Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Investigations Have A Way That Identify How Sorry Republicans In Congress Really Are

The republicans in congress controlled two hearings concerning Benghazi and the emails of Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.  Their intelligence committee also investigated Benghazi and issued a separate report and the FBI investigated Hillary's email issue and also issued their report.  That is a total of 4 investigations and the republicans still can not accept their own findings or that of their intelligence committee or the FBI.

So now the republicans want to open up an investigation of perjury charges against Clinton and speaker of the House Paul Ryan sent a letter to President Obama urging him not to give Clinton foreign policy intelligence briefings like the democratic and republican nominees are normally given that dates back many years.  It is the same ditto head of the republicans in the House that led to the impeachment of President Clinton that the U.S. Senate rightfully rejected.  The chief justice of the U.S. Supreme court presided over that debate and decision that cleared the President.

There is no scandal of classified information being hacked on Clinton's watch as Secretary of State.  And the republicans still don't understand it is the President who makes foreign policy decisions and not the Secretary of State or other cabinet departments.  Before Hillary Clinton's service, the prior two Secretaries of State were caught up in the lies of Iraq"s WMD that did not exist and a war that proved to be unnecessary.

It is also good to remember when talking about a private server or a so called government secured server, both the Department of Defense and Social Security announced some months ago that their secured system was hacked and the names of thousands of employees of the Defense Department were stolen.  Also the names of thousands of people on Social Security was stolen along with their social security numbers.  The FBI said that Clinton's email server could have been hacked but there is no evidence that it was.  If any one thinks the FBI or our intelligence community don't know about those things, think again.

Republicans have always been extreme in attacking the Clintons in particular and democrats in general.  They started their extreme agenda against President Obama when he was first elected when Mitch McConnell said his party would not work with the President because they wanted him to be a one term President.  They kept up the extreme agenda with the birther issue, calling the President a muslim, saying he hated America, he was a racist and so many other extreme comments.  And now it is Donald Trump who has taken up the extreme rhetoric.

And yes, the republicans are still chapped because the country has remained safe on Clinton's watch as Secretary of State and Obama's watch as President and Commander in Chief.  The party's scare tactics have backfired.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio