Friday, September 27, 2013

Destination Saudi Arabia

That is the title of a want ad by Chevron Phillips Chemical Company that appeared in the Times Picayune of 9/22 and starts off as follows:  Start your two year adventure at our S-Chem facility in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.  Chevron Phillips Chemical and its middle east affiliates offer competitive salaries, on in-country salary  uplift premium, a comprehensive benefits package, commodities and service allowence, housing, bonus potential and more.

This ad really tells a sad story.  American Oil, Gas and Chemical companies and their middle east affiliates are still tied so close together one can not separate them from the OPEC.  That is one reason America has been so dependent on middle east oil.  It is also one of the reasons why the price of a barrel of oil is manipulated and there fore relates to the high price of a gallon of gasoline.

The American Oil Industry is tied so close to middle east oil they can never be trusted to make America independent of foreign oil.  It has not happened over the years despite the billions of dollars in tax breaks granted to them.  And make no mistake the U.S. has enough oil deposits and the industry does have the technology to find, drill and produce that oil.

They are one of the most profitable industry year in and year out and yet they are untruthful in many of their pronouncements.  Their operations in Louisiana have destroyed the wetlands, the coast and the marshes and they have yet to be held accountable by Louisiana's elected officials.  They have also not repaired the damage they did like they agreed to do.

The Industry is the best example of Corporate America at its worst and the greed they represent.

This commentary written by John Lucia. 

PolitiDose And Paul Krugman Report The Facts

New York columnist and economist Paul Krugman in an editorial dated 9/25 in the Times Picayune titled,"Freedom's Just Another Word For Not Enough To Eat" reported the fact that overall federal spending has been falling fast and runaway federal spending is not happening.  If that sounds familiar it is because you read it here first in PolitiDose.

This writer in many past commentary here in PolitiDose has pointed out how federal spending at the end of President Obama's first fiscal year was down 1.6% compared to the previous fiscal year.  The same was true of Obama's third fiscal year compared to his second fiscal year and that over all federal spending has seen the smallest increases in over 50 years on Obama's watch.

When republicans talk about runaway federal spending they accurately are describing what took place on the republican watch of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.  Republican lies on the subject matter has been countered by the facts and PolitiDose has been in front exposing their lies. 

The American people deserve the facts but facts are not presented on the Sunday talk shows, cable news and certainly not on the Fox News Network.    PolitiDose will continue to lead the way on those issues that really matter and make a difference and I feel sure Paul Krugman will do the same.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Will Pope Francis's Latest Statement Change The Political Rhetoric?

Pope Francis in his wisdom said the Roman Catholic Church had grown obsessed with preaching about abortion, gay marriage and contraception and that he has chosen not to speak of those issues despite recrimination from some critics.  The Pope was speaking as head of the Catholic Church and not about our political system although the republican party is also obsessed with the subject matter and uses those issues to divide the country, especially during elections. 

It remains to be seen if the republican party tones down its rhetoric but I doubt it.  That opinion is based on the fact that the party's constant opposition to every thing is their way of trying to divert attention from the critical issues facing the country because they have no policies to move the country forward.    In other words, keep the news media, the people and democrats busy answering their negative and divisive pronouncements and the real issues will get lost or pushed aside.

A good example is the present situation going on now with the budget and extension of the debt ceiling.  The republicans have injected "Obamacare" into this issue and it does not belong there.  They have no real sense of fairness and what is in the best interest for the nation and its people concerning the budget/debt ceiling so they use "Obamacare" as the wedge issue to divide the people and divert attention from the real issue.

The Pope also put his remarks in the context that the Church is a big tent with many more important issues that have an impact on all phases of the Catholic Church.  This too can be related to our political system concerning the subject matter because the nation and its people are facing more serious problems that need to be addressed.

The United States is a nation of diverse ideas because of its people.  It has been a big tent country for a long time and has worked well when the common good is put first.  Our political system is not working well at the present time for the nation and its people.  It is time for the republican party to join the human race and listen to the wisdom of Pope Francis.  The democratic party could have chosen the tactics being used by the republican party when G.W. Bush was President, but instead gave his administration the benefit of the doubt and did not use wedge issues to divide the people and they did not obstruct.

The nation and its people have more problems of greater urgency than abortion, gay marriage and contraceptives.  Those issues are personal issues that the people are capable of dealing with.  The U.S. like the Catholic Church should not be obsessed with those issues and fail to address the broader problems and challenges that it faces.  The people rejected the 47% notion in the November election in favor of the big tent that serves the nation and its people.

It is this writers hope that Pope Francis's comments can accomplish what our political system has failed to do.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Republican Party Is Mentally Mixed Up

Today's congressional republicans are mentally mixed up in their political facts which has produced the ongoing saga unfolding today with the budget showdown over extending the debt ceiling.  This mental breakdown concerning the facts is an excuse for their childish games of trying to change history.

The republicans rail against budget deficits, the national debt, federal spending and big government but those issues are a mirror image of past republican administrations problems, so they become mentally mixed up and they can not bring themselves to tell the people the truth.

They have mentally blocked out the fact that no republican President has balanced the federal budget since Eisenhower in 1960, that is over 50 plus years ago.  But two democratic Presidents balanced 5 federal budgets during that same time span.  They have mentally blocked out the fact that had Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 balanced the federal budget like President Clinton did deficit spending would not be a problem today.  Worst of all they mentally block out the fact that the national debt tripled on Reagan's watch and doubled on Bush 43 watch and there fore a problem today.  The national debt was not a problem when Clinton left office, it was a very big problem when Bush 43 left office.

The republicans are mentally mixed up on run away federal spending they claim on President Obama's watch but you see, federal spending has seen its smallest increases in the last 33 plus years under the administrations of Bill Clinton and Obama.  Mentally the republicans are unable to accept that.

Republicans are mentally mixed up concerning big government.  Ronald Reagan presided over the very first $1 trillion budget;  George W. Bush presided over the very first $2 and $3 trillion federal budget.  It was the administration of George W. Bush that gave the country and its people the very first single year budget deficit that exceded $1 trillion dollars.  That really blew the mentally mixed up republicans so called conservative ideology.  That is why they never talk about the accomplishments of the Bush 43 administration because there are none.  So mentally to the republicans, what Bush bequeathed to Obama became Obama's doing. 

Mentally the republicans have to create a showdown over extending the debt ceiling by trying to rewrite the political facts.  They have no accomplishments in congress, no record of policies to move the country forward so they want to see the country and its people fail under the present democratic administration.  Mentally they want to be able to say the Obama administration failed.  Mentally in the republican's mind they would look at failure as redemption of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 massive deficit spending and debt for the 20 years they ran the country.

But those who are mentally honest and not afraid of facts will win the day and recognize how today's republicans in congress are really a sad, sad bunch.

This commentary written by John Lucia. 

Note:  Reagan, Bush 41 nor Bush 43 took office with a depression as deep as the one left to President Obama.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another First For PolitiDose On Louisiana's Economy

Robert Mann in an article published in the Times Picayune of Sept. 15 rightly reported Governor Jindal's mixed message concerning Louisiana's economic progress and strength.  However, you read it first here in PolitiDose.  This writer spoke out here in PolitiDose on several occassion, the last in a commentary dated Sept. 7 titled "Louisiana's Economic Progress:  Not Very Much Has Changed At All" and reported the real state of the economy and how unemployment has been on the rise in Louisiana while the national unemployment has been in decline.

PolitiDose first reported the failure of the Jindal administration a few years go when it comes to the economy, job creation, balancing the state budget and how Jindal blew the state budget surplus left to his administration by the Blanco administration.  It was pointed out also how Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature never really balanced one state budget since he took office and how Jindal's actions have gotten into the average workers pockets in so many different ways.

This is not the first time PolitiDose has been in front and in the lead on issues concerning the economy in Louisiana and the national economy.  You can actually go back and look at commentary from 2009 to the present and find information that has been more accurate than the state and news media reports.

One would think that the news media would do a better job informing the public of Jindal's true record on the economy, job creation, balancing the state budget, unemployment and the $8 billion waste of yearly tax breaks for business.  This writer and PolitiDose will continue to lead the way.

This commentry written by John Lucia.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

President Obama And Foreign Policy Decisions

So far the President's foreign policy decisions are in tune with his campaign promises when he ran for President.  His decisions have worked well for our country, its people and our men and women in uniform.  America has not gone to war unnecessarlly and once again our relationship with our allies are strong after the Iraq war debacle. 

The President ended the Iraq war that gave much relief to our military who had to cope with multiple deployments and a war that should have never taken place.  The war in Afganistan will end next year and another chapter of multiple deployments for the military will end also.

Lybia, Syria and Egypt's civil wars and turmoil would have seen intervention by America had some members of congress had their way, but the President had the wisdom and courage to understand what was going on over there and knew America's military power to intervene was not the right policy.  The President's willingness to use military force in Syria if needed and at some point in time brought Syria and Russia to the table of negotiation and before the United Nations.  Syria's decision to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons with Russia's consent will have an oppofrtunity to prove the saying, "sincerity is always subject to the truth."  The ball  is now in Syria's court and that is where it should be.

President Obama has kept our country and its people safe at home and abroad from any massive terror attacks such as those that happened in the past.  The country's drone strikes aganist terrorists abroad have been successful with out committing U.S. forces on the ground and putting them in harms way.  Osama Bin Laden was brought to justice because the President made that commitment his number one priority.

And so far the President has had the wisdom to not rush to judgement concerning foreign policy decisions because no issue is cut and dry and void of thought.  Those in congress who opposed the President's decisions and want to put every thing in a time frame fail to act timely themselves on issues affecting the country.  Israel and Palestine are now talking concerning their ongoing problem.  No one has the wisdom to predict where those talks will lead but talking is healthy and does not cost lives.  Bad decisions do, remember Iraq?

It is this writers judgement that congress and the American people should support the President's foreign policy.  Everything is not perfect and there are always setbacks just as there are in life itself but over all the President has handled the situation well.  Wisdom and courage go hand in hand in a complex world.  It is easy to oppose but that position has never moved the United States forward or created a successful foreign policy.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Latest Report On The U.S. Economy

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created close to 170,000 jobs in August and that unemployment fell from 7.4% to 7.3%.  August was the 42nd straight month of positive job growth and job creation.  Other reports by governmental divisions showed that consumer confidence was up and that many economic indicators were stronger that anticipated.

The GDP is still less than 3% but was stronger then predicted.  Overall the economy and job creation still needs to be stronger and sustained.  At the same time of those reports it was once again pointed out how the nations infrastructure was aged and that many bridges are in danger of structural failure.  President Obama's jobs bill that was passed by the U.S. Senate to work on the problem has been held up in the U.S. House for almost two years.  That bill if passed by the U.S. House would create 1,000,000 new jobs but republicans continue to obstruct.

As reported here before, if the House had passed that bill the nation would be at full employment by the end of this year or early next year.  Republicans hate to see another democratic administration bring back the country from another republican depression.  President Obama's fourth fiscal year ends on September 30 and the final deficit will be much smaller than predicted and once again it is a democratic administration who is reducing the federal deficit and putting the country back on a course of balancing the federal budget.  Democrats walk the talk when it comes to balancing the federal budget.  Republican administrations only talk about balancing the federal budget but the last republican President to do so was Dwight Eisenhower in 1960 and when their so called conservative leaders, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush left office they were the biggest deficit spending Presidents at the time.  That really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Louisiana's Economic Progress: Not Very Much Changed At All

The unemployment rate in Louisiana has increased for 6 straight months while the national unemployment rate has been going down.  According to the Louisiana Work Force Commission unemployment for December 2012 was 5.6%, for January 2013 it was 5.9%, for Feb. 6%, for March 6.2%, for April 6.4%, for May 6.8%, for June 7% and July 7%.  As of this writing August unemployment numbers have not been reported. 

In two articles published August 30 in the Times Picayune and the New Orleans Advocate a study released by the Louisiana Budget Project reported the following.  Worker productivity has increased 35% since 1979 but the median income in Louisiana has been stagnant and has increased only 1%.  That workers in the top 10% saw their income increase in the past 34 years and the bottom 10% saw their income drop.  Over all manufacturing employment in Louisiana has declined 10% since 2008 and 20% since 2000.

There has been no project boom in Louisiana to reverse or counter the larger shift from higher to lower wage jobs or for pay to rise with productivity.  Louisiana needs to create 4000 jobs a month to keep up with the growing population of working age adults and are now creating half that number now. 

This report actually is a mirrow image of several recent reports on the national economy that showed how the top 2% of wage earners enjoyed the benefits of increased productivity over the past 30 plus years while the average wage earner saw their wages stand still even though they made the increase in productivity happen.

These reports confirm what this writer has commented on here in PolitiDose for the past few years.  That wealth is being transferred from the middle class to the wealthy.  The increase in production benefits are going to the CEO's and Exectives and not the workers who are loosing benefits while their pay is going no where.  It is the robbing Peter to pay Paul effect and Paul just happens to be the wealthy.

Former Labor Secretary Robert Riech who served during the Clinton administration recently reported the same information and pointed out the Walton family who own most of Walmart's stock earn more than the bottom 40% of U.S. workers.  The reports are not a pretty picture of what has been happening to middle class income nationally or in Louisiana.  Just think how bad it would be had President Clinton not been elected.  The middle class made its best gains in income on Clinton's watch during that 34 year span and in just about every area.

Dennis Lockhart, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on a recent visit to New Orleans in a Times Picayune article of September 6 said Louisiana has been beating the nation on indicators such as unemployment.  Is it any wonder why people are so poorly informed on the issues when a Frederal Reserve Bank President makes such a false statement.  The nation's unemployment rate today is lower than it was when President Obama took office, but Louisiana's unemployment rate is higher today than it was when Gov. Jindal took office.  (See previous commentary here in PolitiDose concerning the subject matter.)

The economic facts tell a very different story than Gov. Jindal's press releases or Mr. Lockhart's statement. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.

Monday, September 2, 2013

President Obama And Syria

The President's decision to consult congress concerning U.S. action in connection with Syria's use of chemical weapons on its own citizens that killed many including over 400 children was the right decision.  Now the President is catching flack from all sides because of his decision.  There are many so called "hawks" in congress and the news media and many of them never wore the uniform of their country during their generations war who are leading the charge.

It goes something like this:  the action if any will be too late, too little, too much, not well thought out, no end game, should not get involved, a loss of credibility or all of the above etc, etc,etc.  Dispite the flack the President has handled the situation well so far.  The middle east is not a place for a U.S. President to over react and think the problems of that part of the world will be solved easily when they have been going on for over 2000 years.  George W. Bush found that out too late and is still in denial.

The U.S. entered WWI and WWII late, the Gulf War of 1991 late after much consultation with allies and other middle east countries;  entered the Afghanistan war late after the terror attack on 9/11/0l.  Those decisions by our past Presidents did not constitute weakness and neither should President Obama's decision concerning Syria.  The problem today is that our political system and the news media, radio, television, print and internet are always looking to blame some one.  There are not many of us from the greatest generation who are still around in our political system or the news media to act civil and responsible. 

Even some in Israel took a shot at the President according to an article in the New Orleans Advocate dated September 2.  Some Israeli's criticized Obama's "inaction"; some said the delays sent a terrible message to terror states;  Israel" media said Obama "zigzaged."  Those who made those remarks should be ashamed since Israel is as much to blame as Palestine for not solving their mutual problem and have had more than enough years to do so. 

The war and occupation in Iraq over WMD that did not exist should not be forgotten.  It is a stalk reminder that that war destabilized the country and created AlQueda in Iraq who were not there killing people before the invasion.  They were responsible for killing more Americans in that war than the Iraqi military and are still killing people in Iraq today.  We had a President who thought he could remake that country into a legitimate democracy as a model for other middle east countries and never achieved that misguided goal.  To top it off there was never a real debate , instead, there was a concerted effort to demonize any one who opposed the war.  And of course the outright lies about WMD and the reconstitute of Iraq's nuclear program that also did not exist.  Our country, its people and especially our men and women in uniform paid an awful price for that mistake.

President Obama should continue to be cautious concerning his final decision on Syria.  He still has time to act in the best interest of the U.S. and should reject the advise of those who clamored for war in Iraq and are now pushing him on Syria.  He should also remember that he has a responsibility greater than his military advisers and that President Kennedy rejected his military advisers during the Cuban Missile Crisis when they wanted nothing less than an invasion of Cuba.  Kennedy made the right decision with the blockade.  The middle east is much more volatile than Cuba so President Obama needs to remember his over all responsibility to the country and its people when he reaches a decision on Syria.

The bible tells us that man was placed in the Garden of Eden;  that God spoke to Moses and Abraham;  that Jesus walked, lived and was put to death and that all that happened in what is known today as the middle east.  It all happened over 2000 years ago and the land is still in turmoll.   So President Obama and no one else has the answers concerning the problems in the middle east or Syria.  That is why it is so imortant for the President to seek wisdom in what ever decision he decides to make.  Like wise, our elected officials in congress and those in the news media should understand their responsibility in keeping a civil tongue in their head.  These types of challenges require mature thought, something in short supply in today's political environment. 

Just maybe, the President's decision will start a dialog that will start a change for the better in the middle east for the next 2000 years.  It is a long shot but anything is possible with wisdom.

This commentary written by John Lucia