Monday, November 18, 2019

John Bel Edwards Re-elected Governor of Louisiana

Louisiana's governor John Bel Edwards was re-elected to serve another term in office on Saturday defeating republican candidate Eddie Rispone.  Edwards received over 51% of the vote according to the latest reports.  The democratic blue wave vote was active again in the state and continued last weeks blue wave vote when the democrats swept Virginia's state legislature and won the governor's office in Kentucky defeating the republican incumbent governor.

Edward's victory was a huge defeat for President Trump who came to Louisiana along with his V.P. to campaign for Rispone several times along with other members of Louisiana's republican party.  Their lies, scare tactics and personal attacks did not fool the voting majority and as this writer previously noted, Louisiana's Attorney General Jeff Landry and U.S. Senator John Kennedy who contemplated a run against Edwards backed down because they knew they could not defeat the Governor.

Then we have the republican pundits, especially opinion writer Dan Fagan with the New Orleans Advocate who bragged about Louisiana being a red state and Trump territory.  Fagan wrote two opinion columns titled,  "Democrats Impeachment Fiasco Comes At Bad Time For Edwards" and "Trump Tweets Against Edwards Threaten Governor's Chances."  Fagan and his extreme opinions were so wrong it opens a window to understand the ditto head mentality of support for and his party.  The republicans deserved the outcome of the election.  They are a do nothing party with zero accomplishments and an extreme rhetoric that lack American values.

There was another piece of good news for Louisiana reported on election day by the New Orleans Advocate.  The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that Louisiana's per capita personal income rose 5.2% between 2017 and 2018 compared to the National average of 4.9%.  That puts to rest Trump and the republican lies they were telling during the governor's campaign.  The blue wave majority vote in Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana told the real story about where the majority of Americans stand.  And to those that push Louisiana as being a red state, the view is very dim today.

The re-election of John Bel Edwards was a real win for the state and its people who spoke loud and clear.  Louisiana will not return to the failed policies of the past and instead voted for a progressive future.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio