Monday, November 26, 2018

The Last Two Elections Tell The Story Of How The So Called Conservative News Media Gets It All Wrong

First, lets cut through the hype of so called conservative elected officials and news media because both are extremist that preach an unAmerican ideology and are not conservatives at all.  The term will be used here simply because they call themselves conservatives.  According to Rush Limbaugh, the Fox News Network and other so called conservative media outlets, they have for years claimed the people of America were conservatives.  But it was a creation of their own imagination.

The popular vote in the 2016 Presidential election and the November 6 elections prove them wrong.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote with 48% and more than 2 million votes than Trump received.  In the November 6 elections the democrats received 53.1% of the vote with 8.6 million more votes than the republicans received.  So the voting public did not vote conservative in either of those elections.  And certainly not the so called republican brand of conservatism.

The news media in general helped perpetuate the fairy tale of republican conservatism by just going with the flow and ignoring the facts.  The American voters ARE actually conservative in their own private and public lives but understand the failures of so called political conservatism and the extremism that has been substituted.  The voters also  understand how political conservatism is used to divide the country and its people.  The conservative media will now devote their attention to attacking the newly elected democratic controlled U.S. House since the voters tuned them out in the last two elections.  Blaming Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi for the republicans own created problems and lack of policy will no longer work.

The readers of PolitiDose could see it all coming because they paid attention to the real story and not the fairy tales and political hype.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio