Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Governor Edwards Calls Another Special Session Of The State Legislature.

Louisiana's governor Edwards is determined to make progress in bringing the state's budget and fiscal problems under control and called another special session of the legislature to do so.  The special session will run from Feb. 19 through March 7 to address a reported $994 million short fall for the next fiscal year which begins July 1.  The regular session of the legislature will start on March 12 and run through June 4.

Edwards understands the state can not solve its long term fiscal problems with budget cuts alone.  The state has been there and done that and it has not worked.  The republican controlled legislature has to end its foolishness and adopt sound fiscal answers to the problem their extreme attitude is responsible for.  The conservative rhetoric on the budget represents fake news and its time for them to start thinking of the state and its people's best interest.

The special session and regular session is plenty enough time for the republicans to come to their senses and work with Edwards and his recommendations on solving the long term budget and fiscal problems of the state that have gone on for to long.  The republicans time is up.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio