Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another Huge First For PolitiDose, Your Daily Dose Of Political commentary

PolitiDose, in several past commentaries took the position that Louisiana's republican representatives in the U.S. Congress have failed to represent the state and the nation on the most critical issues and care nothing about Louisiana.  Now comes a Times Picayune article by Tim Morris dated 3/1 titled, Louisiana's republican representatives should be ashamed.  Morris wrote the following regarding the Louisiana republicans no vote in the U.S. House on a resolution to end Trump's so called "national emergency."  ALL FIVE LOUISIANA REPUBLICANS IN THE U.S. HOUSE VOTED TUESDAY TO ABDICATE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND SURRENDER THEIR INDEPENDENCE TO THE WHIMS OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.

The resolution p assed the House in a 245 - 182 vote with 13 republicans joining the democratic majority.  Louisiana's democratic rep Cedric Richmond voted with the majority.  Morris, a self proclaimed conservative has been a supporter of President Trump in this writers judgement based on past Morris commentary that had been the subject of previous PolitiDose commentary.  But give Morris credit for his column of recognizing the shameful republican vote to support Trump's fairy tale "national emergency."  Morris also rejected the republicans stated reason for supporting Trump's order and gave the same reasons the democratic party asserted to oppose Trump's order.

The real story on the immigration issue is what PolitiDose has reported long ago.  The republican party controlled the U.S. House for 8 straight years prior to the democratic take over in January and in all that time refused to take up and debate the issue.  Ditto the republican controlled U.S. Senate for the past 4 years and ditto for the last 2 years when the republicans controlled the White House and both houses of congress.  But conservative journalist and or opinion writers never wrote about that.  They were glad to talk only about the republican rhetoric on the matter.

And of course, think of this.  If there really was a "national emergency" at the southern border, it took place on Trump and the republicans watch while their so called tough talk was taking place.  Did any conservative writer report that?  The republican party's failure to act on the two most important issues(health care and immigration reform) while in the majority and control is a lesson in non-governing and a party trapped in ideology.  Facts play no role in their ideology and that is why they still support Trump no matter what.  It is also why they have failed to govern.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio