Monday, June 24, 2024

Donald Trump Supports Louisiana's Ten Commandments.

 Last Saturday in Washington speaking before Evangelical Christians, Trump endorsed and invoked Louisiana's new legislation requiring the 10 commandments be displayed in every public school class room.  A day earlier on his Social media network he posted the following:  "I love the 10 commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter.  Read it, how can we as a nation go wrong???

Donald Trump, the former President, convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and adulterer evidently never read the 10 commandments himself.  How could HE go wrong???  He has lived a life of violating the spirit of the commandments and the actual laws.  Does anyone really believe Donald Trump loves the 10 commandments as he proclaims too.  Trump is no moral leader of the people or the nation nor anyone else who uses the commandments for political purpose.  Trump and his so called religious crowd would like to see the U.S. become another Middle East where religious thought control people's lives which has been toxic to peace and democracy in that area for over 2000 years.

The 2024 election for President has only one real candidate that understands what America the Beautiful is all about and how and why our forefathers gave us a constitution that require the separation of church and state.  That generation of leaders, void of computer or A1 technology, understood what would make the country the great country it is and how the people themselves can determine their own fate and direction without religion looking over their shoulders.  

For Trump and his supporters, division is their goal and religion is one of their methods to achieve division.  Many years ago President Clinton said the only way the GOP can win elections is by dividing the country, it is their only card to play.  The voters made the right choice in the 2020 election when they elected Joe Biden President.  The 2024 election turns out to be a very, very important one because President Biden's opponent has a criminal record and a record of corruption.  He is totally unfit for office, has an un-American and anti-Democratic ideology that tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and prevent the lawful and peaceful transfer of power to the new administration.  Trump has also been a serial liar since day one and it continues today.  

President Biden is the SANE President and candidate whose policies moved the country in the right direction after the economic recession and COVID pandemic during the Trump years.  The facts tell the story of his Administrations success with the economy and putting America back to work.  It is this writer's judgement that President Biden is worthy of being reelected President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio