Monday, November 30, 2020

Another Huge First For PolitiDose As The Outcome Of The Trump Presidency Was Predicted In Past Commentary.

 This writer in two commentaries  titled, "Will The Failure Under A Trump Administration Be Like The Failed Past of Previous Republican Administrations" dated 12/9/16 and "What Will The New Year Bring Politically: A Continuing Story" dated 12/24/16 told the story in advance how precedent could be used to judge the future of Trump's four years in office and his administrations failures.  It was all preordained in those two commentaries.

The regular news media never saw it coming because they pay no attention to an administrations record even though the record and failures keep repeating itself.  For the past nine years PolitiDose has laid the facts out on the republicans failures on a host of issues that keep repeating themselves but the regular news media keeps reporting the republican talking points and their fairy tales as if they have great accomplishments.  

Trump's background, his rhetoric during the 2016 campaign and the republican party's record over the past 80 years was enough to understand that the failure of past republican administrations would take place again in a future Trump administration.  And with less than two months to go in office, the failure that was predicted in 2016 came front and center to repeat the cycle.  

Yes, my fellow Americans, the very first civilization on earth, that of the Sumerians said they were taught six thousand years ago that the key to a better future was to understand the mistakes of the failed past.  Otherwise, the future would be like the failed past.  It is a piece of wisdom that is alive and well after all those years.

Note:  To read this writers two commentaries noted above log onto 

Note:  Stay tuned for the wrap up  of the Trump administration and what to expect from the Biden administration which will becoming soon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 28, 2020

President-Elect Joe Biden's Win Has The So Called Conservative Republican Opinion Writers In La-La Land.

Those who follow PolitiDose and political reality understand the recent commentary by so called conservative republican writers mark the start of the never ending negative voices that will continue through out the Biden administration.  It will be the usual drumbeat against democratic administrations that began with the Reagan and Gingrich years because conservatives and republicans have no record to run on.

Recent articles published in the New Orleans Advocate by Michael Gerson, Rich Lowry and Garey Forster are good examples.  Gerson in his article titled, "The democrats have reason to be unhappy in victory" was the usual propaganda by conservatives who try their best at division.  President elect Biden won the election with a record democratic blue wave vote that overwhelmed a sitting President by almost 6 million votes.  The democratic party maintained control of the U.S. House and as of this writing, gained one net seat in the U.S. Senate.  One can see that democrats are not ditto heads like republicans and express their own political attitudes about their own party which Gerson makes himself believe that means un-happiness.  Gerson, being a so called conservative will continue to divide the country with a democrat in the White House once Trump leaves office.

Rich Lowry's article in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "Ungracious exit damages Trump" said he knew in advance how Trump would handle a defeat but all through the Trump years Lowry was a Trump ditto head who supported him and a democratic basher even though Trump and the republicans were running the country.  Lowry also said Trump's handling of the election has been a runaway success and gave the excuse that republicans should give Trump backing to pursue voter fraud in the courts because of some close votes in the battleground states.  The article seems to be an apology for Trump as he leaves office but four years of being a Trump ditto head says it all.

And then there was Garey Forster's article in the New Orleans Advocate titled, Biden's energy policy would drive Louisiana workers into unemployment."  Forster, a local and what appears now to be a regular opinion writer for the Advocate is all over the place in his article.  The article actually talks very little about unemployment.  Its more of a tribute to Trump winning the debate with Biden (he actually lost), the taxes the oil industry pays in Louisiana, unkind words for Governor John B. Edwards and ends with the prediction that Trump will win re-election on November 3.  Being a Trump ditto head, Forster forgot to mention that the oil industry in Louisiana had its best years on the democratic watch and its worst years on the republican watch and that more than 7200 oil field workers lost their jobs in Louisiana in the last year on Trump's watch.  The largest job loses came during the administrations of Nixon and Reagan.  And of course as all knows the oil and gas industry has been in recession for over a year on Trump's watch.

Forster also failed to mention that the Oil industry became the worlds largest producers on the Obama-Biden watch and it was that same democratic administration that held BP accountable for their rig explosion that killed 11 rig workers and cost billions of dollars of damages to Louisiana's environment.  The bottom line is democratic administrations always do a better job at creating new net jobs and a Biden administration will continue that record with the economy.  And Donald Trump will leave office on  January 20 with the worst job creation record since the great depression.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 



Friday, November 27, 2020

Louisiana, The State We Are In: Once Again, A Gas Tax Is Being Floated.

As per a report in the New Orleans Advocate of 11/25 a new push is on to raise Louisiana's gas tax by 10 cents per gallon initially and 22 cents per gallon eventually that would raise between $300 - $600 million annually.  The report noted that the tax has not changed in the last 30 years, that Louisiana ranks 43 nationally in the gas tax and since 2013, 30 states raised its gas taxes.  Also noted was the effort in the pass to raise the tax has failed.

The reason behind the push to raise the gas tax is to finance needed repairs and rebuild the states highway and infrastructure that is in a deplorable condition.  Everyone agrees that the issue would help Louisiana's economy, the business community and commerce in general.  We know for a fact that the state has said it would take approximately $12 billion to address the highway and infrastructure problems.  But the real problem is the states do nothing republican controlled legislature, their radical ideology and tax give away to the business community.

The state's tax breaks for the business community is approximately $8 billion a year.  That is about 25% of the state budget and no state can afford to lose that much revenue nd take care of its needs.  But the states legislature says the tax breaks are needed for the economy, jobs and etc., etc. and etc.  But it is the big lie.  Louisiana is still last nationally in almost every category important to the state and its people despite the corporate welfare given away each year.

What the state needs is an economic plan based on the real needs of the state and its people.  The state also  needs a multi face economy that can withstand the hardships when a pandemic and other unforeseen events take place to ease the burden.  An increase in the gas tax is only one way to raise revenue to pay for highway and infrastructure repairs and giving away state revenue to business that just contribute to larger bonuses and salaries for their CEO's and executives is pure folly and wasteful.

The state will continue to stay at or near the bottom in national rankings until Louisiana's state government takes a stand in favor of the state and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Sickness In The White House Continues To The Very End.

 The sickness and mental unfitness of President Trump continues with less than two months left in office.  The sickness is ending just like it started in 2016 with unfounded claims of massive voter fraud only the ending is worse because of Trump's desire to litigate the election in the courts instead of the people's vote.  He even went so far as to brag about stacking the Supreme Court so they would decide the election in his favor.

So Donald Trump will end his Presidency as a self serving "sicko" whose anti-Democratic rhetoric and actions will go down in history as the first American President to undermine the constitution, the rule of  law, our institutions and the morality of America.  He has earned the title of being a "deplorable" person who lives the life of lying no matter what.  His hatred of America's democratic process of transition and his refusal to co-operate with President-elect Joe Biden and the smooth transition of government change is the height of betrayal and a planned rejection of the peaceful transfer of power.

The many traitorous acts of this President justified his impeachment by the U.S. House and his acquittal by the GOP controlled Senate are the reason the country is still dealing with this sick and mentally unfit President's attempt to undermine American democracy and the election process.  The country and its people can start a new beginning on January 20 when President-elect Joe Biden is installed as the 46th President of the United States.  That is the day when America can "Build Back Better" as Joe Biden says we can do and also the day the voters can hold the GOP responsible for their obstruction that is sure to come.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

President-Elect Joe Biden Certified The Winner In The State Of Georgia

Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp certified that democratic President-elect Joe Biden won the state of Georgia and its 16 electoral votes in the November 3 election.  A hand recount triggered by Georgia's election laws confirmed the original vote that had Biden ahead in the vote count. 

President-elect Biden is the first democratic Presidential candidate to win the state since 1992.  It was a great win for Biden in a state won by Trump in the 2016 election and one thought to be dominated by Trump in this years election.  It was a real democratic blue wave of votes that flocked to the polls to vote and increased their 2016 vote registration close to a million new voters.

So now all eyes are on Georgia's two U.S. Senate run off races scheduled for early January.  The out come will decide what party will control the U.S. Senate which at present is controlled by the GOP.  The stakes could not be higher, but more important is the fact that Joe Biden is the President-elect.

Biden not only ran a better campaign that Trump, he let his fellow Americans know he would not run a campaign that put the public's life at risk with a virus pandemic still out of control.  The health and safety of America and its people were in the President-elect's thoughts.  The bottom line to the vote was that the people of Georgia spoke loud and clear.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trump and His Ditto Head Opinion Writers Deserve Each Other.

So called conservative opinion writers Rich Lowry and Byron York made a last ditch effort prior to the November 3 election to try and convince the voters that there were grassroots Trump supporters you don't see and that Biden's energy policy would end Pennsylvania's oil boom.  They also claimed the polls were wrong.  Well, a funny thing happened on election day.

The polls were not wrong, Biden won as predicted and with the greatest democratic blue wave vote in the history of Presidential elections.  In fact it was a deluge with a popular vote margin of over 5 million votes.  The rejection of a sitting President was complete.  Even the people of Pennsylvania voted for Biden.  They knew the states oil boom took place on the Obama-Biden watch and understood what the word "transition" means.  They had a good laugh at Lowry's opinion column concerning the subject matter.

And now that the election is over, Trump's ditto heads are feeding off his everlasting lies about voter fraud, denying the blue wave vote existed and still enabling him a force in the GOP and the 2024 election.  But the bottom line tells us Biden's decisive win and defeat of Trump ends the term of a traitorous President who created and built an administration based on lies.  

And the GOP and the so called conservative news media supported it all.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Seventy Seven Plus Million Votes Tell Us America Is A Moderate-Liberal Nation.

President elect Joe Biden's election not only proved the polls were right, it demonstrated that the people have figured out that the republican claim of being conservative is a fairy tale and that the people themselves are not conservative politically.  The people understood that the issues that affect them can not be addressed or solved by brand names but by actions and plans that meet each situation. 

Biden not only received the largest popular vote total in Presidential history, democratic Presidential candidates won the popular vote in seven of the last eight Presidential elections.  And Donald Trump lost the popular vote in the last two Presidential elections by over eight million votes.  Forget about what party controls the House or Senate. Those are only districts, local and state races that have been gerrymandered and do not represent the view of the country as a whole.

Biden's victory was complete.  He won back so called swing states Trump won in 2016 and won Arizona, a state no democratic  Presidential candidate has won in over 20 years.  He also won Georgia (subject to recount) a state no democratic Presidential candidate has won in the past 20 plus years.  Biden's popular vote margin of 5 plus million votes over a sitting President was historic.

The American people understood that democracy, the constitution, the bill of rights, human rights and the creed that all are created equal are born of moderate and liberal thought.  It guided our nation for 245 years and counting.  And President elect Joe Biden understands that and said so when he proclaimed he was a proud democrat, but he would be an American President.  That there would be no red or blue states, only a United States of America.

And so it goes.  Moderates and Liberals don't rely on brand names to divide America for votes.  They are satisfied and comfortable with being Americans first and foremost.  And They believe in America the Beautiful and its institutions that has kept us free.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps and all my brother Marines who wore the eagle, globe and anchor.  And especially those in harms way and away from their families serving their country and doing their duty.   Semper Fidelis, "always faithful" the motto that binds all Marines as brothers continues to be alive and well and in good hands.  

Two hundred forty five years of Honor, Duty and Commitment that was shaped in Boot Camp and stamped forever in our minds and souls with pride and the title of being a U.S. Marine.  Although the Marine Corps is the smallest fighting force in America, our brothers are still the FEW, THE PROUD, THE MARINES.


Semper Fi To All

Sgt. Joseph J. Lorio, Sr.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Job Numbers and Unemployment For October 2020

The economy returned 638,000 jobs in October and the unemployment rate came in at 6.9% according to the U.S. Labor Department report.  The job numbers were down from the September numbers of 672,000 jobs and was the fourth straight month of lower job numbers.  The unemployment rate was one percent lower than the 7.9% rate in September.

The department also reported that the nation still has 10.1 million fewer jobs than it did before the recession and pandemic and at the current pace of hiring, it would take until February 2022 to regain those jobs lost.  Despite those projections, Trump and his party still have no stimulus plan or economic plan to put the country back to work and address the problems.  

That is not a pretty economic picture especially with record COVID 19 cases surging at the present time and Trump and his party's rejection of the stimulus passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.  And now with the election over we shall see just what Trump and his party are willing to accomplish before he leaves office in January 20, 2021, just two and half months away.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

 Note:  The republican controlled Senate failed to pass their own stimulus plan.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

What Is The Point? Semantics At Its Worse.

In a New Orleans Advocate opinion column dated 11/5 by Tyler Bridges and Jeff Adelson titled, "Big wins show republicans still reign in Louisiana"  was much about nothing.  They tried to explain how Tuesday's Presidential election turned out to be about the same as the 2016 election as far as Louisiana goes with the same kind of results.  Its meaningless because with all the republican party control in Louisiana, it is  democratic governor John Bel Edwards that leads the  state.

The big red in Louisiana controlled the government and both houses of the state legislature under former governor Bobby Jindal but accomplished very little in their 8 year reign.  They never balanced one state budget, left the state with billions in debt and the unemployment rate was higher when Jindal left office than it was when he took office.  They also refused to implement the ACA under the medicaid provision and left millions go uninsured.  

Governor John Bel Edwards did much better and governed with character even though he has a hostile republican legislature and attorney general who try to oppose his every move especially against the COVID 19 virus.  Edwards has done a better job than Trump at managing the virus even though the President has more resources at his calling.

So the republican party may still reign in Louisiana in some minds, but it is democratic leaders who lead and govern the best for the people and the state.  This writer is not moved by the red state when governed by the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


President-Elect Joe Biden Wins The Presidential Election and Defeats President Donald Trump.

 Democrat Joe Biden rode a record democratic "blue wave" vote that drowned President Trump on election day November 3.  President-Elect Biden also won the popular vote with more than 74 million votes and the final tally not in yet.  It was the most votes received by any Presidential candidate in the history of the country.  It was also the second Presidential election for Trump when he failed to win the popular vote.

The so called conservative opinion writers never saw the democratic "blue wave" coming because they refused to believe it existed.  But the readers of "PolitiDose" knew better because the "blue wave" was explained in PolitiDose commentary on several occasions the past few years.  It was also obvious in the record early and mail-in voting.

Biden's campaign was about American values while Trump's campaign was like his administration, one of division and personal attacks, both on people and our institutions.  Biden campaigned in the states Trump won in the 2016 election and pushed him to defend those states.  Biden's win also put to rest the old worn out line by Presidential campaigns that you have to win Ohio and Florida to win the Presidency.  Biden lost both states and won because he knew how to add and obtain the necessary 270 electoral votes.  

So now with the votes counted, Trump, in his usual anti-American rants continues to say he won the election by lots of votes and has already had his attorney engage the federal courts in unfounded claims of voter fraud and other illegal activities.  But the courts will be no help to the trumpet man's allegations.  Trump's behavior in trying to corrupt and undermine the democratic process is a sad time in the life of a U.S. President.

On January 20, 2021 when President-elect Joe Biden takes the oath of office, the darkness of the Trump administration will be lifted and "HONOR" will return to the White House..  The change will reflect the will of the people and their confidence in President Joe Biden and America the Beautiful.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 LSU's win against South Carolina was talked about being a great improvement for their rushing offense, the offense in general and a big improvement for the defense.  However, it slipped some peoples mind that South Carolina was really not a good football team and therefore the game was not a vehicle to make such a judgement.

Then along came the Auburn Tigers, no relation to the LSU Tigers in a SEC match up that defeated the LSU football team and made it look easy.  LSU's problems on offense and defense were once again glaring.  After five games, the Tigers from Baton Rouge have the same problem giving up big chunks of yardage on offense and defense.  Poor tackling and blocking.

Every SEC team has the same problems.  COVID 19, players sitting out because of it, players lost to the NFL draft, injuries and young players.  But when you have the right coaching, the cream should come to the top.  At this point, the defending national champs have a long way to go to become a team that can compete on a consistent basis for the BCS playoffs and a shot at the national championship.

In fact they have a long way to go and just be a winner in the class with Alabama and Clemson.  And the Tigers play Alabama next week with two weeks to prepare for the game and make a positive statement.  Will the Tigers be up to the challenge?  Will the coaching staff wake up, coach and understand 15-0 is over and done with?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio