney is that liberal administrations have a better record than conservative administrations on moving the counrty and its people forward.  The economy, job creation, deficit spending and debt took a giant step backwards on G.W. Bush's watch.  Varney, the republican party and many conservative journalists have ran away from that failed administration but they can not hide the facts.

The UAW and other unions will survive because they are necessary in keeping Corporate America from paying all U.S. workers "third world country" wages.  Corporate America does not move jobs overseas because the average American wage is too high, those jobs are moved overseas because they lobby congress for tax breaks and consessions on their foreign operations and congress is willing to grant them because of large campaign contributions from business.

Former Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer, a recent candidate for President had it right when he said if elected, Corporate America would have to decide if it wanted to be a foreign company or an American company.  They could not have it both ways.  At least there is one republican who is willing to stand up and tell the truth.  And yes, even today, the truth will set you free.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Wisdom Of President Harry S. Truman

Former President Truman served his country during WWI and WWII and was responsible for making many major political decisions that concerned domestic and foreign affairs.  He was known as a plain speaking politician with a sharp tongue who was not afraid to speak his mind to get things done for the country and its people.  When he ran for reelection the news media said his republican opponent Dewey whold win and a news paper even carried a story that Dewey did win.  During that campaign the President ran against the do nothing republicans in congress and gave them hell.

Many of Truman's famous sayings are relevant in today's political world and there is one of many that defines a major problem with our present political leaders and political system that has been taking place a number of years in this writers judgement.  President Truman said:  A President needs political understanding to run government, but he may be elected with out it. 

Those are strong words that are related to a few of our recent Presidents, but also relates to other political leaders as well.  The 24 hour news cycle, the money in advertising, the money in political campaigns, the wealthy PAC's and their constant negative comments and false information has led to the election of people who have very little or none at all political understanding to run government.

Ideology has taken front and center over what political understanding is all about and as a result government has not functioned well for the country and its people.  We are over two years away from the next Presidential election but the news media and wealthy PAC's are trying to destroy certain possible candidates.  They are also promoting some who have no political understanding to run government.

The voting public has not adjusted to this media manipulation and instead even promote their false rhetoric in the social media in the form of talking points.  Many voters have already fogotten those who lack political understanding and voted recently to shut the government down because they could not get their way.  Those politicians are also not serious public servants.

The lack of political understanding to run government is the missing link in the country's political system today and this writer sees very, very few possible candidates to change that in the 2016 election.  I also do not see any leaders in congress that has the political understanding to move that body in a way that best serves the country and its people.

President Truman would not be happy with our systems lack of political understanding in government today if he were living and would have done something about it because he had courage, the one virtue that politicians lack today because of the special interest power in our political system.  Truman would have broken up that power.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Food For Thought: What If State Governors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Provided coverage for the uninsured that live and work with in its state borders or have a system where no citizen of that state could be denied medical help when needed and or necessaary.  Well, the Affordable Care Act would not be needed and there fore no federal spending on the issue would be necessary.

Provided adequate coverage to the unemployed in their state borders when they lose their jobs thru no fault of their own.  Well, there would be no need for federal unemployment benefits and there fore no federal spending on the issue would be necessary.

Provided all the financial resources to the people living with in state borders where the federal government now contribute all or a part of the financial resources.  Well, there would be no need for federal resources and there fore no federal spending on the issue would be necessary.

Every one knows that the reason governors and their states do not take responsibility for what happens with in their own borders is because they would have to raise taxes to do so and they promised the voters they would not in order to secure their vote.  They would much perfer to blame the big bad federal government who is out of control.  Louisiana gov. Bobby Jindal is a good example of a governor who has failed to take care of its people who live with in Louisiana's borders and then blame the federal government for being big spenders. 

If state governors would !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there would be less federal government intrusion into state affairs and a much smaller federal government expenditures.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Now That The Dust Has Settled.

The President's State of The Union address is now history and he and the democrats in congress should push hard to pass the minimum wage increase that is long over due.  The time for talk is over, what is needed is legislation to make it a reality.  The democratic controlled senate can act first and then challenge the republican controlled house and the tea party bullies.

At the same time the President should push the U.S. House to take up the jobs bill of rebuilding the nations infrastructure that was passed by the Senate over two years ago and has been idle in the House.  The President should use public appeal to do so and have Boehner get off his hands and go to work.  That bill is fully funded and would create more jobs than any thing else that has been talked about including the pipe line from Canada to the gulf coast. 

What we are talking about is a two year period that the U.S. House has let lapse since the Senate sent them the jobs bill and over a one year lapse for both houses of congress concerning the minimum wage that Obama proposed in his 2013 State of The Union message.  That is totally unacceptable, especially when the country is still working its way out of the second great republican depression of 2008.

The President has to push congress on these two issues every day until it forces them to act.  Creating jobs and increasing the minimum wage will put money in the people's pocket and the economy immediately.  It will increase federal revenue and tax collection and would lead to a stronger economy.  The federal deficit at the end of George W. Bush's last fiscal year was $1.42 trillion.  It was $600 plus billion at the end of fiscal year 9/30/13, a decrease of over 50% and the Office of Management and Budget in a recent report says this fiscal year that ends 9/30/14 the federal deficit will be around $500 billion. 

So progress has been made on lowering the deficit during that time period.  A booming economy and job creation will return the country to a balanced budget in a short period of time because there is no rampant federal spending on Obama's watch.  And once again it is "politidose" who is at the fore front on reporting the facts. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The U.S. House Passes A Clean Debt Limit Extension With No Exceptions.

The debt ceiling extension was passed by a vote of 221-201 with only 28 republicans joining the majority of democrats to pass the bill.  All five U.S. House members from Louisiana voted against passage and one Louisiana democrat voted with the majority.  The five Louisiana reps who voted against the measure wanted the same phony concessions, namely, reduced federal spending, Washington's rampant spending and President Obama's failure to work with congress.  (Note:  there is no such thing as rampant spending taking place on Obama's watch.)

The Tea Party's little boy Steve Scalise continues to lead Louisiana's republican reps with statements that are not factual concerning federal spending and Obama's unwillingness to work with congress.  It is Scalise's own party that has produced the largest increase in federal spending over the last 50 years and his party that has increased the federal deficit over the same period of time.  And it was Scalise's party who vowed from day one to not work with the President.  Scalise does not have the courage to be truthful to the people that he represents.

The 28 republicans who voted with the democratic majority had the courage to cast a common sense vote to move the country forward and not hold the country and its people hostage over a conservative ideology that is willing to lie to try and get its way.  Managing by trying to create a crisis is not an option for serious public servants.

Its hell when you belong to a party that is incapable of debating the issues and instead use a phony ideology to only divide.  All five republicans who voted against the bill served in congress while George W. Bush served as President and every one knows the horrible shape they left the economy in and the devasted job losses that occured on their watch.  They also returned the country to massive deficit spending that the Obama administration has reduced by over 50%.

When one can not come up with the courage to cast a common sense vote on a common sense issue and then turn to phony excuses then you have a politician who is afraid to let the people judge the truth of an issue.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Monday, February 10, 2014

January's Jobs Report And Unemployment

The economy created 113,000 net jobs in January according to the U.S. Labor Department.  Not a great number but once again in positive territory.  There were 115,000 formerly unemployed who found jobs.  The unemployment rate fell to 6.6%, the lowest since October 2008.  I can remember when republicans in congress said it would be good if the unemployment rate would fall below 8%.

Once again it is a democratic administration that has brought the economy and job creation back to positive territory with out any help from the republicans in congress who still would like to see the country and its people fail.  The republican party under President G.W. Bush had the worst job creation record since the great depression and they want it bad to be able to say that President Obama, a democrat, had the worst job creation record but they will never see that day.  There has been no republican administration in the past 50 years that created more job than the democratic administration they followed.  Nada.  Not even President Reagan who's administration created a little over 5 million jobs in his first term in office while President Carter's administration created over 10 million jobs in its first and only term in office.

For those who are interested in the economy, job creation and etc., see my previous commentary's named below. 

Four Part Series dated 1/27/08 (start) titled:  The U.S. Economy:  Which Party Performs Best?

Job Creation For Presidential Terms:  1929-2008  dated 11/5/10

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Louisiana Purchased and Americans For Prosperity's

Lee Zurik and Manuel Torres continuing story in the Times Picayune concerning elected officials and campaign contributions given them from business tells a story we are all familar with.  That is special interest groups have the money that influences special favors from elected officials at the detriment of the average citizen. 

Americans for Prosperity's is a PAC that is mainly funded by the billionaire Koch brothers(out of towners) who are spending millions of dollars in ads in Louisiana to defeat Senator Mary Landrieu in the coming November elections.  The conservative Koch brothers have the financial resources to have it both ways, they can give direct to a politician via campaign contributions or form a PAC and run ads to try and defeat a certain candidate. 

Both are two sides of the same coin called influence buying.  Why do business spend their money that way?  Because it works for them.  Why does it work for them?  Because the average voter has yet to demand and hold our elected officials or business groups or individuals responsible for their actions.  That is why elected officials and the money people are so outwardly brazen in their actions.  They know the average voters knows what is going on and that they can still get reelected and still spend millions of dollars in ads and manipulate the voter.

Just think how many employees could be insured or be paid a decent wage if all that campaign money was re directed instead of being spent on elected officials and ads from wealthy PAC donors.  One can easily make the statement that too many elected officials and too many business people believe in corrupting government and corrupting the vote.  It is a sad story of the inability to compete by the wealthy people and business just because they have the ability to influence.

Nothing will change for the people as long as they tolerate a corruptive system and ads that they allow to influence their vote. 

This commentary written by John Lucia

Saturday, February 8, 2014

U.S. Republican Representative Bill Cassidy Of The U.S. House: The Truth Will Set You Free.

Louisiana U.S. House Rep. Bill Cassidy who is challenging U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu in this years race is running TV commercials trying to tie Landrieu to President Obama by pointing out she votes 97% of the time in support of his position.  Cassidy wants to make sure Louisiana voters think Obama is on the ballot.

The fact of the matter is most parties support their own party's positions as pointed out by Times Picayune staff writer Bruce Alpert in his article dated 2/5/14.  According to a Congressional Quarterly Study of 2013 on votes cast by the House and Senate Bill Cassidy voted the GOP position 96% of the time.  Landrieu voted her party's position in the Senate 90% of the time.  Cassidy supported the President's views only 8% of the time.

Republicans Cassidy, John Fleming and Steve Scalise, all from Louisiana in the U.S. House signed a letter along with 80 republicans during the government shutdown to vote against anything that did not defund Obamacare.  Those three and David Vitter voted against the CR that ended the government shutdown.  It is old news but one has to remember it was the republican party that gave the country and its people the second great republican depression and 8 straight years of budget deficits plus the very first ever single year budget deficit that exceded one trillion dollars.  That single year deficit record still stands today.

That is the state of affairs Cassidy's party left President Obama and his administration.  One would think that Bill Cassidy would have the character and courage to vote with the President more than 8% of the time for the good of the people and would never support the House's position 96% of the time especially when the President was trying to create jobs and bring back the economy.  Going so far as to shut the government down is over the edge.

This writer in past commentaries disagreed with Senator Landrieu's position on several issues but her over all record of voting for those issues that move the country and its people forward is a better record for the people of Louisiana than Bill Cassidy's record of negative votes and the record of the do nothing attitude of the U.S. House who Cassidy voted with 96% of the time.

The truth will never set some politicians free but hopefully the voters of Louisiana will understand the truth and will make things more clear when voting time comes.  Senator Landrieu is not perfect but she has demonstrated she is a better candidate to represent Louisiana and the national interest.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mayor Mitch Landrieu: A Serious Public Servant

Congratulations to New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu on his recent reelection to that office.  The people of Orleans Parish for the second time gave Mitch over 60% of their vote and once again elected him in the first primary.  Mayor Landrieu earned his reelection because he kept his word to the people, executed his policies and made the crime issue his top priority and delivered and is still working on the issues.  His leadership and courage has moved the city and its people forward.

Unlike too many elected officials today the Mayor is a serious public servant who puts the city and its people first.  You won't hear him in personal attacks against others or try to ridicule the President and blame others.  He has handled running city government better than governor Jindal has handled running state government.  City government has served the people well under Mitch because he has the courage to change what may not be working well instead of blaming government.

The economy and job creation is doing well in the city and new companies have relocated here and some are expanding.  The tourist industry continues to grow and New Orlens is a prime destination in the United States.  Some of that is due to the national economy being on the upswing, but it could not all happen with out a chief executive who cares and who has the political skills to move it along.  The city has a population that is diverse and Mitch has been able to work with all for the benefit of all.  There are many elected officials who have yet to learn how to do likewise.

This writer believes Mitch Landrieu has a bright political future when he finishes his last term in office.  I would like to see him run for a national office at some point because that is where serious public servants is so lacking and he could make a difference.  The Mayor also performs his job in a professional way that is such a contrast to those leaders that are always complaining about something and placing blame on some one else. 

The theme of Landrieu's camaign when he was first elected Mayor was:  ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT, ONE VOICE AND ONE CITY.  The Mayor has been loyal to that theme and has focused on those things that is making it come true.  Mayor Mitch Landrieu is a true "serious public servant."

This commentary written by John Lucia.

See my previous commentary about Mr. Landrieu's election published here in politidose in May of 2010

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Seattle Seahawks: World Champions Of The NFL.

The Seattle Seahawks won Super Bowl XLVIII and the World Championship of the NFL with a dominate performance against the Denver Broncos.  The Seahawks also finished with the best won-loss record for the season, including the playoffs and the Super Bowl for a sterling season.  Their record includes 3 wins against two teams with the best two quarterbacks in the NFL.  Two wins against the Saints and one win against the Broncos. 

The fans in Louisiana were disappointed in the Bronco's loss because of the Manning factor.  What this writer saw watching the game was a Seattle team that was ready to play, played with emotion, confidence, enthusiasm and played the game for 60 minutes.  Denver did not and in fact gave this writer the impression they were not ready to play and appeared confused in many situations during the game.

The lopsided score of 43-8 was one of many Super Bowls that ended up in a walk for the winner.  Those that follow the NFL know that as a fact.  The Super Bowl is not a sports event, it is amedia event in disguise.  The two week wait between the last playoff game and the Super Bowl is a killer.  The first week is devoted to practice and game planning and the second week is devoted to news media interviews with the players.  The second week breaks the continuity of the football mind and some teams are not prepared to handle that. 

Readers of "politidose" know this writers thoughts about the playoff system and the way the Super Bowl is conducted.  When news media hype becomes larger than the game itself, the GAME becomes diminished.  Football fans will remember the Dallas-Green Bay championship game in frigid Green Bay long after Super Bowl XLVIII is history.

This commentary was written by John Lucia.

Republicans Must Be Taking "Politidose" To Heart

This writer for a number of years has pointed out the reason Republicans are always on the negative attack against Democrats, especially during elections and there fore never tell the voting public what policies they themselves would adopt and promote is a result of their inability to debate the real issues facing the country and its people.  Romney's position during the 2012 election was simply to oppose Obamacare and everything the President had achieved and wanted to do in a second term.

Romney offered the standard "trickle down economics" of tax cuts that favored the most well off.  He even failed to answer the "arithmetic  question."  He never articulated any clear policy statements of what he would do to move the country and its people forward.  Republicans in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate said from the beginning of Obama's first term they would not work with him or help pass any of his agenda.  They even wasted congress and the people's time by voting to defund the ACA 40 times and even shut the government down.  They have yet to offer any legislation on the major issues facing the country.

Now we read that the Republicans in the U.S. House started a 3 day retreat and that the major topic will be to offer specific legislation on a number of issues instead of opposing every thing the President talks about.  Its obvious the congressional elections coming up in November is heavy on their mind and with their dismal approval rating they are scrambling to be identified with some thing positive for a change.  They have wasted the last five long years of doing nothing even though it was their party that gave the country and its people the second great Republican depression.

If they are really serious the most positive thing they could do when congress returns is to pass the President's jobs act to rebuild our infrastructure that they have been sitting on for over two years.  The U.S. Senate passed that bill and it is fully paid for.  It is this writers opinion that if the U. S. House had passed that bill like the Senate, the country would be at full employment.

Even Charles Krauthammer, the conservative commentator put his two cents in with a column published in the Times Picayune of 1/31/14 when he challenged the Republicans to challenge the Democrats on substance.  On the women's issue he asks, what is it about women that causes leading Republicans to grow clumsy, if not stupid.  Krauthammer has the elections on his mind also because his past views was a ditto head copy cat. 

President Obama's state of the union addressed about by passing congress when they fail to act was late coming but a welcome sign for the future.  It also pushed the Republican party to change its tune and gave conservative journalists an opportunity to join the real debate instead of being ditto heads. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.