Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Federal Budget Deficit And Federal Spending: Another Huge First For"PolitiDose."

The Federal Government's  fiscal year that ended 9/30/13 was President Obama's fourth fiscal year and the deficit came in at $680 billion, down from the $1.08 trillion deficit of fiscal year ending 9/30/12.  Federal spending came in at $3.45 trillion, down 2.4% from fiscal  year ending 9/30/12 that was $3.53 trillion.  Federal revenue was up 13.3% to $2.77 trillion. 

Any one who follows "PolitiDose" should not be surprised at the above numbers as it has been pointed out many times over that democratic administrations always do better than republican administrations in all area's of the budget and the economic well being of America.  The news media in general are still ignorant concerning those matters and have no clue.  They love to repeat the lies of republican talking points.

President Obama's four fiscal years has seen the smallest growth in federal spending in over 52 years.  The following numbers tell the story. 

Federal spending for fiscal year ending 9/30/09 Bush's last fiscal year was $3.517 trillion.

Federal spending for fiscal year ending 9/30/10, Obama's first fiscal year was $3.45 trillion, down 1.7% from previous year.

Federal spending for fiscal year ending 9/30/11 Obama's second fiscal year was $3.60 trillion, up 4.2% from previous year.

Federal spending for fiscal year ending 9/30/12 Obama's third fiscal year was $3.53 trillion, down 1.8% from previous year.

Federal spending for fiscal year ending 9/30/13 Obama's fourth fiscal year was $3.45 trillion, down 2.4% from previous year.

And once again as this writer has pointed out in the past it is a democratic administration that has controlled federal spending, reduced the federal deficit, created jobs, reduced unemployment and put the economy back on track.  And it has happened despite the republicans promise to obstruct and do nothing to help the President and despite having to deal with the worst economic and fiscal depression since the great depression of 1929.  And there should be no doubt in any ones mind that unemployment would be under 6% had the republican controlled house passed Obama's job's program to rebuild the nations infrastructure they have been sitting on for the past two years.  That legislation was passed by the senate and was fully funded with out increasing the federal deficit.  Our economic house would also be a lot stronger had the U.S. House acted.

When Vice President Chaney said in public, deficits don't matter while the Bush administration was turning President's Clinton's balanced budgets and surplusess into deficit spending and debt the republican party who controlled both houses of congress during most of Bush's time in office looked the other way and the news media was silent.

Yes, my fellow Americans democratic administrations with a liberal philosophy are better at moving the country and its people forward economically and in fiscal matters than republican administrations with a conservative ideology.  The factual numbers published by the CBO, the Labor Department, the Treasury and other governmental agency's tell the real story.  And information concerning the budget deficit, federal spending, the national debt, unemployment and other economic and fiscal matters can be found here in "PolitiDose" in past commentaries. 

Special Note:  No republican administration has reduced year to year federal spending in the past 50 years even when their party controlled both houses of congress or when congress was split.

This commentary written by John Lucia.