Monday, September 1, 2014

More Confirmation Of Gov. Bobby Jindal's Bad Management Of Louisiana's Budget

Louisiana's government employees and retirees will face higher deductibles, out of pocket cost and new health care limitations in order to keep the state's health care program from financial disaster according to a report in the Times Picayune of 8/27/14.  The health care coverage is for more than 230,000 public employees, retired workers and their dependents.

A 5% premium hike has already taken place this year and the Jindal administration says $132 million in the current budget year will be saved due to benefit cuts and price hikes.  Louisiana's Secretary of the Treasury, republican John Kennedy said the Jindal administration worsened the financial problem in the insurance program using money that people paid for health claims to balance the state budget.

And if manipulating the state budget sounds familiar its because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" many times over in the past.  Jindal, as every one knows opposes the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid under the Act and talks a good game about being able to do a better job than the federal government when it comes to health insurance.  Well Kennedy spilled the beans about how Jindal operates.  Of course those who follow Louisiana politics know the Jindal administration has been a disaster for the state's fiscal health.   Louisiana's next governor will pay the price.

This commentary written by John Lucia.