Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Paul Ryan's Mental Problem On Cutting The Federal Budget

It is time for Congressman Paul Ryan to resign and go back to civilian life.  His mental faculty concerning budget cuts leaves a lot to be desired and his hypocrisy on the subject matter is matched by the Sunday news shows, CNN's economic reports, most cable news networks, especially Fox news and CNBC's Larry Kudlow, the worst of them all.

This writer will fill in Ryan's problem when he talks about federal spending and budget cuts and how the news media entertains his fairy tale rhetoric and misleads the American people.  Myth is alive and well when republicans get together with the Sunday media programs.  Lets examine the facts and put the myths to bed, its getting tiresome.

When it comes to controlling and cutting federal spending democratic administrations have the best record since 1980, thats a 33 year period and the administrations of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did a much better job by far controlling and cutting federal spending than Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.  Those three republican Presidents did a good job of saying they would reduce federal spending and balance the budget but they hold the distinction of having the largest increase in federal spending in that 33 year period.  (See notes below.)  President Obama's administration has the smallest increase in federal spending in his first three fiscal years in office and President Clinton has the second smallest increase in that 33 year period.  Federal spending under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 increased dramatically and by a wide margin over Clinton and Obama.  I use this 33 year period because that is the time frame republicans use to talk about federal spending.  It should also be noted that Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 never balanced one federal budget in the 20 years they ran the country. 

Ryan's problem mentally is his lies about federal spending increases under the Obama administration and the fact that Ryan and the republicans who controlled both houses of congress the first 6 years Bush 43 was President was silent while they over spent and turned Clinton's surpluses and balanced budgets into deficit spending the very first year of Bush's fiscal budget and for all of Bush's 8 years in office.  Not once did they reduce federal spending or object to raising the debt ceiling.  And at the end of Bush's last fiscal year the national debt had increased 105% on Bush's watch and he was the first President ever to have a single year deficit to top one trillion dollars and still holds the single year record of $1.4 trillion deficit.

Ryan and his party had a great opportunity to cut and reduce federal spending and balance the federal budget on their watch with Bush 43 at the helm and failed to keep the federal government's fiscal house in order as President Clinton did.  Deficit spending, balanced budgets, the national debt and a small increase in federal spending was not a problem when Clinton left office.  George W. Bush and the republicans in congress turned that into a national tragedy in just 8 short years and the American people are still feeling the effects.

So how did Ryan and the republicans deal with the disaster they left Obama and the people with.  They vowed not to work with the President because they wanted him to be a one term President and did not want to see America do well again on the watch of a democratic President.  Listening to Ryan and the republicans one would never know that no republican President has balanced the federal budget since "Ike" in 1960 but two democratic Presidents have balanced 5 federal budgets since that time. 

Mr. Ryan and his party are not only the champs at unbalanced federal budgets but take the gold star for increased federal spending.  And try this on for size:  Reagan presided over the very first trillion dollar budget.  Bush 43 presided over the first two and three trillion dollar budgets.  It took the country 15 years to go from a one trillion dollar budget to a two trillion dollar budget, but it only took Bush 43 seven years to go from a two trillion dollar budget to a three trillion dollar budget.  Is it any worder why Ryan and the republicans try to lie about the so called big spending democrats.  When you are a phony, you are a phony, as simple as that.

Note:  See the below past commentaries by this writer.

          The National Debt:  Betryal and Devastation   dated 12/6/09

          Federal Spending:  Facts vs. Myths    dated 10/31/09

          President Obama's First Term in Office Has Been Positive  dated 10/27/12

This commentary was written by John Lucia

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sports Writer Mike Triplett: Saint Fairytales Are Alive And Well

Here is how Triplett started off his article in the Times Picayune of 1/25/13.  "Sean Payton made a bold move on his second day back on the  job.  And he made the right move.  Firing Steve Spagnuolo etc. etc."  Triplett forgot to remind his readers that it was the same Sean Payton that hired Spagnuolo.  How bold is bold.  A really bold move would have been not letting bountygate take place.

Triplett seems to think a new coordinator who uses a 3-4 defense is the answer but hedges his bet a little by saying there is no guarantee.  It is going to be fun to see what Triplett writes after a new coordinator is hired and his predictions for next season with Payton back on the field. 

It is this writers opinion that the Saints football team lost more than a head coach this past season that will be reflected in their future record. 

This commentary was written by John Lucia

The Phoniness Of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal And The National Republican Party

Jindal and republican leaders met in Charlotte, N.C., recently to try and figure out why their candidate Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential election.  They acknowledged the urgent need to make their party more welcoming to a broader cross section of America according to an article published in the Times Picayune dated Jan. 25, 2013.

Governor Jindal said it was time to recalibrate the compass of conservatism.  Now that is what I call a brilliant observation from the little boy governor.  Not only is he the leader of the "stupid party" in Louisiana, he is a co sponsor of the republican party's attempt to put lipstick on a pig by changing the brand name of their unAmerican conservative ideology.

The republican party and Jindal's position during the 2012 election was to personally attack President Obama, his policies and his job performance which is their basic s.o.p. and talking points.  When the voters rejected their phoniness, their feeling of being elite was deflated.  The reelection of Obama prompted the little boy governor to say "republicans had to stop being the stupid party."  Now everyone knows that Jindal was part of that "stupid party" during the campaign with his stupid comments.

Jindal thinks of himself as a national candidate but as this writer expressed here in an earlier comment, he does not have the qualifications and will not be on any national ticket.  A close examination of Jindal's record as governor of Louisiana will reveal just how much harm he has done to the state.  Jindal and the republican party by their unAmerican ideology have exposed how phony they really are.

This commentary was posted by John Lucia.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Understanding The Presidential Election Of 2012

It is this writers judgement that the American people turned a corner when they reelected President Obama in the November elections.  They realized Romney's and the republicans tricklde down economic of tax cuts that benefit the wealthy was and is not an economic policy that moves the country and its people forward nor does it create jobs.  The voters should have realized that because of the ideology of the past administration that gave the country the second great republican depression.

It only started to sink in I believe, (1) when former President Clinton spoke at the Democratic National Convention and spoke three simple words that were easy to understand: "Its called arithmatic."  And (2) It was understood more during the V.P. debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan when V.P. Biden answered Ryan's promotion of the republic tax plans with two simple words: "Mathmatically Impossible."  That was devastating.  (3) Then President Obama sealed the deal during the debates and on the campign trail with two simple words: "Tax Fairness."

Those simple expressions really brought to light for the people that Romney and Ryan were offering the same thing George W. Bush did.  The failure of trickle down economics did not register with the voters when they elected and reelected Bush and still did not register with them until Clinton's speech started the chain of events that ended with the reelection of President Obama.

This writer also pointed out before the November elections that the republicans in congress would continue their opposition to Obama's policies even if he was reelected and that has proven to be true.  The people stood tall in November and they should now let their voices be heard and hold the republican party in congress responsible for their obstruction to the President's agenda that will continue to move the country forward.

The November election also proved a precedent; that the country and its people always do better under democratic administrations.  That says it all.

Thie commentary was written by John Lucia.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finish Strong: Yea, Right, Only In Saints Dreamland

The Saint's loosing season is finally over and the Saint's organization, the team, the players, the fans and the sports journalists are still in denial.  They all denied and failed to understand the real story prior to the start of the season and are still in denial at the end.

Sean Payton's irresponsible action of allowing bounty gate to happen which resulted in the Saints not having a head coach was and is the sad story of the 7-9 season record.  Drew Brees spent more time ranting against the NFL when his rants should have been directed against Payton for putting the Saints in the position they were in.  And of course Benson rewarded Payton with a big raise and a new contract despite Payton's irresponsible act when he should have fired him for allowing bounty gate to happen and the harm done to the team and the fans. 

But money is what the NFL is all about, not sports, not leadership, not responsibility or accountability.  Players, coaches and owners feel they are above it all because they are given idol status and wealth beyond what they deserve.

As reported in a previous commentary the city's sports journalists and players played fairy tale games prior to the start of the season.  They said every thing was fine because they were professionals, they knew what had to be done, they have been there and done that, they were focused and all they had to do was do their jobs.  In the end the players did not do their jobs and did not earn their salary.  Especially Brees.

Now sports journalists and the players are saying every thing will be ok now for next year because Payton will be back and they learned some things along the way.  I also wrote a previous commentary dated May 17, four months before the season started concerning Brees and Peyton Manning.  I pointed out that no one could predict what kind of season Manning and Denver would have until the season was over since he missed the previous year with a neck injury.  Well Manning did a much better job for his team even after sitting out over a year than Brees did for his team and also beat the Saints and Brees in their regular season game this year.

In that same commentary I wrote that no one should be surprised if the Saints had a break even record or would finish 9-7.  My predictions were much closer than the city's sports journalists who are incapable of being objective in their reporting.  That includes those journalists in radio, TV and the print media.  Their comments were typical after the Saints beat Tampa Bay a few weeks ago when they said the Saints were back on their game and playing like champions.  They even talked about how the defense played great.  Some where along the way they forgot that Tampa Bay was a team with a loosing record and played with just an average quarterback. 

Hype, spin and con games describe the Saints this season.  Benson, Brees, Payton and Saints players are laughing all the way to the bank.  The fans are still loyal and sports journalists are still trying to protect their jobs by fairy tale reporting on the Saints.  Objectivity is not a requirement when you live in dreamland.

Note:  This commentary was written by John Lucia