Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Conservative Journalist Michael Gerson and Radio Host Rush Limbaugh Are Both In Denial

Washington Post journalist Gerson in a Times Picayune editorial of 3/30/16 said that one of the main reasons some conservatives find Donald Trump acceptable is that the most influential political talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has provided his blessings.  Gerson takes the position that Limbaugh favors Trump over the "established" republican conservatives because he thinks they are a cliquish, elitist club preserving its influence and employment prospects.

 Trump is no conservative by any stretch and Gerson in his article conveys that true conservatism is serving a set of ideals, which includes market economics, limited government and that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are conservative by any serious measure.  Gerson also takes a shot at Limbaugh who believes there is more potential to fight liberalism.

The editorial has so many flaws it is a tell tale confession why republicans and their conservative ideology has been such a failure and how it created the pathway for Trump to emerge as their leading Presidential candidate.  For over 20 years Limbaugh has been telling his audience the "establishment was the party of conservatism and was best at governing.  Now, that has all changed and the establishment is no longer Limbaugh's go to party.

What has happened to the republican party and their brand of conservative ideology has been spelled out in "PolitiDose" many times over.  They are at each others throat almost daily now and that includes journalists such as Limbaugh, Gerson and the conservative news media.  Gerson talks about limited government and market economics but they have no record of matching the accomplishments of democratic administrations.  Did any one notice Gerson could find nothing positive to say about any accomplishments by the administration of George W. Bush.

The GOP as it is today are a failed party with a failed ideology that is breaking up and there is no one there with a voice of reason and true political understanding to save it.  And to make matters worse, their Presidential candidates are still running a circus despite only 3 of them left standing.

The voters should take a pledge not to vote for any republican in the November elections.  Now that would be a pledge worth signing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Governor Edwards Shows He Is A Serious Public Servant and Will Govern With Policy To Put The State's Fiscal House In Order

Two recent articles in the Times Picayune dated 3/27 by Julia O'Donoghue is a good example of governor Edward's determination to have his policies reflect reality and priorities in order to move the state forward.  In the first article the governor put a hold on construction projects not yet started on university campuses or other state property in favor of moving forward on projects that advance the states greatest needs.

Edwards will prioritize road projects and deferred maintenance on existing state buildings and college campuses.  That at least $80 million would be put toward road funding this year and the governor believes Louisiana must do a better job at shoring up the facilities it already has.  He also pointed out public universities and colleges alone face a $2 billion backlog in needed maintenance.

The second article concerns part of the governor's agenda that would reverse some of Jindal's so called legacy.  According to O'Donoghue, Edwards is pushing a higher minimum wage, equal pay for women, medicaid expansion, limits on TOPS, real ID license that complies with federal security regulations, primary and secondary education and others that Jindal opposed and would not accept.

Those two articles indicate what "PolitiDose" has said from day one, that Edwards would not govern by ideology but by policy that takes on the issues facing the state and its people.  Ideology does not solve problems, policy with solutions that recognize a problem does.  Governor Edwards knows when the state's deficit problem is so bleak, plans and priority are the first step to break the cycle of fiscal madness.  Only then can the state move forward with real progress for the people.

Governor Edwards is beginning that process.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Terrorists Attack In Brussels and The European Community.

First it was Paris just a few months ago and now Brussels, Belgium.  ISIS claimed to have a hand in both attacks.  Terrorists are known for striking the most vulnerable targets and knowing a great deal about the security or lack there of at the targets they hit.  In both the Paris and Brussels attacks their security people admitted that security was lacking in several areas.

The most important element in determining what went wrong and what to do next after an attack is to have sane leaders with courage to face the challenge without fear and not over react.  Tough talk won't get the job done and neither will political positioning or name calling.  So far, the leaders of France and Belgium seem to get the message and are acting accordingly.

In the United States the attacks on Brussels exposed the fear card used by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  One would think their response indicated the terrorists attacked America on that day as they went after President Obama's policies in the middle east.  Trump also said he would not take the nuclear option off the table for going after ISIS.  Ted Cruz said the U.S. should spy on and secure moslem communities in the U.S.  Those statements by Trump and Cruz do not define a sane response from a Presidential candidate.

Trump and Cruz have learned nothing from President Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist or his failed policies in the middle east.  Trump in fact has taken different positions on the war in Iraq.  He said he opposed the war but said we should have taken Iraq's oil.  Prior to the war, Saddam and his military kept terrorists out of Iraq and Iraq was also a country that kept Iran in check.  Iraq under Saddam was the balance.  And Trump wanted to take their oil.  How would that have kept Iran in check.  Yeah, right, you got it, it would not have kept them in check.

At present the U.S. has a President who is both sane and responsible and has a policy in the middle east which includes fighting terrorists like ISIS and Al Queda.  It has just been announced that the U.S. in the last month killed 3 of ISIS's top leaders and that Iraq forces supported by U.S. air power will be starting a ground and air campaign to retake Mosul from ISIS.  Mosul is the largest city in north Iraq.  Fighting terrorists is not easy or fast work, just ask President's Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama.  And at the present time our country is losing less lives while fighting the war.  We Americans should be able to relate to that and support the President's efforts.  Our men and women in uniform and their families have been paying the price in the middle east far too long.

Our country and its people need serious leaders now more than ever.  That will still be true when the election rolls around in November.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Letter To The Editor Concerning Taxes Is A Mirror Of Past PolitiDose Commentary.

In a letter to the editor of the New Orleans Advocate of March 26 James Bollinger in reply to a March 10 "readers view" letter by Mr. John Kay, Louisiana State Director Of Americans For Prosperity whose organization's website declared, " we protect the American dream by fighting each day for lower taxes, less government regulations and economic prosperity for all."  (in reference to recently passed tax increases in Louisiana which Mr. Kay's organization opposed)

Mr. Bollinger pointed out in his letter what "PolitiDose" has said in many past commentaries how taxes and regulations are required to run government and regulate business for the good of the state and its people.  Mr. Bollinger also said this in his letter and I quote.  As for the gentleman's concerns about Louisiana being at some disadvantage vis a vis other states, I believe it is time to realize that competition among states for business is yet another race to the bottom.  It is far better for states to join together to protect themselves against the demands of businesses, rather than give away the store and follow the business piper called American Legislative Exchange Council.

That statement will also be familiar to the readers of "PolitiDose" concerning the business community and their demands on government for special tax breaks.  Bollinger articulates in his letter how taxes and regulations actually protect the American Dream and this writer urges the readers of "PolitiDose" to read his letter to the editors.

Mr. Bollinger ends his letter by saying, "Lets not allow Fox News, Corporate America or Walton and Johnson to dictate what truth is."  And that should really sound familiar because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Republican Politics Of Division Has Become Wider and Wider

The republican tactic of using certain issues to divide the country is well known to those who follow politics and the people should prepare themselves for a brutal battle between the republican Presidential candidates left standing and the general election if the democratic nominee is Hillary Clinton.  Jeb Bush announced his support for Ted Cruz in order to deny Trump the republican nomination.  There is no one who preaches division like Ted Cruz and he has very few friends in congress, where he serves.

Former U.S. representative Bob Livingston of Louisiana announced he was supporting Donald Trump for the republican nomination.  He did not vote for Trump in Louisiana's Presidential primary according to his statement but now supports him because he wants to see the Presidency being denied to Clinton.  Of course, Trump has proved on the campaign trail he too preaches division.  Livingston, who served in congress for many years resigned from the U.S. House in disgrace over a previous affair and was one of the many republicans who hated President Clinton.

So now we have both Bush and Livingston supporting two republican candidates who both practice the politics of division.  One who wants to stop Trump and both who will stoop to any thing in order to defeat Clinton if she is the democratic nominee.  In a recent commentary I wrote the republican party would sell their soul to defeat Clinton and that is what Bush and Livingston are doing with their announced support.

The republicans are scared to death of a democratic being elected in 2016 because a democratic administration would continue the success with the economy, job creation, lower unemployment and a balanced budget that is sure to happen under the next administration if it is democratic.  The gains and progress for the country and its people would be dramatic.  The republicans know that so they will go negative and be divisive and also follow their M.O. of personal attacks, especially if Clinton is the democratic nominee.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Donald Trump: Is He A Dilemma For The GOP Or A Diversion For The Party?

The republican conversation about what to do with Donald Trump has picked up steam just in the last few days and in Sunday's Times Picayune "reflection" section there appeared three long editorials about the subject.  One of the commentary even injected religion into the matter.  It seems like the GOP itself, various leaders of the party and journalists have laid out a story line to divert attention from the real problem.

Trump will go into the convention with the most delegates and if he does not have the total delegates needed on the first ballot a new vote will be taken and the delegates can cast their votes where ever they want.  He has the most popular votes than any of his republican opponents and if some one else is selected it will make the primary and caucus votes of the people moot.  Ditto if the party turns to some one outside the candidates and or goes to a third party.

The GOP is not in a dilemma because of Donald Trump.  It is, because the party itself wants a conservative candidate who is extreme on the issues.  Ohio governor John Kasich presents them with a problem because they have doubts about his conservatism even though he was extremely conservative when he served in the U.S. House, especially during the Clinton administration.  In fact he held an extreme position against Clinton's policies that actually worked for the country and its people.  He voted against Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan that was passed by the democratic controlled congress in 1993.  He also voted to impeach the President.

This writer smells a ploy when the GOP talks about their options at the convention.  They want to win back the Presidency so bad they would sell their soul.  There is no one in the party at the time to unite them in a civil way.  Newly elected speaker of the House Paul Ryan could not even pass his republican budget because of their tea party's opposition and the word was Ryan was the one person who could unite them.

The best option for the country in November of 2016 is for the people to elect the democratic nominee.  It was bad during the last republican administration and today's bunch offers a worst alternative.  The country can not afford that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, March 18, 2016

Part II: The Second Super Tuesday Primaries

Hillary Clinton swept all five democratic primaries on Tuesday night including Florida, Missouri, Illinois, North Carolina and Ohio.  Donald Trump won four of the five republican primaries.  
According to Real Clear Politics Clinton won Florida by over half a million votes while Trump won the state by over 440,000 votes.  Clinton won Ohio by over 165,000 votes while Trump lost Ohio by over 229,000 votes to John Kasich, Ohio's governor.

The Clinton campaign sustained the momentum and Ohio and Florida were huge victories for her.  Those who though her loss in Michigan would hurt her in those two states were wrong.  The republicans lost another candidate when Marco Rubio, after a poor showing in his home state of Florida announced he was suspending his campaign.  The party's Presidential candidates now number three after starting out with seventeen.

John Kasich ended Tuesday night with the least total of delegates (all primaries) than his three opponents.  He was also quoted as saying the GOP could not avoid a brokered convention.  Ohio was Kasich's first and only win so far.  He finished fourth in Florida and third in Illinois, North Carolina and Missouri.  The media and others are now trying to sell Kasich as an alternate to Trump at the convention but Cruz will have a lot to say about that because he is in a strong second place position.

This writer believes Hillary Clinton has emerged as the one mature Presidential candidate in her campaign style, speeches, policy matters and her willingness to take on her opponents on the issues facing the country and its people.  She is a fighter and the best qualified of all.  She is also a serious public servant.  It is hard to guess what the republican party will do at their convention.  A fight and or brokered convention is not what the party or the country needs at this time.  If a brokered convention comes about could the party go to some outsider as some have mentioned?  It is some thing to ponder.  Now that would be a real finale to the republican circus.

After Tuesday's primaries Clinton still leads Trump in the popular vote total 8,651,128 to Trumps 7,536,465 according to Real Clear Politics. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Part I: The Second Super Tuesday Primary's For The GOP

Donald Trump won four of the five super Tuesday primaries and Ohio governor John Kasich won his state's primary.  Trumps four victories validated what "PolitiDose" has been saying from the very beginning.  His candidacy is on top because the rest of his republican opponents and their party are so weak on accomplishments they border on being inept.  Trump also used personal attacks on them from the very beginning to highlight their weakness and it worked.  His opponents never got a foothold and never appeared to be Presidential.

Rubio was so weak he could not even carry his home state of Florida.  Trump beat him in 67 of 68 counties.  And Rubio was billed as the future of the republican party.  It of course was a republican myth swallowed by the news media.  Ohio governor John Kasich carried his home state but could not get to 50% of the vote.  Pretty sad for a candidate who bragged how well the people have done on his watch.  Sure Kasich had three opponents but all things are relevant.  The news media does what it does best, blow smoke when they say Kasich is now a factor in the republican nomination process at the convention.

The weakness of Trump's opponents does not indicate he would be better if he wins the nomination at the convention.  In fact the republican party is in trouble regardless who they nominate.  Tim Pawlenty, a former republican governor and Presidential candidate in the 2012 election told MSNBC on Wednesday night Trump is winning because the republicans promised to cut spending, cut the deficit, repeal Obamacare, deal with food stamps, change social security and a host of other issues and did nothing on any of those issues.  In other words, the republican party has no accomplishments, just like "PolitiDose" has been saying for the past 8 years.  But Pawlenty did not say any of those things when he ran for the republican nomination in 2012.  Its par for the course for republicans.

The news media are still searching for answers why Trump is winning and continue to give his campaign top billing.  They just can't get enough.  The republican party did indeed create Donald Trump and they are two sides of the same coin.  Donald Trump, the republican party and the tea party all deserve each other.

But the country and its people deserve better.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, March 14, 2016

The GOP Loves To Sign Pledges: A Continuing Story

It started in the Newt Gingrich era with his "contract for America" which turned out to be a "contract on America" that America did not ask for.  It then morphed into the "read my lips" era of no new taxes.  Then Grover Norquist pledge of no increase in taxes that so many republican elected officials gladly signed both on the federal and state level.

And now the latest GOP pledge that is currently in the news that the republican party's Presidential candidates signed onto promising to support who ever becomes the party's nominee.  Rubio and Kasich were reported to have recently said they may renege on the pledge and not support Trump if he is the party's nominee.

Democrats do not sign pledges, not even to support the democratic Presidential nominee.  What they do is hold up their right hand and swear under oath to fulfill their duties as elected officials.  Of course, republicans take the same oath and then sign pledges that contradict their sworn duties.  The GOP has no intention of doing anything that falls outside of their extreme ideology so they sign pledges.

More and more republicans from the past who did not follow a political ideology are coming out now and are speaking about the republican Presidential candidates and opposing their do nothing attitude.
Some are calling them a bunch of idiots and expressed their feelings that the only way to save the GOP is to break up the party as it stands today.

The real question that is hard to answer about the GOP in this writers opinion is this:  Does a pathway really exist to change the GOP's direction away from such an extreme ideology on almost every issue, and if so, who will that person be to finally stand up, lead and articulate the needed change.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Louisiana Special Session Has Ended For The State Legislature

The republican controlled legislature struck out in its special session and ended the session still in deficit to the tune of $30 million according to reports coming out of that body.  The state House did a poor job of moving legislation and sending it to the Senate timely for a vote.  It was reported some of the bills that passed were so tardy the senate did not have time to debate and therefore no one really knows what those bills will really produce.

The state legislature mimics the republican controlled congress more and more by failing to work with a democratic administration at a time of great need.  Governor Edwards said, "This was not our best day" and expressed disappointment in the failure to find a way to address the problems.  He also said the legislature's lackadaisical approach will make the upcoming session a grueling one.  Five of the governor's key proposals to help solve the fiscal crisis did not even pass.

Clearly, there is no progressive leadership in the republican controlled House and very few serious public servants.  In my commentary dated 1/23/16 titled, Louisiana, The state We Are In, I made the following statement.  "This writer will be surprised if the republicans will cooperate and work with Edwards and only time will tell."  Well, the special session is history now and the republicans did not prove that statement wrong.

But they will have another chance to do so in the regular session coming up shortly.  Lets see if they can get this one right with positive action that will put the budget problem back on a fiscally sound footing and into the future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, March 11, 2016

The President Keeps The Pressure On The Leading Terror Groups

U.S. air strikes hit Somalia terrorist leader al-Shabab's main planning base north of Mogddishu killing over 150 Islamic militants in the training camp.  Somalia's intelligence said they cooperated with the U.S. in the air strikes.  The U.S. government announced the strike.

On another front against terrorists the U.S. said an Islamic terrorists al-Afari, a chemical and biological expert that was captured in Iraq by U.S. special forces provided the U.S. with details about how the group had weaponized mustard gas into powdered form and loaded into artillery shells.

The news media gave very little coverage of the those event in favor of the Presidential race.  But every day we are witness to the fact that the Obama administration has done a remarkable job in bringing terrorists around the world to justice.  His policies are working and fighting terror is still his top priority.

The cable news networks are just like the republicans in congress.  They just can't bring themselves to acknowledge that the President is taking care of the nations interest and national security.  They are too busy filling up their air time with Donald Trump.  The news media thinks its more important to have a post debate show where for hours they tell the viewing audience what they already heard from the candidates.

The U.S. has a President that has his priorities straight and a news media that lacks judgement in their reporting and broadcasting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, March 10, 2016

After A Primary Win Donald Trump's Lack Of Character Comes To Life

Donald Trump's post election speech from his headquarters in Florida Tuesday night celebrating his primary wins in Michigan and Mississippi was a good example of a man who on a winning night sought fit to once again personally attack his republican opponents.

It was not a humble speech nor one with virtue.  It was a time to celebrate a victory with his supporters but instead talked about his business accomplishments with much criticism for others.  Trump's lack of character shows his weakness as a man and also conveys his reasons for speaking in the singular.  (I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that.)

Speaking in the singular is the trademark of republicans but they have little accomplishments to show for it.  A Presidential candidate can not afford to be negative as Trump and expect to be effective or even representative of what America is all about.  It should be obvious that many executives in corporate America are ruthless and Trump, being a part of corporate America, exhibits his fondness of being ruthless.

If a Presidential candidate can not show character and humility in winning, he is already a loser.  Trump talks a lot about his opponents being part of the establishment but so is he.  He is part of the corporate  establishment who give millions of dollars to elected officials in campaign contributions to try and influence their vote.  That makes the corporate establishment worst than the political establishment.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

To The Readers of PolitiDose

As you may have noticed, someone hacked into my system with an over lay over the heading of PolitiDose.  I have not been able to remove it as yet but I am still trying.  If not successful I will keep everyone posted as to my next step.

Best regards to all and Semper Fi

Joe Lorio

Another Huge First For PolitiDose

If Times Picayune columnist J.R. Ball's editorial of 3/9/16 on the state legislature and LABI sounds familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.  Almost every thing Mr. Ball wrote about has been covered by commentary over the last several years in PolitiDose including a commentary about LABI.  Those who live close to the situation in Baton Rouge always seem to have the answer after the facts and too late.

The Louisiana Association Of Business and Industry (LABI) control the state House run by the republican party and do LABI's bidding:  republican politicians are generally aligned with the desires of big business and industry;  The poor have democrats in their corner;  Big business and the rich have republicans fighting their battles;  Louisiana is facing a financial crisis not seen in decades;  republican legislators want the poor and middle class to clean up the financial mess they helped create by doing Jindal's bidding in the past.  Those are some of the remarks in Ball's editorial.

The difference between Ball's editorial and past commentary in PolitiDose is Ball's editorial comes after the facts while comments in PolitiDose happened while the events were taking place and even before with predictions what would happen with Jindal's future budgets.  If readers are looking for facts, tune out the Times Picayune and tune in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Note:  See previous commentary titled, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry:  A point of View Article dated 3/15/15

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

BP Gives Its CEO A Big Raise

A Times Picayune article of 3/6/16 says the Financial Times reported that BP gave its CEO Bob Dudley a 20% increase in total pay last year from $16.4 million in 2014 to $19.6 million in 2015.  A dollar increase of $3.2 million.  The increase was given despite BP reporting record losses and company layoffs due to the falling price of oil.

That 20% increase of $3.2 million could have been used for health insurance for a number of employees; reduced the number of those layoffs and a host of other benefits  especially to those on the lower pay scale of BP's employees.  The newspaper article was silent concerning any increases for other BP executives.

It seems to this writer that any fair minded person would come to the conclusion that the increase was unwarranted with the company losing money, layoffs, falling oil prices and a $20 billion settlement with the federal government over the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  It is a example how corporate America continues to transfer wealth to the wealthy from the middle class.  And congress continues to give the oil industry billions of dollars every year in tax exemptions and tax breaks.

With inflation under control and the average workers pay increasing in very small increments, Mr. Dudley and BP should have been happy to keep his income at the $16.4 he made in 2014.  If Warren Buffett ran BP, Mr. Dudley would have been long gone under the circumstances.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, March 7, 2016

February's Job Market Continues To Be Strong

The U.S. Labor Department announced that 242,000 jobs were created in February and the unemployment rate held steady at 4.9%.  It was the 72nd straight month of positive job growth.  President Obama's policies continue to work despite all the noise from the republican party and their Presidential candidates.  Their tired rhetoric never represents the facts.

According to Greg Albrecht, chief economist for the Louisiana legislative fiscal office, the news was not so good for Louisiana, its economy or jobs as published in the Times Picayune of 3/6.  Albrecht's findings were:  Louisiana is in a recession and likely has been for some time;  The state's nonagriculture job growth ended in October, the first time the state lost more jobs than it added in a year since June 2011;  The state's economy started slowing down in mid 2014.

The only bright spot in the state is New Orleans says the report but in time that could change.  But New Orleans is not feeling the job layoffs as the rest of the state because the city no longer depends on the oil industry like the rest of the state.

The report by Albrecht confirms what was published by "PolitiDose" long ago about Louisiana lagging the national average in job growth and unemployment.  It also confirms how former governor Bobby Jindal was blowing smoke about Louisiana's economy and at the same time attacking President Obama for his policies that were working.  And the news media in Louisiana swallowed the koolade.  The so called watch dogs for the public good were AWOL.

Despite all of Jindal's bragging concerning progress in the state, New Orleans Mayor Landrieu has done more for the city in a shorter period of time because he is a true serious public servant.  This writer is still asking the question:  With all the tax exemptions for business and all the loop holes that were put into effect to create jobs, where are all the jobs?   And does any one really think the state and its elected officials can justify the corporate welfare given Mr. Tom Benson and the Saints and Pelicans when Forbes just announced Mr. Benson is worth $2.2 Billion.

Louisiana, the state we are in, needs to change and soon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" On Louisiana's Budget Problem

J.R. Ball, the conservative columnist in his editorial of 3/2 published in the Times Picayune exposed his own words that Louisiana does not have a revenue problem.  In his editorial Ball points out what "PolitiDose" has commented on many times over.  His article states that Louisiana will not collect approximately $7.9 Billion in potential revenue from 40 taxes the state assesses because of tax exemptions.

In his conservative mind Ball won't let himself accept the fact that Louisiana has a revenue problem made possible by all the tax exemptions mentioned in "PolitiDose" and even his above named commentary.  That is lost revenue in any ones book and a revenue problem.  Ball is a Johnny come lately to the tax exemptions problem in Louisiana and seems to be more concerned with accepting the status quo that nothing can be done to correct the problem because of special interest, lobbyist and Louisiana politics.  I'm sure those people love to hear that and take that as a cue and say, why change?

It is obvious J.R. Ball is just taking up time and space in the Times Picayune and offers nothing to the debate going on concerning the state budget by not understanding arithmetic.  It is a problem many conservatives have.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, March 4, 2016

Mitt Romney and Donald Trump: Rich, Spoiled and Juvenile.

Mitt Romney's tirade against Donald Trump speaks volumes about the republican party's Presidential nominee in the 2012 election.  And Mitt did not realize it, but his words were an indictment of the failure of the republican party itself and gives the voters a real reason to vote democratic in the November elections.

An example:  Mitt said, "If we republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished."  Those words describe what actually took place when the republicans choose George W. Bush as their party's nominee.  Only the 1% like Romney and Trump were prosperous on Bush's watch, the economy tanked, record job loses, the wall street bank failures and the worst terror attack on U.S. soil and a unnecessary war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.

Most of what Romney said about Trump may be true but Trump is just aping what the republican party stands for.  The only difference is Trump is not conservative and just a little more radical.  Trump and the party are both against legal and illegal immigration, the ACA, trade, balanced budgets, the Iran agreement, increase in the minimum wage, equal pay, civil rights for all and the list goes on and on.

Trump and the party are for:  trickle down economics tax breaks for corporate America and the wealthy, budget deficits, dividing the country using race and religion, the special interest groups, U.S. ground troops in the middle east in an active combat role against ISIS, abolishing some federal departments and a hosts of other misguided adventures.

Mitt and the republican party would like to see Cruz or Rubio be their nominee and have overlooked John Kasich because he does not fit their warped conservative ideology.  Mitt is a 47 percenter, Kasich is not.  Trump has the backing of a number of republican officials who serve in congress and several governors.  That should tell the voters there is no difference between Trump and the party.  And to top it off all the republican Presidential candidates signed a pledge to support Trump if he is the nominee.

Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney in 2012 and Mitt loved it.  Four years later the republican party has been exposed as a failure and Donald Trump was created. The party has no real leaders and for a good many years have stood for nothing and against everything.

Mitt Romney's tirade on Thursday was followed by good news on Friday.  The economy created 242,000 jobs in February and the unemployment rate stayed at a steady 4.9%.  The democratic administration of Barack Obama continues to move the country forward while two multi millionaires and their party continue to be an embarrassment to the people and their country.  There are so many reasons to vote democratic in the November elections.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hillary Clinton Dominates Super Tuesday Primary Day For The Democratic Party.

Clinton's seven wins on super Tuesday increased her delegate lead over Senator Sanders and puts her campaign on solid footing going into the Florida and Ohio primary.  Her winning percentage margins were true to the election polls on the eve of voting.  Clinton was able to get her vote out where her strength lies.

The vote for Clinton on super Tuesday over came the negative comments made by Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC the day after Sanders won New Hampshire when Mitchell reported Sanders won over 50% of the women's vote and used that as a precedent for what would happen to Hillary in the up coming primaries.  Well Hillary prevailed on super Tuesday despite Andrea's comments.

But Andrea was not the only negative voice concerning the women's vote.  Gail Collins and Kathleen Parker, journalists for the New York Times and the Washington Post in a Times Picayune article dated 2/14 basically said the same thing about Hillary and the women's vote and were wrong just like Mitchell.  Both Collins and Parker talk about a generational gap between older and younger women like Hillary is out of style and her own worse enemy.  Its a case where journalists have too much time on their hands, too little original thought and too little political understanding when it comes to the voters.

Mitchell, Collins and Parker are chapped because from the very beginning Hillary took her campaign directly before the people in person and through the social media and not the cable news networks and the major news media.  The media found some new, Donald Trump and proceeded to give him more free time than any other Presidential candidate even though he is the wealthiest of them all.

Clinton will do well the rest of the primary season because she is a serious public servant who does have political understanding on the issues, cares for people, has policy plans and is the most experienced of all the candidates.  She also knows arithmetic.  And when the primary season is over and the votes are counted, Hillary will have the women's vote.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Part II: The Next Step For Louisiana's Fiscal Health and The State's Economy

In Part I it was reported the most important task for the state concerns the special legislative session now going on to address the current fiscal year deficit and then the regular session to handle next fiscal years deficit.  That both sessions should come up with real solutions that will put the state's financial house in order with no gimmicks.

When those two sessions are complete the state needs to turn its attention to tax reform where everyone pays his or her fair share in taxes, even the poor and especially the business community.  That is not happening now and recently the state reported it gives more money out to corporations in tax credits than it takes in from corporate income taxes.  That is an obscene imbalance the state can not afford.

The state's tax revenue has eroded because of all the tax breaks to business and that needs to change.  A fair tax base is the only way to go where there are no special favors.  If that is done tax rates could possibly be lowered for all.  All forms of taxes should be looked at and be fair.

The poor should pay their fair share also because they use public facilities, roads, bridges, libraries and etc. like every one else and all citizens should be proud to say, "I have contributed."  No one likes to pay taxes but they are necessary for the government to take care of the people's business and the public good.  Louisiana has fallen short on its responsibility to take care of the public good with a tax structure that favors special interest and budgets that are put together with gimmicks.

Now is the right time for Louisiana to take on this issue with the budget problem and revenue shortage while it is on everyone's mind.  To continue to cut higher education and other vital needs should be unacceptable to all.  The Louisiana legislature needs to stand up and be counted on the issue of a fair tax system.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio