Friday, January 11, 2013

Understanding The Presidential Election Of 2012

It is this writers judgement that the American people turned a corner when they reelected President Obama in the November elections.  They realized Romney's and the republicans tricklde down economic of tax cuts that benefit the wealthy was and is not an economic policy that moves the country and its people forward nor does it create jobs.  The voters should have realized that because of the ideology of the past administration that gave the country the second great republican depression.

It only started to sink in I believe, (1) when former President Clinton spoke at the Democratic National Convention and spoke three simple words that were easy to understand: "Its called arithmatic."  And (2) It was understood more during the V.P. debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan when V.P. Biden answered Ryan's promotion of the republic tax plans with two simple words: "Mathmatically Impossible."  That was devastating.  (3) Then President Obama sealed the deal during the debates and on the campign trail with two simple words: "Tax Fairness."

Those simple expressions really brought to light for the people that Romney and Ryan were offering the same thing George W. Bush did.  The failure of trickle down economics did not register with the voters when they elected and reelected Bush and still did not register with them until Clinton's speech started the chain of events that ended with the reelection of President Obama.

This writer also pointed out before the November elections that the republicans in congress would continue their opposition to Obama's policies even if he was reelected and that has proven to be true.  The people stood tall in November and they should now let their voices be heard and hold the republican party in congress responsible for their obstruction to the President's agenda that will continue to move the country forward.

The November election also proved a precedent; that the country and its people always do better under democratic administrations.  That says it all.

Thie commentary was written by John Lucia.

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