Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Cable News Networks: Reporting The Negatives While Ignoring The Positives

Terror attacks abroad have become huge stories for the Cable News Networks consuming many hours of prime time while positive stories in the United States are under reported or buried.  In the last several months we have seen it on the networks concerning France, Belgium, Turkey and other countries far from our shores.  The tone of many reports by the networks and some of its guests one would think the United States was attacked.  Regardless what terror group is responsible for the attack it always comes back to ISIS being the ringleader and the question, "is the President doing what is necessary to keep America safe with the silly hint of why did he not keep those other countries safe."

Not once has the networks acknowledge that the President has indeed kept our homeland safe from foreign planned terror attacks for the past seven years and six months.  Nor do they spend time talking about the gains the Iraqi and U.S. led coalition have made in taking back most of the territory ISIS occupied in Iraq.  Nor do they say much about the many senior ISIS leaders who have been brought to justice by U.S. air strikes, the latest being two senior ISIS leaders who were killed in Mosul on June 25, one being the deputy minister of War and the other a military commander.

How much time have the networks spent on the economic progress made since the great republican recession or the millions of jobs created since the worst job loses of the previous administration.  May's unemployment rate was 4.7%, down from 7.8% when the President took office in 2009.  The President has reduced deficit spending and deficit spending has gone down four straight years.  Only one other President accomplished that in the past 50 years and it was President Clinton.

The President has redirected our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan and both countries now enjoy much progress and unity.  Our men and women in uniform are not exposed unnecessary in the middle east to the IED's and suicide bombers like they were in Iraq in previous years that killed or wounded so many Americans.  And it was the U.S. led coalition air strikes and leadership that assisted Iraqi forces that retook Fallujah from ISIS just in the last week.

In Ronald Reagan's 8 fiscal years the national debt increased 186% and in George W. Bush's 8 fiscal years the national debt increased 105%.  When President Obama's 8 fiscal years are up the national debt will have increased much less than it did under Reagan or Bush.  But the news media, Trump and the republicans are always talking about the present national debt but never point out what happened on Reagan and Bush's watch or the fact that the national debt would not be a problem today if Reagan and Bush had balanced the federal budget as Clinton did.  President Obama also did George W. Bush's job and brought Bin Laden to justice.

The above positive accomplishments of President Obama and many more have not been given due coverage by the Cable News Networks.  It is only reported as a footnote while the negative news of the day is front and center for hours at a time.  Is it any wonder why the average viewer is so ill informed.  The networks love affair with Trump and their attempt to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign is a disgrace to the news media who claim to be the watchdog for the benefit of the people.

The networks are not fit for prime time and contribute to the disdain people have for government.  America will continue to be a great country because of its people.  Cable news will continue to be the ugly and negative America because its belief in being elite.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio