Saturday, November 28, 2009

Louisiana, Governor Jindal, Deficits, Unfair Taxation and Exemptions

The National Conference of State Legislatures ranked Louisiana No. 2 among states anticipating the largest percentage of decreased tax revenue for fiscal year 2010 which began in July. Angele Davis, Louisiana Commissioner of Administration told the Baton Rouge Press Club that in the next fiscal year Louisiana is facing a budget shortfall of $1 billion and in the fiscal year after that a shortfall close to $2 billion. This according to a published report in the Times Picayune of 11/10/09.

The study also pointed out Louisiana ranked first in the decline of personal income tax collections, second in the decline in sales tax revenue and fifth in decline of corporate income tax revenue. Governor Jindal tells the people Louisiana is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation so how can the state rank so high in those three area's if the economy is doing so well in Louisiana?

There is another story told in a "point of view" editorial published in the Times Picayune on 11/26/09 of a recent nationwide study by the Washington DC based Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The study reported low and middle income families in Louisiana pay a far higher share of their income in state and local taxes than do the states richest families. The breakdown: Families making under $15,000 a year pay 10.4% of their incomes in state and local taxes; those making between $29,000 and $46,000 pay 9.9% and the richest 1% of households with average incomes just over $1 million pay 5.7% of their income. Another problem pointed out was that there is an array of tax exemptions in this years budget projected to cost $6.5 billion in lost revenue. That includes tax exemptions for the Oil and Gas Industry.

Governor Jindal, some members of his administration along with some state officials say the problem is a shortfall in state revenues caused by the decline in the national economy that is causing the states large deficits. But they can not have it both ways saying Louisiana is doing so much better than the rest of the nation and give out exemptions in the billions of dollars and try to justify that on the basis of stimulating the economy. Unemployment is going up in Louisiana, not down. The latest unemployment number at the end of October is 7.1%. At the end of October 2008 it was 5.3%. That is a sizeable increase in unemployment over last year this time.

State governments are just as bad as the federal government when it comes to taxation and revenues that is needed to service the needs of the people. In both, taxation is not fair and too much revenue is given up which does nothing to help make the economy stronger. One would have to be an idiot not to know that tax loopholes and exemptions favor the wealthy.

No one likes to pay taxes even though they are necessary but the burden should be shared by everyone. Anyone who thinks the exemptions and corporate welfare given to the Oil and Gas Industry over the last 40 years is good for the economy and has made the U.S. and states less dependent on foreign oil has been brain dead. Meanwhile their CEO's are laughing all the way to the bank.

The Jindal administration thinks they can cut the budget deficits that are projected and balance the budget by simply cutting every thing and leaving in place an unfair tax structure with special interest exemptions. That dog will never hunt. People need to keep in mind even when budgets are in balance that still does not mean taxation is fair. That is why true tax reform has to be made, if not the past will keep repeating itself. That says it all.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The American Voter and Tax Cuts

Tax cuts are always welcome by the voters and of course Republicans try to use that issue to obtain votes. We have found out as fact tax cuts are not an economic policy or plan and never do the job we are told they would do. The best example is the $1.4 trillion tax cut of the Bush administration who told the people it would keep the economy humming and create lasting new jobs. We know as fact and living proof it did not happen and was just another fairytale.

We know now that money could have been better spent on keeping social security and medicare solvent and could have paid for 10 years or more of health-care reform since the present bill before congress on health-care is estimated to cost approximately $900 billion over 10 years. It also would have been better spent to reduce the federal debt or keep as an emergency fund to take care of situations we find ourselves in today.

We actually should have known those tax cuts would not produce the economic conditions we were led to believe. We should also know by now how Republican policies get into the tax payers pockets 100 different ways. Those who have not figured that out yet are probably the ones who are talking about voting Republican in the 2010 congressional elections. The people have paid a heavy price for this shell game of cutting taxes. It is only the wealthy who came out on top of the $1.4 trillion tax cut, ask the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs under the previous administration. And of course, it is the wealthy who are financing our elected officials campaigns through lobbyist to keep the special favors flowing.

Record job losses, record oil and gasoline prices, a collapsed economy, record federal deficits and debt, a decline in real wages for the average worker and list goes on and on. The $1.4 trillion tax cut was no economic plan plain and simple. It was just presented that way by the good old party boys to sell their ideology to bankrupt America. And now they are opposing everything President Obama is trying to do to reverse the damage they are responsible for. That says it all.

The past is the key to the future if we take time to look at the facts and learn.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Courage: A Lost Virtue

President John Kennedy thought courage was the most noble and important virtue a leader could possess. In fact he wrote a book, "Profiles in Courage" about those who had the courage to make decisions and the courage to propose change at critical times.

Although President over 40 years ago, Kennedy was correct in his conviction and he himself was courageous in his decisions and his desire to challenge and change the status quo. He refused to expand the U.S. commitment in Viet Nam beyond military advisers and decided to withdraw all Americans from that country if he was reelected President. He also had the courage to reject those voices who wanted nothing less than a military strike and invasion of Cuba during the Cuban Missile crisis.

Courage is what our political leaders have lacked for a number of years, this includes members of congress in both party. It has been the norm for some time now for decisions that are made to be driven by the news media and special interest groups interested only in their own pronouncements. Our political leaders have succumbed to this unAmerican process that they helped create.

There are many leaders and members of congress who are showing their lack of leadership concerning health-care and other issues before the nation. They look for any little excuse to justify their position and lack of courage. As for the news media, they have lost all courage to stand up and be counted as a force of good balance.

President Truman had the courage to fire General Douglas McArthur during the Korean war when McArthur challenged his authority on Korean policy. And today we hear people in authority say give the generals any thing they want in Afghanistan even before they know what policy President Obama will lay out for that war. President Truman was a leader with courage who made major decisions during his term in office. He is noted for a number of things he said. Two of his sayings are listed below and both are timely and speak about courage.

America was not built on fear, America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.

Today's leaders need to seek the leadership and courage of Presidents Truman and Kennedy because the past is the key to the future.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Fox News Network: Unfair, Unbalanced and UnAmerican

For the second time in the past two weeks Fox News showed footage of two separate events and passed them off to their viewers as a single event. It happened on Gregg Jarrett and Sean Hannity's watch. Jon Steward picked up the phony video on Hannity's show and exposed it for what it was, an out right lie.

Michael Clemente, Fox's Senior V.P. said the merging of the two video's as one event on Jarrett's show was unintentional and apologized. Sean Hannity also apologized. Jarrett's video covered an event for Sarah Palin and Hannity's video an event for Michele Bachmann. It was an attempt to convey to their viewing audience inflated attendance to promote what Bachmann and Palin were trying to sell.

Fox News has a habit of trying to mislead their viewers on purpose to foster their own warped ideology and then apologize if caught. That is how little they regard the people who watch the Fox network. They figure the poor suckers will accept their apology, believe they made an unintentional error and keep on watching Fox.

Rupert Murdoch, Fox's honcho dislikes the fact that the Obama administration understands Fox's programs are way out of balance, unfair and phony so what has been Murdoch's reaction? He says judge Fox News by its real news programs and not its other opinion shows. Yet, on Fox's opinion shows, (O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck and others) Fox flashes their fair and balanced propaganda sign on the screen.

The bottom line is The Fox News network is neither fair or balanced and often misleads the viewers on purpose. Its ideology is dangerous to the news media in our country. Nothing will change at Fox News despite the phony apology until the people tune them out. That says it all.

The Health-Care Reform Issue

Sixteen years after Health-Care reform was sent to its death by the Medical Profession, Health Insurance Companies, The Pharmaceutical Industry and Republicans, the U.S. House has passed Health-Care legislation and the U.S. Senate is slated to take up their own version this week end in Congress. Those same negative voices sixteen years ago predicted doom and gloom and are predicting the same think once again. The only doom and gloom that has transpired in those sixteen years are millions of more Americans are without health insurance and the cost of health care has risen beyond the pale.

Those negative voices have also done nothing in the way of reforming the health-care system during that same period. It was recently announced name brand prescription drugs have increased 9% in the past 6 months while the consumer price index actually was in negative territory to the tune of -1.3%.

The negative voices are repeating the past which means they have not learned anything to guide our future. The CBO who reviewed both the House and Senate plans say both plans will lower the deficit and health care cost. The negative voices dare not debate the fine print in the health-care plans because it would show how their position would be one of opposition based on falsehoods and in some cases, out right lies.

Those industries opposed to health-care reform have proven over and over again they can not be trusted to reform health care themselves. Greed is the driving force behind their opposition and their inability to face up to the health of America.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Mouths That Roar

Two know nothing Republicans Rudy Giuliani and U.S. Representative Pete Hoekstra appeared Sunday on Fox News Sunday and Face the Nation. Both are against the five terrorists involved in planning the attack on 9-11 being tried in civilian court in New York as the U.S. Attorney General announced recently.

Giuliani said the trial would increase the security threat to the city of New York and give Islamists a platform to propagate their ideology. Hoekstra said the trial could expose the people of New York to years of propaganda from the defendants.

New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it is fitting that the 9/11 suspects face justice near the World Trade Center site where so many New Yorkers were murdered. New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said holding the trial in the city most devastated by the 2001 attack is appropriate, and the Police department is prepared to meet any security challenge. These two men have much creditibility on the subject matter. Giuliani and Hoekstra have zero.

There are a few things that are important to remember about the issue. It is just another example of republican tactics to oppose any thing coming out of the Obama administration, especially bringing those people to justice. The Bush administration had 7 years to do so and did nothing.

Fifteen federal judges in Washington are hearing other cases in court in complying with a Supreme Court ruling last year. The Obama administration is pursuing those detainees from Guantanamo through the court system to bring those to trial where the evidence warrants. Republicans are also opposed to that process.

It should be noted that not all detainees will be tried in civilian court, some will be tried by a military commission. The Justice Department will seek what ever forum deemed best. It is time for America to prosecute every detainee case it can so the world can see American justice at its best. In the mean time, the public will be exposed more and more to the Republican noise machine. It is just another way to show they really have nothing of substance to talk about.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Republican Party's Lack Of Character

The health-care debate has exposed just how phony the Republican party is concerning this issue. The Democratic health-care plans have been out in the public's view for the past six or seven months. It has been debated on radio, television, town hall meetings, newspapers, public forums and you name it, so the American people have been exposed to the plans in a transparent way. That is the way it should be because the public has a right to know.

Now at the last minute the Republican party introduced their health-care plan just last week when the U.S. House took up the measure for a vote. The Democratic plan passed and the Republican plan failed. The Republican party did not expose their health plan to the public like the Democrats did theirs. Republicans like to keep the public in the dark about what they are really up to. That is a slap in the face to the American people. Their plan was phony like their actions so they did not want the news media or town hall meetings to dig into the substance of their plan.

I have written in past commentaries how I believe the Democratic party is more in touch with reality and that it is good for America when they some times disagree within their own party concerning issues the country faces. The Republicans in congress have become "ditto heads" and dare not stray from the phony conservatism they preach. Over 30 Democrats voted against their own party's health-care plan in the U.S. House vote. Only one Republican, Joseph Cao voted for the Democratic plan. The rest voted no with their "ditto heads."

The American people should understand that the country is paying a heavy price for a phony Republican ideology that opposes anything that is likely to move the country forward. Hopefully, the President and the Democratic party will use their leadership wisely and do those things that really matter and make a difference for the country and its people.

Happy Birthday U.S. Marine Corps

Today the U.S. Marine Corps is celebrating its 234th birthday. Established in 1775 by the Continental Congress, the Marines made their first amphibious landing at New Providence Island in the Bahamas on March 3, 1776. After almost two and a half centuries the Marine Corps continues to uphold its proud tradition.

The Marine Corps motto, "Semper Fidelis" means more than "Always Faithful." It represents commitment, love of country, honor, duty and ability to go the extra mile for your Marine brother and humankind. Marines in all walks of life who wore the Eagle, Globe and
Anchor all share the same common bond, "Once a Marine, Always a Marine."

So today in this birthday message I would like to pass along the following tribute.


It cannot be inherited
Nor can it ever be purchased,
You and no one alive
Can buy it for any price.
It is impossible to rent,
And it cannot be lent
You alone and our own
Have earned it with your
Sweat, Blood and lives
You own it forever.



So to all my Marine brothers, Happy Birthday Marines, may all of you enjoy good health and a safe return home.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

President Obama and Fiscal Stability

Unlike President George W. Bush who took over a government that was in top fiscal shape and then left in poor fiscal shape, the job now falls to President Obama to reverse the record deficit spending and debt of the past eight years. It will not be easy but it is a situation that has to be addressed and acted upon.

The most significant sign in the fight to get our fiscal house in order is that Obama said he will make fiscal responsibility a priority after he deals with the economy and gets back on track. The last three Republican Presidents never made a commitment to get our fiscal house in order and in fact never gave the problem any serious thought or effort.

It is more important now that President Obama keep his promise because the situation is now critical. The President said he would veto any health-care plan that adds to the deficit. That is a statement the President needs to back up with his veto pen if necessary. There can be no turning back from this problem and no excuses are allowed. Balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility will allow our nation to solve many of our problems without creating more debt and raising the cost of living for our people unnecessarlly.

The growth of federal expenditures can be controlled, the Clinton administration proved that and it did not damage our country or our people. There has to be a plan and the President needs to make sure the plan is sound, workable and enforced. The most important element now is to put our people back to work on a sustained basis so the consumer will once again get the economy moving. Jobs are the key and should continue to be the focus.

There will be a lot of distractions for the President, especially from those in Congress and the news media who will try to oppose every move he makes. It has already started. The American people will be in a position to judge the President's action when his term comes to a close. It won't be hard to document what progress was made on his watch. He deserves the chance to have enough time to turn things around for the better.

The unprecedented increase in the National Debt of over $6 trillion just in the eight years of the previous administration has put our country in jeopardy fiscally. President Obama needs to be decisive and firm in reversing this horrow story thrust on our country and its people.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise: Another No Vote

Congress on 11/5/09 decisively approved an extension of unemployment benefits for almost two million people out of work nearly a year or more reported the Associated Press by the Times Picayune dated 11/6/09. The U.S. House cleared the measure 403-12 after unanimous support in the U.S. Senate.

La. Representative Scalise was the only Louisiana House member who voted against the measure along with 11 other Republicans who voted no. The legislation also covered the expansion of the tax credit for homebuyers. A no vote is nothing new for Scalise who opposes most every thing that comes out of the Obama administration. He was a subject of one of my commentaries on April 27.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission said that 6,829 Louisiana residents as of Nov. 2 would be eligible for the extra 14 weeks of benefits provided under the bill. Scalise said the cost of the bill will only cause more Americans to lose their jobs. Scalise and Republicans are familiar with job loses because their party has a dismal record when it comes to creating jobs. Just ask former President George Bush.

Representative Scalise will also oppose any health-care reform that comes out of Congress that Democrats are in favor of. He is proving to be the next Newt Gingrich of the Republican party. That is not very encouraging for the people of Louisiana. The Republican party would like to see Obama fail like they wanted to see Clinton fail. They hate to see a Democrat be successful in moving the country forward and they will become more negative as the economy improves. Keep an eye on Scalise, he is one of those "ditto heads" who has mastered the "no" word.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Louisiana Medicaid and Lobbyist

The Times Picayune in its "Briefing Book" of November 1 published the following: The high powered Washington D.C., lobbying firm of Patton Boggs has been brought in to help Governor Jindal's administration to convince Congress to give Louisiana a break from a costly change in the Medicaid match rate. "We need representation up there that goes beyond our own delegation, Health and Hospitals Secretary Alan Levine said." This is related to the issue that Louisiana may be forced to make deep cuts to its health care budget because the federal Medicaid match rate is scheduled to drop from 80% to 63% in January 2011.

State officials have argued for months that the formula that determines the match rate is unfair to Louisiana because the state's average personal income was artificially inflated after Katrina by the influx of federal relief dollars. The state can not legally hire a lobbying firm so Levine enlisted the help from private health-care providers who thru LRA Support Foundation hired the lobbying firm and is paying for it. It was noted in the article that the private health-care providers would be the biggest financial losers if the state is forced to make deep cuts to its health-care budget.

The state of Louisiana is represented in Congress to serve the people on issues such as this yet the state is getting involved with a lobbying group financed by the private health-care industry who will be looking out for their own well being and not the state and its people. In other words hire a lobbying firm instead of relying on the people's representation to handle the problem. How can lobbyist know more about the problem than our elected officials? The answer is they don't but money talks which is why our elected officials should be outraged if they have any character. Government for the people, by the people has become government for the lobbyist, by the lobbyist.

Maybe Governor Jindal does not have the time to go to Washington himself and speak on behalf of the people of Louisiana and the state because he spends so much of his time outside the state seeking campaign contributions. Leaders have to lead, that is why they are elected. Once again the people of our state come last. The status quo is alive and well. That says it all.