Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor: The Hierarchy Of The Republican Three Stooges

Those three republican stooges are the leaders of their party in congress and represent their party's hierarchy. They were the ones in congress that rubber stamped G.W. Bush's record deficit spending and debt the entire time Bush was President and also for the 6 years their party controlled both houses of congress. They never met a record republican deficit spree they did not like when they ran the show.

Now that the Obama administration reversed the record job losses, the recession and financial meltdown bestowed on America and its people by the Bush administration and republican policies, the three stooges are clamoring for severe budget cuts without increased revenue to try and finish what Reagan started. That is to deprive the federal government of needed revenue so programs like social security, medicare and other programs that work to help the people will be canceled or gutted to the point of being useless.

That, combined with their desire to undermine any legislation that will move America and its people forward is proof that their ideology is anti-American. Their warped mind of wanting to see Obama fail and there fore be a one term President trumps over their duty to do what is right for America and its people. When one uses the excuse of ideology it is easy to understand the republican party has no record of positive accomplishments and whose only record is one of consistency in creating record federal deficits and debt.

President Clinton put it best concerning republican ideology when he said: There is a huge difference between having a philosophy and having an ideology. The people who made America had a philosophy, he said. If you have an ideology you have the answer to the question before you look at the facts.

I wrote a commentary dated April 17 concerning the other republican three stooges who represent the lower end of the republican party in congress. As one can see, regardless of what part of the republican party is represented, be it the hierarchy or the lower end of the party, the same anti-American ideology applies. Unlike Moe, Curly and Larry, these three stooges are not funny in the least. That says it all.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Major Oil Discovery In The Gulf Of Mexico: But What Is New?

On June 8 Exxon-Mobil announced it made the biggest discovery in the Gulf Of Mexico in more than a decade, which projects to produce the equivalent of 700 million barrels of oil per a Times Picayune story dated June 9. So what is new?

Actually, nothing is new. Every one including the oil industry knows the Gulf Of Mexico holds a lot of oil. They also know there have been larger discoveries in the Gulf. The oil industry likes to use those discoveries to show American can become independent of foreign oil if only the U.S. government will let them drill.

However, the U.S. government has actually let the oil industry drill for over 40 years and in fact only gave lip service to checking oil industry operations according to reports published after the BP oil spill. Yet the U.S. is more dependent on foreign oil today than ever before, even with all the billions of dollars of corporate welfare and tax exemptions given that industry by those in congress who are tied to the oil lobby via campaign contributions.

The oil industry control the price of oil and there fore gasoline because they have the ability to close the spiket on their production and then open it when they see fit. The difference between the OPEC producers and the American oil companies is that OPEC meets and tells the people when they are cutting back on production or are increasing production in order to manipulate the price. The American oil companies can do the same thing, they just never announce it.

No monopoly stockpiles its supplies because that brings down the price. Don't expect the American oil industry to open the spikets and stockpile their supplies. And that is why the oil industry will never make America independent of foreign oil. Alternate energy is the only answer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Northrop Grunmman Corp., Failed to Deliver Louisiana Jobs

In a story by the Associated Press Northrop Grunmman had to return to Louisiana $35 million because of poor employment at its Avondale facility. Former Louisiana governor Mike Foster pledged $56 million to Northrop as part of an upgrade of Avondale in exchange to employ 5200 full time workers and to train new skilled craftsmen. Northrop reached that employee level in only 12 or 16 quarters, the last time in 2005 which resulted in the returned money.

Northrop shipbuilding activity was mainly for military equipment and when that petered out trouble began. What this story proves is it was the national economy that kept Northrop going with their military contracts and not job creation by the state of Louisiana, its politicians or Northrop. The Louisiana economy had not provided Northrop with jobs since 2005 hence, they never met the employment quota since then.

The real sad story is the $7.1 billion Louisiana gives out to businesses in the form of tax exemptions every year. That accounts for approximately 30% of the state budget and is supposed to create jobs. But it does not. Unemployment in April 2011was 7.4% compared to 6.6% in April of 2010. (Source: Louisiana Workforce Commission) Unemployment in Louisiana in January 2008 when Jindal took office was 3.8%. Once again it is the national economy that creates the jobs, not Louisiana's politicians or the massive tax exemptions given to business under the guise of job creation.

The state of Louisiana under the Jindal administration has failed to balance one state budget since he took office. (See note 1) Jindal has the failed conservative ideology like the last three republican Presidents and many other state governors. His recent veto of the 4 cent tax extension on cigarettes points out how unfit he is to run the states fiscal health. His warped mind does not even accept that this tax should have been extended.

Note 1: Here is how Jindal's budgets work: Every year he and the legislature meet and tells the people that the budget is out of balance and the legislature in its sessions declare the budget to be balanced. However, before the fiscal year is over the governor announces the budget is out of balance by millions of dollars and more has to be cut. This year Jindal announced the next fiscal year budget which begins on July 1 has a projected $1.5 billion dollar deficit The legislature is now in session and will announce at the end this week that the budget is balanced. Then 6 months or less from now Jindal will announce the budget is still millions of dollars out of balance. It is the same old conservative republican fiscal con game.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Finally An Elected Public Official Takes On The NFL, Knows what is important and Puts American Values First

In a story carried by the Times Picayune in the sports section dated June 10, first year Hawaii governor democrat Neil Abercrombie in a comment to the Pro Bowl returning to Hawaii said: Its so stupid that the cash strapped state pays millions to host the Pro Bowl when the money could be used for education. He opposes a deal the state made in 2009 to pay $4 million per game for the rights to hold the NFL's all star game in Hawaii this and next year.

He also went on to say you can't do things like give $4 million bucks to a $9 billion football industry and not give any money to children. You've got this spectacle of these multimillionaires and billionaires out there arguing about how they're going to divide it up, and then they come and ask us to bribe them with $4 million to have a scrimmage out here in paradise. We have got to get our values straight and our priorities straight.

God bless you governor Abercrombie for your comments and having the courage to speak out against a wealthy industry, wealthy ownership, wealthy players and a wealthy commissioner who are at this very moment in litigation to decide how to shower them selves with $9 billion of revenue. The first thing they should do with the $9 billion is pay back the tax payers of the states whose elected officials give these millionaire owners corporate welfare to begin with. They do not need it and do not deserve it. The states can use the money to enhance the quality of life for its people and pay for needed services.

This is one of the prime examples how corporate America has been transferring wealth to the wealthy from the middle class. In my state, Louisiana, our elected officials have been given corporate welfare to the New Orleans Saints and their owner since they have been in business. Yet republican governor Jindal and the Louisiana legislature has been running a budget deficit every year since Jindal took office. Every year the governor and legislature meet, cut millions of dollars from the budget, announce the budget is in balance and then before the budget year is over the people are told the budget is not in balance and millions more have to be cut.

I can just hear the NFL owners and players when they get together. Their conversations must go something like this: We have those stupid elected officials in our pockets. They believe every thing we say and are willing to give us every thing we want for the almighty dollar. Governor Abercrombie is more than just a cut above those elected officials who support the NFL's appetite for corporate welfare. He has values, courage and puts his state and the people's needs first. That says it all. Best of luck governor.

Note 1: Governor Abercrombie also said the NFL can ship the game back to Florida if it continues to require Hawaii to pay to keep it in the islands. Way to go Governor.

Hopeful Republican Presidential Candidates Are Hopeless

Tim Pawlenty in a so called major economic speech on June 8 at the University of Chicago laid out his economic message he would pursue if he becomes President. Pawlenty said he proposes deep cuts in taxes and spending, whole sale revision of federal regulations and replace the tax code outright with a fairer and flatter tax. His proposal would make drastic reductions for Corporate and individual income taxes.

If the above statement sounds familiar its because it is the same economic message of George W. Bush. Tax cuts that favor business and the wealthy and leaving out the middle class. The same policy that gave the country and its people the worst economic meltdown, the worst job losses, the worst federal deficits and debt and the reason the middle class is still seeking jobs and the economy is still in a recovery mode.

Michele Bachmann, republican candidate for President said in the recent republican debate her desire to cut corporate taxes, that corporate tax rates in the U.S. are the highest in the world. What she failed to mention was corporations in America do not pay those high tax rates because of all the tax loop holes and tax exemptions granted by congress which Ms. Bachmann is a member of. She also failed to mention that just over a month ago, General Electric reported earnings of $4 billion and paid no taxes. Also, GE announced they have credits against future taxes.

If middle class America had any sense they would tune the republican's anti-American agenda out and off. The country has been there and done that. The republican anti-American agenda and ideology never changes. It is to deprive the U.S. government of revenue to starve and actually destroy medicare, social security and other federal programs that help America and its people cope with the wealth that has been taken and transferred from the middle class to the wealthy. See Note 1

Note 1: The IRS reported that the richest 400 people in the United States paid on average 18% of their income in taxes in 2008.

Hopeful Republican Presidential Candidates Are Hopeless.

Hopeful Republican Presidential Candidates Are Hopeless.